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July Events at Cowley Club

03-07-2010 11:12

The Cowley Club is a social centre on London Road in Brighton. It houses a cafe and bookshop during the day, a members bar during the evenings, it also has a library and is a base for a variety of other projects.
The club is collectively owned and run as a base for those involved in grassroots social change and those sympathetic to such activities, giving us control over our social space and resources. It is run entirely by volunteers - no one gets paid, and no one is making any profit. Instead, we are trying to provide a much needed alternative to everything else around us.

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Democracy village civial disobedience 2 July

03-07-2010 08:59

Photos from the day

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Guerrillas of love Attack Brighton!!

03-07-2010 08:40

In solidarity with Lewes RD Community Garden Guerrilas of Love Attack Brighton

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Everyday Prejudice: The Nottingham Post

03-07-2010 08:24

Everyday prejudice: The Nottingham Post and migration

The Nottingham Post is, through the majority of its reporting, its embedded relationship with police and UKBA sources, and the platform it provides racist commenters, promoting an anti-migrant discourse.

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PHILIPPINES: Unions urge Noynoy to prioritize ‘full employment,’

03-07-2010 01:50

Unions urge Noynoy to prioritize ‘full employment,’ not to renege on his ‘people’s mandate’

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An appeal for publicity to help Phoenix get his video footage returned to him

03-07-2010 01:14

Phoenix has lost his video camera with all the footage of the Democracy Village campaign and this is an appeal to help him get publicity to get the video tapes back to him as soon as possible.
Following is the message that Phoenix has just posted on Facebook and it is quite clear that this is a big loss to him.

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Operation Rolling Thunder is GO,Parliament square activist Olympics begins.

03-07-2010 00:53

Mass Civil disobedience actions called for peace

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Barcelona: Notes on the european squat meeting (17-20 june 2010)

02-07-2010 23:48

Translation of an article written in french and originally published on

From june 17th to 20th, 2010, an european squat meeting took place in Barcelona...

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Whodunnit? Enquiry into the 7/7 London Bombings

02-07-2010 23:43

Whodunit? Five years on we examine the evidence. An hour long ivestigation into the 7/7 London Bombings

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Hammer time: EDO decommissioners victory demo!

02-07-2010 23:32

There will be a victory demo to celebrate the EDO decommissioners' acquittal this Monday (the 5th) from 12 noon outside EDO/ITT on Home Farm Road, Brighton.

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12 arrests after democracy village court victory

02-07-2010 23:22

12 activists were arrested outside downing street after an afternoon of further action under the umbrella "operation rolling thunder". earlier in the day, the high court granted right to appeal against eviction from parliament square

after the high court verdict found in favour of boris and the gla earlier this week, a stay of execution was granted to give time for an appeal. the appeal has now been lodged on behalf of five defendants, and the high court has granted a further stay on the bailiffs until the appeal hearing which will be during the week of the 12th to 16th july.


the appeal is based on points of law, challenging the ruling that the GLA has the right to possess and injunct on behalf of the landowner, the crown.

if the appeal is successful, the crown will have to apply via the attorney general for an eviction order, rather than the GLA.

this afternoon, parliament square was packed with activists and media in wait for the announcement. by 4.30, a crowd of activists surged across the road. some made it again into the grounds of parliament, while a group of 50 or more took the street and staged a sit-in.others climbed the gates of parliament and unfurled peace banners.

rush-hour traffic was stopped for nearly two hours by the impromptu action against the afghanistan war, and then they moved on down to stage a further sit-in outside the gates of downing street, where eventually twelve people were arrested.

some of those arrested last week, during an invasion of the parliament grounds, have now had bail conditions set on them that they are not to go within one metre of 'protected' government buildings.


the democracy village, which has already defied all predictions by lasting since may 1st, will now have another two weeks to continue actions under its 'rolling thunder' moniker. again they have called out for other activists and groups to come and join them and to strengthen their foothold outside parliament in what they continue to describe as the most exciting development in direct action protest seen for many years.

remember that they represent the views of around three quarters of the british population according to several independent surveys. it will not look good when the government eventually tries to shut them down, and the more people resisting that shut down, the worse it will be for the authorities. they have now created quite a lot of press interest, so any repression will occur in the bright lights of the media. this is why it is such an opportunity for the peace movement and other activists to become involved.

they generally hold planning meetings each day at 1pm, but they man a welcome desk so people are invited to join at any time and help make banners and help plan and join in with actions.

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Report: Israel, US preparing for war with Iran

02-07-2010 21:44

"The Israeli aircraft reportedly landed at the airport in Tabuk in northwest Saudi Arabia, which according to the report will act as the central base of operations for the Israeli air campaign against Iran."

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BP's Past and Present Wars Against People and the Environment

02-07-2010 21:38

The Guardian's George Monbiot and others on
BP War And Theft in Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Brazil, Angola, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Alaska, Texas, Gulf etc.

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When war criminals are rewarded for killing people:Blair awarded 'liberty medal'

02-07-2010 19:47

Former UK Prime Minister Blair's evidence at the "Iraq Inquiry", 28 January 2010

A known war criminal is rewarded for his contributions to peace and constitutional democracy. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is to be awarded a $100,000 Liberty medal by the National Constitutional Center in Washington, DC.

This award is granted to Tony Blair for "bringing liberty to people around the world".

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Americans have no rights

02-07-2010 17:51

Under Barack Obama, the former professor of constitutional law, Americans’ civil liberties have shrunken drastically – to the point that his administration claims the right to execute its citizens without charge or due process of any recognizable kind. And citizens that leave the country cannot be sure they will be allowed back in. But where is the outrage among Democrats, when Obama out-Bushes Bush? “It seems that Democrats did not in fact feel any affront to Bush policies, only to his party affiliation.”

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This Week In Palestine -week 26 2010

02-07-2010 17:49

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 26, through July 2, 2010

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Annual demo at Menwith Hill July 4th with Mark Thomas and Peter Tatchell

02-07-2010 16:39

Independence from America annual demonstration at Menwith Hill Sunday 4th July 2.00-7.00pm with Mark Thomas, Peter Tatchell Roy Bailey and loads of live music.

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Final Leg, Five Day Peace Walk, London to Colchester - Pictures.

02-07-2010 14:46

Supporting the Troops, Not Supporting the War.
After five days, and a pedometer reading standing at just short of 80 miles, 80 year old Malcom Pittock successfully arrives in Colchester at the head of the Trail of Tears peace walk, which set out from Westminster in London five days ago.

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Philippine Airlines workers stage protests against Labor Department

02-07-2010 14:30

PAL union rallies anew at DOLE, appeals “midnight decision”

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Mass Civil Disobedience Callout URGENT this afternoon

02-07-2010 13:54

4pm Parliament Square Eviction Resistance Call Out
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