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Who Are The Chickenhawks and Henhawks Attempting to Draw the US into War With Sy

30-08-2013 19:25

George Bush Operative Karl Rove
Perhaps the British Parliament can inspire some in the US Congress to have the courage
to stand up to the cartels pushing for war with Syria

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Wrexham protests re. threatened military action in Syria

30-08-2013 18:54

Around a dozen people showed up in Queens Square, Wrexham this morning at short notice in visible opposition to the threat of western military action in Syria. The government may have lost the Commons vote last night but there's every chance it won't be able to resist getting involved in some way if the US goes ahead with an attack.

Among those protesting today were two enthusiastic children who made sure the placards were displayed to their best advantage throughout the morning and a Syrian friend who has alreadly lost five cousins and numerous acquaintances in the conflict.

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Inculcating stupidity: Syria and Edward Snowden

30-08-2013 18:34

Only the most foolish, thoughtless and inexperienced could possibly believe the latest propaganda warfare lie about chemical weapons in Syria, hardly different from the blatant lies justifying the war against Iraq. The main reason to consult Western news media now is to find out what the enemies of humanity have to say about their latest crimes. For readers in English, the most prestigious, quasi-plausible media tend to be NATO psychological warfare outlets like the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the BBC, Independent Television News, the Daily Telegraph, the Guardian, the Independent, the Irish Times and the main corporate owned news agencies.

For people outside North America and Europe, the internal spat within the West's ruling élites offers little of interest. Very clearly, almost the entire Western corporate and alternative media network operates on the basis of psychological warfare criteria ultimately at the service of the imperialist tendencies of their countries' societies and the aggressive élites that control them. Like that of their corporate counterparts, the role of the West's supposedly alternative or progressive media, and the similarly funded non-governmental sector, is to provide a moral alibi for their countries' imperialist crimes against humanity.

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No To ANY Attack On Syria

30-08-2013 16:55

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Barclays bank firebombed in Bristol - statement and reflection by a FAI group

30-08-2013 16:55

"we claim responsibility for deploying a simple firebomb against the Barclays bank just off Bath Road in Brislington, Bristol, in the early hours on August 28. Candles burned down inside tyres (giving us time to withdraw) to ignite fuel-soaked rags, which set off three 5-litre containers filled with half petrol and half kerosene with crushed polystyrene (the incendiary) and around 1680 grams of camping gas canisters (the explosive). The bank branch was chosen for its lack of adjacent buildings, and to avoid the extremely low chance of passers-by in the area we positioned the device against the back of the building against a window, instead of multiple devices on opposite sides as is commonly recommended."

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Help Needed at Notts Green Festival THIS Sunday!

30-08-2013 16:52

Veggies will be steaming ahead on Sunday so ANY Help needed will be greatly appreciated!

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Beating the Bailiffs

30-08-2013 14:55

How to kepp bailiffs at bay


If you are in arrears in paying Council Tax and rent then the Magistrates' Court can make a Liability Order to try to force you to pay up.  Bailiffs can be sent to your home to try to seize goods to be sold to pay the amount owed plus costs. You should be sent a warning letter at least 14 days before the first visit by the bailiffs.


Bailiffs should not call at your home before 6 a.m. and after 9 p.m. and on Sundays and bank holidays.


Bailiffs will write to you and perhaps phone you to ask for payment.  Try to avoid communicating with them because each time they are in touch with you they will add a charge to the amount you owe.  Avoid speaking to them through the letter box.


 Bailiffs do not have a right to enter your home unless you allow them in.  But they are allowed to gain entry if they can do so without using force. So lock your doors and windows.  Tell other residents in your home not to let bailiffs in.  It is not legal for a child to let a bailiff in.  If they legally enter your home then they are entitled to remove goods but only ones belonging to the debtor.

 Bailiffs are allowed to climb over (but not break down) gates and fences to enter your gardens and drives.  Try to make it difficult for them to gain entry in this way. To seize goods they can legally force entry to outbuildings such as garages, greenhouses and sheds not attached to your dwelling.  Avoid leaving valuable items outside or in outbuildings.  Don't leave vehicles on drive-ins or in the street because these can be taken.

 In general, remove valuable items from your home, especially those outside, if you think bailiffs are coming.

The police cannot help bailiffs gain entry to your home.  If bailiffs use forceful and threatening behaviour to try to gain entry to your dwelling then call the police.


 If you know the bailiffs are coming then ask people sympathetic to your situation to be present outside of your home.  Ask them to show their support for your refusal to pay up by displaying placards and chanting slogans.  Get photos taken of the bailiffs and ask the local media to cover the event.  This will pressurise the bailiffs to behave properly.  They and the Council do not want this sort of adverse publicity.  Also notify Anti-Austerity Action to help mobilise support.


 In Britain today the Coalition Government and local councils are waging a war on the poor.  It was the boundless greed of the bankers and financiers which created the financial crisis yet ordinary people are being forced to pay the massive debts run up by these parasites.  We are being asked to pay more Council Tax while vital local services are being ruthlessly slashed.  At the same time the millionaire bankers go on taking their multi-million pound salaries and bonuses.  

 Twenty odd years ago the Government introduced the notorious, unfair Poll Tax.  Millions of people refused to pay up. Councils tried to use the courts and bailiffs against the refuseniks but there were too many cases so the system clogged up. The Government had to abandon the Poll Tax.  We can do the same again.  The more of us who don't pay the harder it will be to persecute us.  People who can afford to pay Council Tax should not do so in solidarity with people being pushed below the poverty line.








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Imminent Suicide of a Morbid Empire

30-08-2013 14:16

The arrangement put into place by the planet is childishly simple to understand: With the possible extinction of the species from environmental degradation delayed just enough to encircle all living generations between causes and consequences, the conflict theory of immediate extinction is being turned inside out: The threat of extinction no longer is like an item that goes to the highest bidder. It is more like doing a bidding for an item that is not for sale. When the only visible parts of such threats are the projections made to assert their conditions, they can hide under the umbrella of delayed extinction until it is too late: If the next generation already might inherit an uninhabitable planet, then why change the ways of this one? And yet, more efforts are being wasted to attempt to rule over the present than used to adapt to the future. In the Anarchic world capable to survive the shocks to be expected from a pillaged ecosystem, the accumulation of power is a suicidal act equivalent to the construction of megalomaniac architecture set to collapse under its own weight. This is the case with the American military-industrial complex, and the cause of the ongoing distraction in form of the warmongering against Syria. Only as a symptom of failure to adapt to the changed circumstances the looming imperialist aggression can be explained.

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Close Supervision Centres

30-08-2013 11:57

When I first arrived on the Close Supervision Centre (CSC) back in March 2010, only three units existed holding a maximum capacity of 26 prisoners, plus designated cells within the segregation units of most high security prisons providing back-up to these.

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Resist the attack on Syria - Smash the arms trade - demonstrate 3rd Sept at EDO

30-08-2013 10:41

DEMONSTRATE Tues 3rd September - 4-6pm, EDO Arms Factory, Home Farm Rd, Brighton

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The latest on GM food, info nights next week

30-08-2013 10:22

Wednesday 4th September 2013
Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU. 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Free.
Similar events in Edinburgh, Manchester and Newport throughout the week. See website for details.

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28 Days Later: Please spread far and wide

29-08-2013 22:57

A Rolling Blockade of the Balcombe fracking site, 1st September – 28th September

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Hands Off Syria Demo in Cambridge.

29-08-2013 20:19

Band of Brothers, Sisters (and Dog)!
Yesterday (Wednesday) evening at 6:00pm prompt a small group of people gathered in The Market Square, Cambridge with a common purpose: to publically lodge their objection to our government bombing another Middle Eastern country in our name.

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Cameron hasn't signed Crossrail Step-Free Access EDM.Nor has a Tower Hamlets MP!

29-08-2013 15:13

Only a handful of MPs have bothered to sign up to the House of Commons Early day Motion [=EDM] supporting the demand that Crossrail stations are made step-free accessible. This is the fact on the UK House of Commons web site at the time of writing 1500 Hrs GMT Thursday 29 August 2013. What a contrast to the Dave Cameron fetish for war fare! He hasn't bothered to sign the EDM either. Nor has any MP from Tower Hamlets, present or recent past! Crossrail has been based at Canary Wharf in Tower Hamlets where campaigners handed in the Campaign Demand this lunchtime. Khoodeelaar! signed the DEMAND handed in.

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Tell Your MP To Oppose Attack On Syria

29-08-2013 12:55

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Peace Camp AWE Burghfield

29-08-2013 12:55

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An evening of Resistance to Fascism and Racism in the East End

29-08-2013 09:11

Tower Hamlet residents and anti-fascists host a community gathering prior to EDL Counter-mobilisation on 7th September

Event: An evening of Resistance to Fascism and Racism in the East End
Date: Saturday 31st August, 6pm - 12am
Location: The Rag Factory, 16-18 Heneage St (off Brick Lane), London E1 5LJ

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West Midlands Vegan Festival, Saturday 26th October

29-08-2013 00:59

The West Midlands Vegan Festival 2013 is less than 2 months away!! With over 100 stalls, 10 caterers, 20 talks, 5 cookery demos, live entertainment throughout the day, award winning vegan organic bar, competitions, 200 free goodie bags and so much more!! All this for just £1 admission!! Please spread the word - the WMVF is back, and it's bigger and better than ever before!!!

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Stop The War protest in Whitehall turns to civil disobedience – report & pics

28-08-2013 23:41

whitehall blockade
While ‘Stop The War’ glitterati continued their speeches at the planned ‘Don’t Attack Syria’ protest this evening in Whitehall, a large part of the crowd took matters into their own hands and blocked the rush-hour traffic for over an hour, seizing the road outside Downing Street in an act of civil disobedience leading to just one arrest.
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