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UK Newswire Archive

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Bad news about asylum in Greece

01-09-2003 22:46

Some news and comments about political asylum in Greece.

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DSEi Arm-Tube Blockade at Excel Monday 1st Sept

01-09-2003 22:35

Video and stills from the East entrance-way to the Excel centre.

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Former MI6 Agent: Kelly Murder Was 'Sloppy Work'

01-09-2003 22:26

This is important, as it confirms my thesis that Blair is done with,
he's done the work and is disposable,- the lack of WMD's in Iraq
designed to undermine him and the Temporary one, Bush - who knows
what might topple him - 911 complicity? the story's burgeoning on the
edge of the mainstream

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After Capitalism: Public Meeting

01-09-2003 22:18

Sheffield No War But The Class War Public Meeting: "After Capitalism: How do we overthrow the system and what will a new society look like?." Rutland Arms, 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday September 3rd 2003.

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GM Food and Crops: What Next?

01-09-2003 21:56

This briefing is an update on what has been happening on genetically modified (GM) food and crops and what is coming up in the near future. This autumn will see a number of key dates, including a report on the Government's public debate, GM Nation, a report on the Farm Scale Evaluations and the next steps in the GM Trade War between the US and Europe.

The decisions made over the next few months could have widespread repercussions for our food, farming and environment. Chief amongst these will whether the Government will allow GM crops to be commercially grown in the UK. If they do, the first could be grown as early as spring 2004.

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Israel and the Middle East

01-09-2003 19:08

Factual background information.

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Power to the SWP not the People - Peoples Assembly London is a success.

01-09-2003 17:37

Friends meeting house on Euston road was almost filled by delegates from across Britain eventhough Britain is no longer engaged in an overt War in Iraq (well Bush did declare the war was over). So in a sense the STWC must redefine its purpose otherwise its local groups will disband, as they did after the first Gulf war, to wait for the next US imperialist War.

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WDM Director speaking in Oxford

01-09-2003 17:04

Barry Coates, Director of the World Development Movement (, will be speaking at a free public meeting in the Oxford Town Hall at 7pm, on Thursday 4th September.

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DSEi: Detailed briefing about companies and countries

01-09-2003 16:17

CAAT has now published a full report and briefing about the companies and countries at the DSEi arms fair. It can be downloaded (as pdf) from

Contains details, including names and addresses, of the companies - what they make, etc, as well as countries and issues of concern.

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Police use violence to clear DSEi blockade

01-09-2003 13:31

After six hours blocking the main entrance to the ExCel centre, the police have now begun to remove activists from the road.

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STWC are at it again!!!!

01-09-2003 13:30

Confusion by the SWP front jumping on the band wagon again.

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*MASH* remembered

01-09-2003 13:20

click on the link-

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FBI: "RTS represents a threat"

01-09-2003 13:16

click on the link-

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German Air Force Base Closed for Weapons Inspection

01-09-2003 13:10

Here they are
1st Sept- Buchel (Germany) - This morning an international team of thirty citizens inspectors closed the three gates of Buchel air force base in Germany to carry out a war crimes inspection. It is a public secret that 11 US B-61 tactical nuclear weapons are stored on the base

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'Tô Bolado' is a song by about the Vigário Geral massacre in Brazil

01-09-2003 12:27

'Tô Bolado' is a song by about the Vigário Geral massacre performed by Afroreggae. The video clip for the song shows footage of some of Brazil's most notorious incidents of police violence.

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International prisoner support

01-09-2003 11:39

click on the links-

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The real cost of LIFE!

01-09-2003 10:58

Could some free reported contact Dr.Mohammed Al-Obaidi for further clarifications?

The figure of 37,137 (31/08/03) is of purely civilian casualties and consistent with the nature of the illegal and babaric invasion, level of violence and media censorship.

The most notable one for us is the governorate of Basra 2009 slaughtered. Contrary to recent patterns (eg: Bosnia) whereby the hero worship of the armed thuggery is splashed all over all we have is Alistair/Kelly/Hutton hoodwink. Even the pig Terry Lloyd case is not resolved!

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DSEI information

01-09-2003 10:51

Custom House Checkpoint
If you go down to Excel today your sure of a big surprise.... Because they are giving security briefings in public

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01-09-2003 10:12

Latuff has done this for the Disarm DSEi crowd.
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