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My letters to GLW and John Pilger on president Mugabe

06-06-2008 02:32

Having been made aware of articles by Pilger and in Green Left Weekly that demonise president Mugabe of Zimbabwe, i have written the following letters to them.
People who dont know that Mugabe has been defended by Fidel Castro, who rightly sees the Zimbabwe liberation as much under threat as the Cuban one.

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Compare Language in “Hitler’s Laws” with Pending U.S. Senate Bill S.1959

06-06-2008 02:16

Americans might ask Senators McCain and Obama if they support S.1959.

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Binyam Mohamed, British torture victim in Guantánamo: an update

06-06-2008 02:15

Andy Worthington, author of “The Guantánamo Files”, reports on the latest news about British resident Binyam Mohamed, who has just been put forward for trial by Military Commission at Guantánamo, at the same time that a UK court has made a ruling in his favour regarding his demand that the UK government reveal evidence of what it knew about his rendition to torture.

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Bilderberg 2008 confirmed at Chantilly, Virginia nr. Washington DC

06-06-2008 01:30

Outside the Westfields Marriott hotel this afternoon
So will Dick Cheney fulfill that little promise his puppet George W. made to the Knesset about dropping a few nasties on Iran and putting the last remaining fragments of the UN Charter through the shredder? Let's hope not.

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Amnesty International position on Austrian hunger strikers

05-06-2008 21:57

Statement by Amnesty Internatioinal in response to the repressive police action against Austrian animal rights campaigners

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Feminist Self-defense: No God! No Master! No Sexist Aggressions!

05-06-2008 20:40

* El Libertario published in its 51st edition (Venezuela, Novermber - Dicember 2007) a text compilation that expresses important aspects of what anarchism proposes may be done to face the growing problem of gender violence.

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International call for actions against "anti-terrorist" repression In France

05-06-2008 20:29

You'll find below a letter from jail as well as an international call for
action and solidarity with 4 people locked up in french jails since a few
months. They are accused of planning terrorist activity (sometimes just because
they were going to a demonstration with DIY smoke bombs) or taking part in
sabotage actions. They, amongst others, are pointed out as symbolic figures of
the « the resurging threat of anarcho-terrorists preparing for armed
struggle ». The french State is trying to build up this myth as a reaction to
ongoing revolts (migrants', workers', students', struggles against jails...).

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Tories attack squatters ( again )

05-06-2008 20:28

The Daily Torygraph has excelled itself once again.OK nothing new about overpaid middle class scumbag thickos attacking the homeless and the poor. They can when they are overpaid, rinse public money, invest in property and of course the robof the global south ( where their wealth - and that of the UK - comes from anyway ). They are fucking useless curtain twitchers.

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Smashed at EDO Bruise Gallery

05-06-2008 20:25

Very painful jab to the right tit
Here are some injuries sustained whilst protesting against the arms trade at EDO-MBM in Brighton on Wednesday. We are sore - wondering if others are too. Here are some photos of the injuries we got at the batons of the police.

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US: Republicans prepare to play terror card in 2008 election

05-06-2008 20:21

The Republican Party and its presidential candidate Senator John McCain are preparing to wage their 2008 campaign on the same essential issue that the Republicans have used to contest the last three national elections: terror.

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Send hate mail to pro-Heathrow Expansion group

05-06-2008 19:16

There is a group representing big business led by MP Clive Soley, which is lobbying the government for expansion of Heathrow Airport including the construction of a third runway. Send them mail and emails to let them how what you think of them!

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Legal Challenge of Trident Replacement and Failed Consultation

05-06-2008 19:10

The Nuclear Information Service is calling for governmental accountability on questions of illegality and due process in the replacement and maintenance of the UK’s nuclear weapon system proposed in the Government’s White Paper, ‘The Future of the United Kingdom’s Nuclear Deterrent’, published on 4 December 2006. There will be a hearing of NIS’s application for permission to claim judicial review of the Trident decision on Tuesday 10th June 2008. The claim follows Counsel's Opinion, commissioned by Peacerights1 in 2007.

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Freedom Rider: Slow Death in Gaza

05-06-2008 19:06



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U.S. intelligence chief in Israel to discuss Iran

05-06-2008 19:05

Just something to keep in mind in the weeks ahead when the Propaganda effort created by this meeting, the AIPAC conference, and Olmert's visit to DC, really gets underway.

Apparently for Israel, any US intelligence report telling the truth is a "blow" when it comes to Iran.

However, the timing couldn't be more interesting, what with Olmert in Washington, pleading for a military strike, and McConnell in Jerusalem getting a "cooked consensus" from Israeli intelligence folks who are foaming at the mouth with their eagerness to get the US to strike Iran militarily.

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Cancellation of London Dongria Kondh tribe picket following targets disinvestmen

05-06-2008 17:46

The Survival demonstration outside Coutts Bank previously advertised on this website planned for the 10th June has been cancelled. In reaction to the planned picket Coutts has just informed Survival that they no longer hold shares in Vedanta, the British-based company whose planned bauxite mine will devastate the lands of India's Dongria Kondh tribe.

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North West Aerosols Gets Away With Killing

05-06-2008 17:32

North West Aerosls was found guilty of breaking Health and Safety law yesterday (Wednesday 4th June) at Liverpool Crown court, but the company was fined only £2. This is an utrageous insult to the worker, Chris Knoop, who was burned to death in the factory fire.

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Support Iraq Federation of Oil Unions

05-06-2008 16:52

Solidarity with Iraqi workers

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Wave of Repression against Austrian Professionals and Activists

05-06-2008 16:23

New "Guantanamo Bay" in Vienna / Austria

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Dick Cheney Made Millions with Saddam Hussein

05-06-2008 16:10

This story was never printed in the USA

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Taste the Cruelty events

05-06-2008 16:00

At selected locations around the country Channel4 in partnership with Sainsbury's are bringing extreme cruelty to city centre locations.
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