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Direct Action; Slovakia, Mexico, France & Austria

21-04-2008 19:04

20th & 21st March


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Film Screening tomorrow on Brad Will by Brazilian film maker and activist

21-04-2008 18:52

Latin Night will host activist from Brazil to screen new documentary on Brad Will

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High Court Australia Reveals the Art of Racial Discrimination

21-04-2008 18:24

HIGH COURT Australia Reveals the Art of Racial Discrimination
What Australians of Non-caucasian Background Have to Deal with Everyday in Australia Courts

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Berlin Mayday Newsletter

21-04-2008 18:22

Only 10-ish days left 'til Mayday! Get involved!

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Interspace: International meeting for squats and autonomous spaces

21-04-2008 17:03

Kesselberg, Berlin 24th - 26th May 2008

Following on from the last international squat and autonomous spaces meeting in Dijon, France last November, comes the second meeting: this time on the outskirts of Berlin.

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Farnborough town centre in its final death throes

21-04-2008 15:38

the pretense ... then the reality ....
Farnborough town centre is now little more than a ghost town, a once viable town centre destroyed by a greedy developer, with more than a little help from friends on the local council.

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Sciencelink animal lab has been abandoned

21-04-2008 15:24

Cancelled by CAV (Coalition Anti-Vivisection)
"This battle has been won by the Animal Rights Activists" - Lei Heldens, Councillor of Venray, Netherlands

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Revolting London: Fitwatch Against the Mayoral Elections

21-04-2008 14:57

"We want our city back from THE CROOKS, THE TOFFS, THE FASCISTS and THE COPS."

Fitwatch will be concentrating of the cops.

6pm City Hall The Queen's Walk, Tower Bridge South side of the river (look for fitwatch banner)

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Palestine Today 042108

21-04-2008 14:36

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday April 21st, 2008.

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Hackney Social Centre - Morning report

21-04-2008 13:58

Banner 1
Responding to the threatened eviction of the Hackney Social Centre people turned up prepared to resist. Those inside the centre climbed on the roof and raised the black flag as well as dropping a number of banners.

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Demo at Kalyx in support to the Harmondsworth detainees

21-04-2008 13:49

Kalyx demo
Demonstration in solidarity with the detainees called by No Borders London.

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Orang-utans protest at Unilever's HQ and Factory

21-04-2008 13:29

Greenpeace folk dressed as Orang-utans have climbed all over Unilever's London HQ and Merseyside factory to tell the company to stop destroying rainforests for palm oil. Palm oil is used in products like Dove and Persil, and the companies Unilever buys from are destroying valuable rainforest and peatland areas - bad news not only for the millions of people who depend on them for their way of life and endangered species such as the orang-utan, but also for the global climate.

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Most pathetic NF demo EVER.

21-04-2008 12:12

The master race gather in Eltham.
On Saturday the National Front held their annual St Georges day march in Eltham South East London. This ‘national mobilisation’ attracted a mere 22 nazis who were made to march on the pavement by the cops. The Police numbered around 100 (what a fantastic use of everyone’s taxes?) and shepherded the NF from one Eltham train station to another. The locals reacted to the spectacle with either indifference or amusement. Anyone who heckled the parade was surrounded by the bored cops who really did have nothing else to do as they outnumbered the boneheads they were babysitting by about 5-1.

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Nazdrove Balkan & Gypsy Benefit night for Sheffield Pride 2008

21-04-2008 10:57

Balkan gypsy punk ska night in aid of sheff pride 2008!!!!!!

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March Against St Athan Military Academy, April 26

21-04-2008 10:17

On Saturday 26 April (1.30pm) people from all over the UK will be coming to Cardiff for the first national UK march against the proposed military academy at St Athan - a huge PFI project involving, among others, arms manufacturers Raytheon: if we do not act now, our taxes will fund their profits and the preparation of future Iraqs.

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Indy Global Report from Nablus, on Resonance FM104.4

21-04-2008 10:06

This weeks Indy Global Reports was produced in the West bank city of Nablus, which is an abbreviation of the Roman name Neopolis meaning new city.

The 17th of April is prisoners day in Palestine, with so many political prisoners in Israeli gaols this is big occasion. I was fortunate to speak with the head of the Palestinian prisoner society about the situation for political prisoners.

A music school in Palestine, this is not a dream, in the city of Nablus, I speak with the founder of a school to teach children music based on merit not money.

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Demonstrate against the Counter-Terrorism Bill

21-04-2008 08:44

DEMONSTRATE against the
Counter-Terrorism Bill

12 May 2008

5-7pm in Parliament Square (tube: Westminster)

No to Punishment without Trial!
No to Secret Inquests!

Join the struggle against injustice! All welcome!

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Anarchism, cults, and the fight against Scientology

21-04-2008 08:23

Over the last few months, Anonymous has formed itself into a serious threat to the Church of Scientology. In February, March and April, people around the world stepped forward to confront this cult, clad in masks. Behind those masks lie people from all backgrounds. Some are men, some are women, some are gay, some are straight, some are black, some are white.

And some are anarchists.

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Protest against the BNP's party political broadcast 21.04.08

21-04-2008 08:15

The British National Party's (BNP) party political broadcast is scheduled to take place on Monday 21 April at 6.55pm (today).

The BNP is standing candidates in the London Mayoral and Assembly elections and will be standing 625 candidates in the local elections in England and 29 in Wales. The party political broadcast will be broadcast throughout England.

The BNP is a fascist organisation, not a legitimate political party, with explicitly racist, sexist, homophobic policies. Only two weeks ago the BNP were again exposed. Nick Erikson one of the BNP candidates in London was forced to withdraw his candidacy, after he was exposed for writing sexist, racist and offensive comments on a blog in which he uses the name "Sir John Bull" visit ( for quotes from his blog.

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UN's Louise Arbour under attack over Rwanda

21-04-2008 02:46

The UN's High Commissioner of Human Rights is due to step down after just one term. Some say the decision comes because of revelations indicting her in unsavoury goings on in Rwanda.
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