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Drone Warfare: Watching You, Watching Me...

15-10-2012 23:28

Considering the idea of R/C helicopters to ensure evidence of Police wrongdoing in protests.

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global noise occupyLSX anniversary - report and pics

15-10-2012 21:33

st paul's
to mark the anniversary of the occupation outside london stock exchange and to show solidarity with the global noise event, a few hundred people met again at the steps of st paul's, and during the afternoon they took to the streets for a walk around the city.

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Mother Earth Asks Americans To Vote Against the Romney Record Of Ecocide

15-10-2012 20:57

Mormon Church Businesses Cause Drought
Mitt Romney's record is one of

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Volunteers for homeless shelter

15-10-2012 17:42

Shelter from the storm is a free 7 day a week 12 month a year night shelter which is totally reliable on donations and voluntary staff.

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Solidarity cafe and film night @ Kebele

15-10-2012 16:55

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Statement on the true role of the EU against the "Nobel Peace Prize" celebration

15-10-2012 15:23

Criminal EU Elites poster
A statement and poster about the real role of the European Union in the criminal Wars of the Transnational Elite, as well as in the Economic Wars launched against the European Peoples today.

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abuse sussex police helped to cover up

15-10-2012 15:22

historical abuse

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Weekend Washout For The Fash!

15-10-2012 11:51

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The various far right grupuscules were all a wee bit busy this weekend. It’s a pity they all can’t agree with each other cos if they all joined together there would be almost 350 of them and they could take over!

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Far right call out for mass mobilisation in Liverpool

15-10-2012 10:53

counter protest needed.

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15-10-2012 00:55

During the Saturday lunch time rush hours from 12:00 to 14:00, a group of activists spearheaded by Derby Animal Rights demo-ed the busy St. Peters street branch of McDonald's, in protest at the unethical business practices of the fast food giant.

During the Saturday lunch time rush hours from 12:00 to 14:00, a group of activists spearheaded by Derby Animal Rights demo-ed the busy St. Peters street branch of McDonald's, in protest at the unethical business practices of the fast food giant.

October the 16th is officially the International Day of Action Against McDonald's, originally launched by London Greenpeace back in 1985 and now attracting support from across the spectrum of positive movements, from animal rights to worker's rights, from anti climate change to anti-capitalism.

McDonald's symbolises everything that is wrong with the corporate mentality: like all multinationals it is only interested in making profits from whoever and whatever it can. As a result of the famous McLibel trial, it was agreed in a court of law that McDonald's:

* exploits children with its advertising - luring them with the promise of a toy,
* falsely advertises its food as nutritious, but in reality most of it is processed junk food high in fat, sugar and salt,
* risk the health of its long-term regular customers, as a diet of this type is linked with a greater risk of heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetes,
* is culpably responsible for cruelty to animals reared for its products,
* is strongly antipathetic to unions and pay its workers low wages.

Watch this space for news on other actions in the East Midlands in the run up to IDAAMD.

For more information on IDAAMD, see:
et. al.


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UK Joins Worldwide Echo In Support Of Zapatistas

14-10-2012 23:36

On Friday (the 12th) a letter was delivered to the Mexican Embassy in London signed by all the UK groups that stand in solidarity with the Zapatistas.

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Cuts Cafe: We remember the Rotunda!

14-10-2012 23:16

Great to see the Cuts Cafe has occupied the building on the corner of Stamford Street and Blackfriars Road… And not just because we’ve passed that building regularly for years and thought it should be squatted… but also because they’re reviving a powerful radical connection on that corner…

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BBC Cesspit – Its not just about Savile

14-10-2012 22:35

This campaign has consistently stated that the BBC’s interest in Hollie’s abuse and Anne had been managed, manipulated and spiked. In the light of the Jimmy Savile revelations of sexual abuse over a 40-year period and the cover-up by the BBC, we would like to point out a few similarities in the cover-up.

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G4S complicit in torture of children - Protest outside London HQ

14-10-2012 21:58

Palestinian rights activists picketed the entrance of the security firm G4S' headquarters in London on Friday 12th October to protest at the company's complicity in the torture and caging of Palestinian children. Photo report.

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Despite Cuts Government Spending Increases

14-10-2012 21:27

The government’s austerity measures were described by the Financial Times as “the most drastic cuts in living memory...” The chancellor’s 2011 budget admits that estimates suggest the UK to be the most indebted nation on the planet. Four years on from the financial crisis not much has changed. Spending hasn’t decreased, it has increased.

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“Throw out the money changers from the temple”

14-10-2012 21:18

On the eve of the anniversary of the beginninng of the Occupy London Stock Exchange camp by St Paul’s Cathedral, supporters of Occupy London, in collaboration with Christianity Uncut, today staged a dramatic intervention to highlight their call for the leadership of St Paul’s Cathedral to stop sitting on the fence and join the fight against rising inequality in the UK and beyond.

While Christianity Uncut unfurled a 5m x 10m banner outside the Cathedral urging the leadership of St Paul’s to “Throw out the money changers from the temple”, four Occupy activists staged a mic check during Evensong. [1] They are now locked on to the Cathedral pulpit not planning to leave.

For updates and images, keep an eye on Occupy London’s twitter feed (@occupylondon) and our live newsfeed at

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Call out for Submissions: Post-Prison Zine

14-10-2012 19:39

We live in a Prison Society. Last year Her Majesty’s Prison Service incarcerated over 87,000 people in England & Wales alone (not including Scotland and Northern Ireland). Prison has long been used as a tool of oppression against anybody who does not fit in to society’s idea of a “good citizen”. The aim of Prison is to silence those people trapped within it’s walls, they seek to lock them up and throw away the key, effectively removing them from society. Not all Prison sentences are permanent though any many people will eventually return to the outside world.

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SHAC: HLS Horror week of action 29/10/12-2/11/12

14-10-2012 19:34

HLS Horror Week of Action: 29th October - 2nd November 2012
Whine of dog and cry of cat... HLS can't escape from SHAC!

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support john bowden

14-10-2012 15:44

john bowden
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