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Crossrail - How the City wants to rip off Londoners and taxpayers? Just say NO

04-09-2007 08:50

Crossrail is a £30 billion substandard rail scheme that is setting itself up to get taxpayers money to fund acquiring land for development and getting a transport scheme that will benefit the City and Canary Wharf - Crossrail has been compared to Eurotunnel by financial transport experts except this time Ken and the City want your money. This Indymedia article tells you who the Crossrail players are, their history of abusing public money and how a City funded propaganda thinktank is trying to use PR to push ahead with plans to rip off taxpayers.. Courtesy of the City and Ken...

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Free John Graham

04-09-2007 03:51

BC Supreme Court set to decide Graham’s extradition fate. The USA authorities are attempting to fit Graham up for their agent provacator murder of Nova Scotian Mi’kmaq, Anna Mae Pictou during the American Indian Movements 1970's protests and occupations.

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The Canadian toothpick and the US president

04-09-2007 01:54

He was STANDING on the sands of Irak. Like, that's going to happen to the entire planet if humans don't curb their gas guzzling and their fantastic way to consume the resources of our world.

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Frontline Tara update

04-09-2007 00:04

5 Actions throughout day at Tara Valley Ireland

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Death at a Distance: The U.S. Air War

04-09-2007 00:01

According to the residents of Datta Khel, a town in Pakistan's North Waziristan, three missiles streaked out of Afghanistan's Pakitka Province and slammed into a Madrassa, or Islamic school, this past June. When the smoke cleared, the Asia Times reported, 30 people were dead.

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Is Human Rights Watch Losing its Moral Compass?

03-09-2007 23:58

Surely if Human Rights Watch did not exist most of us would want to see it quickly created and would want to join in that effort ourselves. Its work since its founding 29 years ago, as Helsinki Watch, has been generally exemplary given the conditions it sometimes finds in the 70 countries it operates in.

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Bush Plans War on Iran

03-09-2007 23:45

The Sunday Times of London is reporting that the Pentagon has plans for three days of massive air strikes against 1,200 targets in Iran. Last week, Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, told a meeting of The National Interest, a conservative foreign policy journal, that the military did not intend to carry out “pinprick strikes” against Iranian nuclear facilities. He said, “They’re about taking out the entire Iranian military.”

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The Hidden Cause of Climate Change

03-09-2007 23:29

Taking a look at an often-overlooked part of the environmental threat to our planet, this is an essential issue for all environmentalists.

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Do We Have the Courage to Stop War With Iran?

03-09-2007 23:00

Why do I feel like the proverbial skunk at a Labor Day picnic? Sorry; but I thought you might want to know that this time next year there will probably be more skunks than we can handle. I fear our country is likely to be at war with Iran - and with the thousands of real terrorists Iran can field around the globe.

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Tube maintenance workers begin six days of strikes

03-09-2007 22:10

The first of two 72 hour strikes by more than 2,300 workers at failed private maintenance firm Metronet is to go ahead from 6pm tonight.

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Tara week of action

03-09-2007 20:17

Action Stations Tara Sept 1-7th

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Copenhagen Update September

03-09-2007 19:17

Video Occupied Inland Ice
Current situation in Copenhagen in brief, the fight for free spaces continues and escalates as we reach the 6 month anniversary of the eviction of Ungdomshuset, and a well known (and hated) repressor "loses it".

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Yorkshire Development Agency given a lesson about flooding

03-09-2007 18:57

Yorkshire Forward, Yorkshire's Regional Development Agency which famously starves grass roots community initiatives of funds whilst giving millions to big business, today held a flooding "summit". The summit was closed to local people, and attempted to airbrush climate change from the story. Locals turned up anyway to make the truth known.

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Crossrail - City transport scheme paid for by taxpayers not public transport

03-09-2007 17:16

Crossrail, the £30billion transport scheme is a City transport scheme NOT a public transport scheme as it will benefit the City who keeps putting out press releases with poodle Ken Livingstone to say how vital Crossrail is. .The City have told the Government that taxpayers can pay and underwrite the Crossrail scheme, which reputable experts say is what would be expected if one were planning a garden shed. Most other European countries can build a much better railway than the Crossrail team who are getting help on how to rip the taxpayers off from Bechtel while also finding out how to benefit from the land it is busily trying to accumulate. Next time you hear about new research - dig out the proof, you will find there is nothing but some press releases and some willing corporate journalists.

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Provocateurs caught at Montebello protest

03-09-2007 17:13

After 4 days of denials, police in canada admit that 3 'black bloc', one with a rock, were undercover cops

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Aviation and Climate Change - a short interview during the Climate Camp

03-09-2007 17:10


During the Climate Camp I spoke with someone from Plane Stupid, a group who has been campaigning on issues surrounding the aviation industry and its disasterous effects on Climate Change. Here is a short interview with explains why we should campaign on the aviation-climate change link. Download below or play the stream.

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Picket War Conference 10th September 4:30pm-6:30pm, nr Green Park, London

03-09-2007 17:04

On the eve of DSEi - the world's biggest arms fair, Jane's 'Defence' are hosting a conference on corporate wars in 2020 and beyond which in their own words is "the definitive event assessing priorities for defence ministries and business opportunities for those who supply defence equipment", but it might just as well be "more wars for less oil". It's being held at the Radisson Edwardian Mayfair Hotel, Stratton Street, London W1J 8LT

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Make Humous Not War visits Bristol

03-09-2007 16:21

bolt cutters, roadblocks and humous - check out the latest direct action films by Israeli anarchists and Palestinians resisting the occupation, get your latest diy patches and badges, and raise funds for the anarchist infoshop in Tel Aviv.

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Laughter Bomb Strikes London

03-09-2007 14:20

On 11th September 2007, the sixth anniversary of the World Trade Centre disaster, groups of activists will gather around London to explode "laughter bombs".
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