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Germany: unpackaged nuclear waste to be stored in Ahaus!

02-01-2007 14:06

The new nuclear waste storing plans for Ahaus are becoming more bizarre all the time:

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Asylum Seekers at Christmas

02-01-2007 11:05

On the 23rd of December, the last day of Christmas shopping, Asylum Seekers in Leeds gathered to raise awareness of the harsh realities that they face.

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What Are Green Seniors?

01-01-2007 23:19

Green Seniors have always existed. They are the people who, regardless of age, fight for what they believe. They are the people who see the way that our natural environment is changing for the worse and want to do something about it. They are the people who are a pain in the neck of authority, in fact of anyone and anything that operates in a way that degrades the environment for no good reason.

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Project Censored: Top 25 Censored News Stories of 2007

01-01-2007 22:50

Censored 2007
Project Censored is a media research group out of Sonoma State University which tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country's major national news media.

#1 Future of Internet Debate Ignored by Media

#2 Halliburton Charged with Selling Nuclear Technologies to Iran

#3 Oceans of the World in Extreme Danger

#4 Hunger and Homelessness Increasing in the US

#5 High-Tech Genocide in Congo

#6 Federal Whistleblower Protection in Jeopardy

# 7 US Operatives Torture Detainees to Death in Afghanistan and Iraq

#8 Pentagon Exempt from Freedom of Information Act

#9 The World Bank Funds Israel-Palestine Wall

#10 Expanded Air War in Iraq Kills More Civilians

#11 Dangers of Genetically Modified Food Confirmed

#12 Pentagon Plans to Build New Landmines

#13 New Evidence Establishes Dangers of Roundup

#14 Homeland Security Contracts KBR to Build Detention Centers in the US

#15 Chemical Industry is EPA’s Primary Research Partner

#16 Ecuador and Mexico Defy US on International Criminal Court

#17 Iraq Invasion Promotes OPEC Agenda

#18 Physicist Challenges Official 9-11 Story

#19 Destruction of Rainforests Worst Ever

#20 Bottled Water: A Global Environmental Problem

#21 Gold Mining Threatens Ancient Andean Glaciers

#22 $Billions in Homeland Security Spending Undisclosed

#23 US Oil Targets Kyoto in Europe

#24 Cheney’s Halliburton Stock Rose Over 3000 Percent Last Year

#25 US Military in Paraguay Threatens Region

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Democrats Waffling On Iraq War

01-01-2007 21:54

Only days and weeks before the November 2006 Mid-Term Elections Democrats nationwide took hard line positions against the Iraq War; many Democrats were predicting the possibility of ending America’s involvement within 4 to 6 months into the new year, others predicting by the end of 2007; now less than 60 days since the elections most Democrats are projecting that American involvement could extend well into 2008 or beyond.

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France: deportation of the Raba family

01-01-2007 21:51

Réseau Education Sans Frontiéres (RESF) an anti-deportation network in France is asking for help to bring back to France the Raba family deported to Kosovo.

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LBIA & Vivisection Exports

01-01-2007 21:47

In 2007, we are focusing on the export network of B&K Universal in an aim to cut off
their foreign market. Clients abroad make up approximately 50% of the breeder's
custom and if they were unable to deal with them, B&K Universal would have to close
down. More info can be found at

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Smash the WEF!

01-01-2007 16:47

demonstration aginst the wef in zurich (2002)
From Davos through Munich to Heiligendamm

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01-01-2007 16:42

ON new years day 2007 a group of activists climbed ST PAULS cathedral and the Tate Modern simultaniously to hang banners, as well as on the millenium bridge to kick start a year of decent against heavy industry in Iceland and Trinidad

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American Leaders Promise More Pain

01-01-2007 13:05

US leaders ignore voters & reality. Violence is sure to follow.

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When the dust settles

01-01-2007 12:06

Is it really about whether Saddam funded terrorism, or was a brutal dictator and an abuser of human rights? Because the United states has historically funded terrorism, and the current government has a horrendous human rights record. So who will put our leaders on trial for this war of aggression?

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First Encounter Between the Zapatistas and the Peoples of World

01-01-2007 03:36

Informational Bulletin 02 on the Encounter between the Zapatistas and the Peoples of the World
Bulletin 02

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Lancaster UAF's review of the year - 2006 in a nutshell

01-01-2007 01:12

We're off for a couple of days (again) so thought we'd leave you with a bit of reading material. :-)

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Student-run infoshop opens

31-12-2006 23:31

Earlier this month, a student-run non-profit infoshop celebrated its grand opening at The Evergreen State College (TESC) in Olympia, Washington, USA. Using the guise of a state funded student group, volunteers of The Evergreen Infoshoppe were allotted over $4,000 to purchase radical books, zines, and videos for their lending library and resource center. After only a few weeks of planning, the Infoshoppe now hosts an ever-growing collection in a permanent, centrally located and nearly autonomous location.

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Bush Saddam snuff movie based on sound marketing research.

31-12-2006 18:24

Bush Saddam snuff movie based on sound marketing research.
(aka Hussein video )


"Two-thirds of Americans polled last month said they support the idea of televising executions — and 21 percent said they’d pay to watch Osama bin Laden put to death."

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Saddam is Dead, Long Live Saddam Hussein

31-12-2006 18:07

If there is one constant in regard to the Iraq imbroglio, it is the fact that the neocons told big fat brazen lies to get the United States to invade and occupy the country and they continue to tell lies to keep us there.

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Selective Justice and the Execution of Saddam Hussein

31-12-2006 16:37

The transformation of Saddam Hussein from ally to enemy

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First Encounter of the Zapatista Communities with the Peoples of the World

31-12-2006 16:12

It is time to organize ourselves and to see how together, we will confront this evil that is Neoliberalism and which attacks humanity.

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31-12-2006 15:07

INAUGURATION 30 December 2006

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Smash G8 in Germany 2007 ---

31-12-2006 13:19

Overview about the mobilization against the G8-Summit in Germany 2007
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