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UK Newswire Archive

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International Solidarity Movement talk in Brighton - Weds 4th at the Cowley Club

03-08-2010 13:35

@ Cowley Club*

dinner with films 6pm
talk with Q & A 7pm
film and Palestinian music afterwards

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Take action against Tata - Thursday 5 August, 10.30am

03-08-2010 13:09

Show solidarity with locked out tea workers in West Bengal, exploited by Tata and victimised for demanding their rights

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Interviews on the Toronto G20/G8-protests

03-08-2010 12:43

An article based on interviews with three activists involved in the Toronto protests from last June, is online now

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"War Crimes" website launched

03-08-2010 12:41

The main purpose of this article is to announce the release of the initial version of a new website and to explain its purpose, structure and function.

For politicians and political activists, lawyers, military personnel and members of the general public this website provides information; we can be informed. More importantly, the site provides a foundation for future versions which will provide open facilities to collect, organise and make other information available and to enable, coordinate and facilitate activities intended to achieve prosecution of War Criminals.

With suggestions, guidance and the active engagement of politicians and political activists, lawyers, military personnel and members of the general public those facilities may be significantly richer and more effective towards attaining their goal.

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Campsfield House Detianees on Hunger Strike

03-08-2010 12:41

Solidarity Demonstration tonight, 3rd August, 6pm @ Campsfield House

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EDO Attacked

03-08-2010 12:07

EDO, in Home Farm Road, Brighton, was attacked last night

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Democracy Village rally speech from Saturday 31st July

03-08-2010 11:28

Here is the text of the speech that was said at the Democracy Village anti-war rally at Victoria Tower Gardens on Saturday July the 31st.

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Oil Exec Promises over Notts Oil Find

03-08-2010 10:26

A notts based, canadian oil company, Newton Energy, has said it wants to rip up some ground and start drilling and testing and various other crap in the nottingham countryside...He has actually published his number and title, so maybe a few phone calls from concerned residents telling him to shove it where it dont shine?

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Obama's Metamorphosis (by Latuff)

03-08-2010 01:14

Obama's Metamorphosis
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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John Holloway talks about the Zapatistas and his new book "Crack Capitalism"

02-08-2010 23:40

FREE Event

All Welcome!

John Holloway is a Professor in the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla in Mexico. His publications include Crack Capitalism (Pluto, 2010), Change the World Without Taking Power (Pluto, 2005), Zapatista! Rethinking Revolution in Mexico (co-editor, Pluto, 1998) and Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money (co-editor, 1994).

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Factory Open Day Sat 7th August

02-08-2010 21:22

12-5pm doors open!
The Factory Opens its Doors

On the 7th August The Factory, Bristol's latest squatted social centre,
will be opening it's doors to members of the public for their second
Open Day.
featured image

fabriCA writes: On the 7th August The Factory, Bristol's latest squatted social centre, will be opening it's doors to members of the public for their second Open Day.

Following on from the success of the previous Open Day on 8th May (which saw such interesting events as; a vegan cake stall, free fruit and veg market, slide shows, tours of the building and spooky tours of the basement) this month's event will include; a donations based café, cinema room screening various political films, games in Portland Square and even the possibility of live acoustic artists!

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The Factory was occupied by a group of people earlier this year
looking to create a free and open space for the community. Since it
has opened it has hosted such events as film nights, workshops,
cafés, discussion group, meetings and lots of other things! The
Factory relies on your participation to survive, and if you have an idea
or project you'd like to see take place then come along to the Open
Meetings every Thursday at 7PM.

check the website for more info, details of the day and how to get here!
2-8 cave street, st pauls, bristol, bs2 8ru

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Veterans Mental Health Comes to Manchester

02-08-2010 21:01

The first open day for the veterans mental health society Combat Stress is coming to Manchester this Saturday!

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Unwelcome Guests #510 - The Race Towards Global Consciousness

02-08-2010 20:33

Hitting Rock Bottom & Realising The Reunion

This week's show includes three speakers' exciting vision of a single, global, interconnected human family. We start with Jeremy Rifkin's uplifting conclusion of last week's Empathic Civilization talk, before an interview with Charles Eisenstein and concluding with a similarly uplifting call to change the human narrative by David Korten.

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The massacre of 30,000 Iranian in 1988

02-08-2010 20:14

On Saturday 31st July a big demo outside Iranian Embassy was organised by Anglo - Iranian Communities in London, calling on international authorities, various governments, jurists and human rights advocates to convince the UN Security Council to form a tribunal to put on trial the criminals responsible for the massacre of 30,000 people in 1988.

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Impossible Hamster

02-08-2010 17:23

This is a video resource for news article 854

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Spray Squat prepare for possible eviction ..again

02-08-2010 16:24

Monday 3rd August 2010

Earlier today in Nottingham County Court, a judge granted a possession order.

Earlier today in Nottingham County Court, a judge granted a possession order.  Meaning that the building that has been squatted for over a year, could be evicted at any time from now on.

Folks are preparing for all eventualities.  Begining with a banner drop to draw attention to these issues.

When / if they are evicted .... the building will return to being an empty eyesore with more bits continuing to fall off, and those currently housed there ..... become homeless.

Squatting is not a crime, but the owners right to just let it rot ... should be.

These are some recent posting on the newswire about recent events:

Possession Order granted to legal owner of JBSpray

J B Spray Squat, court date, Mon. 2nd Aug.resist!


These are links to older postings, showing some of the positive posibilites for the building:

Spray Building :: Russell Strett

J B Spray Building Occupied / Evicted / Reoccupied

Spray Building Squat, Radford: A Guided Tour

Spray Squat Party 1 : Acoustic Gig

Spray Building Squat : Nottingham County Court Appearance

Spray Squat Party 2 : Acoustic Gig, with diner

Squatters in the JB Spray Building, prevent water company from cutting them off

Spray Building 'spring into action' open for business

Nottingham Spring into Action :: Bicycle power for electric generation

Squatters Retake Nottingham's JB Spray Factory

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham.  UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
                                   It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"

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Palestine Today 08 02 2010

02-08-2010 15:41

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Centre, for Monday, August 02, 2010.

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Channel 4 to present a confident Hindu gay voice

02-08-2010 14:13

It is a good balance to be able to hear a gay Hindu voice on National Television, with a supportive message from a mother about son's openly gay identity.

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Protest raft sails down River Severn

02-08-2010 13:49

Activists sailed a raft down the River Seven and Past E.ONs Buildwas B power station and then under Telfords famous Iron Bridge to raise awareness of the camp at Huntington Lane

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Possession Order granted to legal owner of JBSpray

02-08-2010 13:25

A judge granted a Posession Order for the JB Spray factory in Radford this morning. The order gives the legal right for David Andrew Philips, the legal owner, to evict squatters from the building which has been occupied since last Spring. This will make the current occupants homeless, and place a wonderful building back in the hands of someone who has left it to rot for many years. The occupants want help resisting eviction so get down there if you can.

The case was heard in Nottingham's County Court. Several occupants and their supporters turned up to defend themselves. Representing Mr Philips was a representative of the company that 'manages' the building on his behalf, a Miss Tracy Mallet. Miss Mallet is none other than the person who falsely claimed to be the owner of the building during a previous illegal eviction of squatters in 2006: - Miss Mallet is pictured in the first photo. She was accompanied by a man who did not participate in the proceedings.

The occupiers were served with a photocopy of a page from the Squat Lobster website which 'proved they were squatters' and an invoice from Hire Station for equipment used by the occupants to secure the leaking roof of the building. The judge referred to neither document.

The owner had submitted a statement saying the current occupants had not been granted a license to use the building, although one of the occupiers expressed doubt as to whether it was Mr Philips who had signed the statement. The defence case rested on statements from occupiers that they had been informed that the group living in the building had been granted a license. The judge quickly ruled that, on the balance of probability, Mr Philips was entitled to a Possession Order.

Miss Mallet did not pursue the occupiers for costs because 'they don't have jobs so probably don't have any money'. When the defence representative raised the concern that occupiers would be made homeless by an eviction, hte judge rebuffed him saying that they should have realised that a Possession Order was sought. However, she did say that those in exceptional circumstances should petition the courts for an extension of stay in the building.

The occupiers were not surprised by the decision but are resolute in their intention to resist eviction from the building. They request help from anyone who sees the injustice of their situation. If you want to help the JB Spray occupiers get down there soon before the bailiffs do.

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