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[Genoa] G8_ink

11-12-2004 20:41

..a project to put together signs, traces and memory of the G8-Summit in Genoa. A space to recover and to enhance what was produced during and after July 2001. An excuse to tell what we saw, thought and felt. Because memory is a collective gear.

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More violence against hunt sabs in Essex and Derby

11-12-2004 19:40

A hunt saboteur was taken to Colchester hospital today (11 December 2004)
after his wrist was broken in two places in an attack carried out by a
terrierman with the Essex Hunt.

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Shut the FOX up!

11-12-2004 18:46

Now we can block Faux "news" fascist propaganda from our cable services! $9.00US(7euro) will do it!

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Stop shopping bombs are dropping!

11-12-2004 18:03

Q. And children? A. And children!
The fountain at Centre Point, on Charing Cross road was today dyed red, to highlight specifically that Iraq is still being occupied, and more generally that the military industrial complex, and their supporters are causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people each year.

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undercurrents video of angel nanotech action

11-12-2004 17:58

The is a short edit, just the highlights and clearer sound and a long edit of the whole action

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Unfounded Assumptions, Elections and Propaganda

11-12-2004 17:53

One facet of US corporate propaganda is the utilization of unfounded assumptions to justify wars or other projects of the rich and powerful. Also, elections can serve as a smokescreen for the corporate takeover and privatization of the economies of certain countries.

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NO2ID Campaign gets off to 'interesting' start in Cambridge

11-12-2004 17:32

Campaign Logo.
This afternoon about a dozen activists publicly spearheaded a new camapaign against the proposed National I.D. Card.

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Drakes Group Illegal Eviction Of Squatters Resisted In Brighton

11-12-2004 16:49

Drakes Group, a UK private bailiff and enforcement agency employed by many county courts in the UK
failed to carry out an illegal eviction of squatters in a residential area of Brighton
last Tuesday thanks to support and solidarity of neighbours and concerned Brightonians.

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Brighton and Hove teaching assistants turn out in force to strike

11-12-2004 15:40

Hundreds of Brighton and Hove teaching assistants took a third day of strike action on Friday 10 December as their battle for better pay intensified.

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Five Go Mad In Egypt - Asbestosis and Isolation

11-12-2004 13:00

I was part of a group of International Solidarity Movement activists who travelled to Egypt on Sunday to meet Egyptian activists preparing to take a convoy of food and medicine from Cairo to Rafah (Gaza). The activists of the Egyptian Popular Comittee in Solidartity with the Palestinian Uprising have taken 25 such convoys since the start of the intifada in an atmosphere of repression and corruption. While in Egypt activists tried to make links with broader social movements in Egypt.

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Five go mad in Egypt - A Day in Cairo

11-12-2004 12:21

I was part of a group of International Solidarity Movement activists who travelled to Egypt on Sunday to meet Egyptian activists preparing to take a convoy of food and medicine from Cairo to Rafah (Gaza). The activists of the Egyptian Popular Comittee in Solidartity with the Palestinian Uprising have taken 25 such convoys since the start of the intifada in an atmosphere of repression and corruption. While in Egypt activists tried to make links with broader social movements in Egypt.

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5 go mad in Egypt - Cheap Carpets

11-12-2004 12:08

A group of uk based activists visit Mahala, a town which produces textiles in the Nile Delta.

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11-12-2004 12:05

Two hundred Egyptian activists and fifty from Europe were prevented
from reaching Egyptian Rafah by security forces at Bahlouza, the
entry to North Sinai yesterday. The group was accompanying hundreds
of tons of relief supplies for the people of Rafah collected by the
Egyptian Popular committee in support of the Palestinian Intifada.
While the food and blankets were allowed to reach the border at
Rafah, the solidarity demonstration planed for Rafah was held in the
middle of the desert underneath the welcome arch of North Sinai

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US Election Fraud: something BIG happening

11-12-2004 11:03

Compilation of latest information including detailed quotes.
Note there are also nationwide demonstrations planned for Sunday 12th -
The 51 Capital March
"You Stole My Vote"

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European Observation Mission to US Elections: Findings

11-12-2004 07:33

Summary of the preliminary findings of the Election Observation Mission (EOM) of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) - ref. - on the US Elections of 2 Nov 2004. Note that the Mission was terminated at the moment the polls closed.

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The Cowley Club needs your help!

11-12-2004 02:49

The Cowley club, Brighton needs your help! Noticed a sign on the door stating they had difficulties staying open due to lack of volunterrs, even though they had over 2800 members. According to my limited maths, each member only needs to help out once a year to ensure opening all year around.

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Interview With God: God Returns! America Saved!

11-12-2004 00:42

Supports Bush 100 Percent

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A Taste of Palestine

10-12-2004 20:15

Advance notice of an upcoming event organized by Oxford PSC.

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New Email Address for Internationals Wanting to Contact Dissent!

10-12-2004 19:33

> The email address, advertised at the European
> Conference in Belgrade, at the ESF and surrounding events, and on
> Dissent! propaganda distributed internationally over the last year
> been shut down.

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Goverment Publishes official G8 website

10-12-2004 19:14

The UK goverment has launched their official G8 website and it makes for some intresting reading
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