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Barclays and AstraZeneca Protests in London

17-08-2008 01:12

Friday 15th August

A group of about 15 activists met at 11am to start the day of demonstrations against the allies of HLS. Barclays was first, second and third on the list.

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Class War bookstall in Tynemouth 17th August

16-08-2008 21:50

Sunday 10-4pm, a regional bookfair in North Shields, on the way to Whitley Bay, is taking place. There will be an anarchist and communist bookstall, covering many historical issues, including Labour movement e.g. Durham Miners Association and IWW.

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5th Sept: Global Day of Solidarity with the Austrian Ten

16-08-2008 21:32

Please join the International Day of Solidarity and organize Demos in your City! Let's spread the word for the freedom of the 10 activists in Austria and demand an end to repression of social activism."

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VIDEO - Transatlantic Energy Cartels and the Rise of the Car - climate camp talk

16-08-2008 20:36

Standard Oil octupus
Energy cartels and the rise of the car - History of oil companies working together to control the energy market, how public transport has been dismantled and the energy and transport markets have been rigged in the UK and USA to force the population to be car dependent – Monday 3rd August 2008.

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15th August 2008 - Foie Gras Free Nottingham [Update]

16-08-2008 20:17

Our first pledge...
With news of a new restaurant (Vienna) on the Nottingham dining scene, and foie gras on the menu Nottingham Animal Rights were keen to make contact to discuss the realities of foie gras and our 'foie gras free Nottingham' initiative.

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Fascist state censors Pirate Bay

16-08-2008 18:36

that's happened in italy

more infos here:

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Feis Teamhra...(A Celebration of Tara to coincide with the State Shindig)

16-08-2008 18:19

Singer at Tara
The Real Heritage week Begins on August 24th at 3pm on the Hill of Tara.

This is a short note for those who may be travelling to Ireland to come out and
support the Save Tara campaigns, Including the Pixies, the SaveTara groups
and defendants who will soon be facing the courts again on a variety of
charges (based in new data gathering and retention techniques tested in Rossport).

A government sponsored Heritage week begins soon In Ireland, in which
the twin corporate types skim the issue of planning legislation designed to
alienate citizens and enrich private citizens who own businesses.

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Bolivian fascist seperatists attack in Santa Cruz

16-08-2008 17:32

Seperatist far right students in Bolivia attack Police in ongoing disturbances.
Supporters of pro-capitalist and pro-US seperatism in Bolivia have attacked the police headquarters of Santa Cruz province within days of a referendum which gave resounding support to the government of Evo Morales and his vice president García Linera.

According to reports from TeleSur TV, Garcia Linera has spoken of precise information that such attacks have been planned for the next week in Santa Cruz province and have been orchestrated by the defeated opposition who are using the youth group "Unión Juvenil Cruceñista" and some students from the University of Gabriel René Moreno. They have already attacked public state university departments and national government offices.

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Cash/personnel costs of public order ops, Apr 07 - Mar 08

16-08-2008 16:02

This PDF speaks for itself. I thought I'd be nice and share.

Note Climate Camp '07 nearly twice as big as the next biggest thing (Notting Hill Carnival), in personnel, but not cash apparently.

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Protestors at RWB

16-08-2008 12:28

One cause, one aim, why can't we all join together instead of the infighting and bickering that seems to affect the Anti-fascist movement every time we mobalise.

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Video of Free Tibet Cycle ride.

16-08-2008 11:16

Riders assembling
About 50 riders assembled for the Free Tibet Ride on the Southbank by Waterloo Bridge, London, on 15-8-08.


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Post Climate Camp Legal Call Out

16-08-2008 10:44

The climate camp was in many respects a remarkable watershed in the policing of mass public protest. Even under the spotlight of the mainstream media, police abuse of power was overt and unwavering. The unlawful indiscriminate searches along with seizure of personal property unrelated to any crime, actual or potential, should not go uncontested...

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Amadeu Casellas, anarchist prisoner, 50 days on hunger strike

16-08-2008 10:41

Amadeu Casellas participated in the recent European prisoner hungerstrike that saw 500 German prisoners refusing to eat in protest against their conditions and is now continuing the hungerstrike until death or freedom. Many anarchists in the prisons joined the common hungerstrike in total defiance of confinement itself and actions in solidarity occured 'outside', including in Canada, the burning of a police truck outside a courthouse.

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What realy happened in S Ossetia ? - Fortos from the capital of S ossetia

16-08-2008 08:56

What realy happened in S Ossetia ? - Fortos from the capital of S ossetia

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7th Anniversary of 9/11: London Events

16-08-2008 07:45

Awareness, Activism, Action

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Negative Image: Robert Mugabe through the Lens of Western Propaganda

16-08-2008 03:36

If you ever wondered why your opinions of Zimbabwe are as they are, now here is our chance to find out.

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HLS Customer GSK Demo in Belgium

16-08-2008 01:35

GlaxoSmithKline = HLS Customers
Thursday 14th August

On the same day: Protest against monkey export in Belgium

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"President Bush, Will You Please Shut Up?"

16-08-2008 01:28

"From Tbilisi to Teheran" Heightens Suspicions of Motive in Georgian Crisis

Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up and/or demonizing Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran.

The following article from the Jerusalem Post appears to support this, as does the US/Israeli line seen today, as well as the willingness of the bulk of the Western press to so horribly misrepresent this conflict.
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