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'We fight on, we will win' say Little London residents in Leeds

06-03-2006 15:42

Video Campaigners are using an empty bookies window as an infopoint
Two weeks after the Council's much-criticised consultation of Little London council estate in Leeds about a proposed £85m PFI regeneration scheme of their area, residents gathered yesterday to discuss how to step up the campaign to save their homes and community from gentrification.

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Leeds City Council suppresses report into PFI consultation

06-03-2006 15:29

Anger amongst residents as an independent report into how they have been consulted over planned demolition of parts of Little London estate is suppressed.

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Save Swallows Wood campaign update

06-03-2006 14:43

Save Swallows Wood Campaign are holding a number of exhibitions in the Longdendale and Glossop area during the next few weeks.

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06-03-2006 14:24

Reminder of the two events coming up in support of prisoners detained in Barcelona.

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06-03-2006 13:12

Heard about the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill? Tedium personified by the sound of it. In fact concealed under this yawn inducing title is possibly the biggest goosestep towards a totally authoritarian society the Blair oligarchy has yet dared to take. It’s been dubbed the “Abolition of Parliament Act” by radical firebrands The Times.

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NUS presentation

06-03-2006 13:07

The National Union of Students have done a powerpoint presentation which they have distributed to Student's Unions around the country, and is available here as a MS Powerpoint file (sorry not openoffice format too - it has sound in it. if somebody has a few minutes to seperate out the sound file and then include it into an openoffice version that would be cool).

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Anti-vivisectionist pushing privatizationist agenda:

06-03-2006 10:33

Anti-vivisectionists are pushing science out of the universities and public space and into governmental and private space.

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obsessive compulsive disorder

06-03-2006 06:36

my 11 year old son shouldnt have to deal with this type of pain alone.....

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SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon t

06-03-2006 02:34

According to a quote from Mr.Cox of a few days ago this would appear to be the case. The truth is more likely his and SEC attorneys' wish to gag both professional business journalists including at the WSJ as well as defrauded investors such as myself who wish to blow the whistle on SEC corruption and fraud.

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Iraqi Sunnis four times more likely to be killed than Shiites

06-03-2006 01:36

Respected Beirut-based journalist Robert Fisk claims that Sunni Arabs in Iraq are being killed at four times the rate of Shiite Arabs in continuing violence in Iraq, contradicting mainstream media reports which portray the Shiites as the main victims of ongoing sectarian violence.

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plan C. Dalston Theater - resisting the i.P.O.O

06-03-2006 01:18

update-downdate in Dalston

everything4 everyone

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EDO injunction victory demo

06-03-2006 01:02

Over 70 campaigners gathered to celebrate the end of the injunction which created an exclusion zone around the factory.

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Crossrail hole Bill thretens more than East End of London-democracy too

05-03-2006 22:31

The threat posed to the East End of London by the UK Hosue of Commons draft piece of legislation, the CROSSRAIL Bill, goes beyond the planned destruction of entire communities and neighbourhoods. It also includes the destruction of what remains of local democracy, and the electors say on what is done in their name by their own 'locally elected council'. The Khoodeelaar! Campaign has just finalised the first comprehensive report on the role of those councillors who have held key posts in Tower Hamlets Council. They have acted as touts and as agents for Crossrail hole plan. Just as nominations for council elections begin to be finalised for the scheduled May 4 local elections, the findings of the Khoodeelaar! Investigation into Tower Hamlets Council make fascinating reading for all concerned with the defence of democracy in Britain.

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Fairtrade Fortnight Events in Oxford

05-03-2006 22:03

This Fairtrade Fortnight, events across Oxford are exploring the impact of Fairtrade – as well as the wider global networks that come together in this city considering issues of the empowerment and representation of voices from the global South.

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“Terrorist” Mohammad, “Democrat” West

05-03-2006 21:32

Publication of cartoons portraying prophet Mohammad as a terrorist by Jyllands-Posten, a reactionary Danish newspaper on September 30th, 2005 and their re-publication in Norvegian papers on January 10th, 2006 and in French, German, Spanish and Italian papers on February 1st, 2006, opened the way for a serious discussion and a political confrontation.

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International Women's Day @ the Chalkboard

05-03-2006 21:31

Friendly, informal and welcoming. Organised by local women to celebrate feminism.

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ALTER-NATION! Time for an Alternative Parliament?

05-03-2006 19:53

The fraudulent General Election of 2005
This farce has to end. My views, and those of millions of others, are barely whimpers in the shouting-matches going on in Parliament. Given what we face in terms of climate change, we cannot afford the luxury of this right-wing Parliament which is in utter, utter denial.

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The 9/11 - Israeli Spy Connection

05-03-2006 19:47

These are the videos AIPAC lobbied FOX News to remove from their website. Since then, AIPAC has found itself embroiled in yet another espionage case, this time involving an operative inside the very Pentagon office from which many of the now discredited claims abut Iraq's WMD.

FOX News threatened this website to force the removal of these videos, but they appear here at this outside website for those of you unaware that on 9-11, the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered in the US was in the process of being rounded up, and that evidence linking these arrested Israeli spies to 9-11 has been classified by the US Government!

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Reading anti-ID/database meeting - 8th March

05-03-2006 18:34

An open planning meeting to organise a Reading based group to research and effectively oppose the introduction of Identity Cards and the National Identity Database, which goes hand-in-hand with increasing social and economic control via restrictions of freedom of movement, access to public services and welfare.

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Campeace Remember Kamber

05-03-2006 18:25

View #1
This afternoon, there was a small but poignant vigil staged by members of Campeace to mark the 100th day of British Peace Activist Norman Kamber being held hostage in Iraq.
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