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Celtic invites its young supporters to experience fine dining

26-02-2007 17:15

In an attempt to improve the diet of its young fans, Celtic is inviting them to dine on fine fare.

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Unlawful bank charges

26-02-2007 17:13

For years, High Street banks have been ripping off their customers with illegal charges. Customers are now demanding payment in full of all the monies taken out of their accounts illegally. Customers could be owed billions of pounds.

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Tesco – every little hurts

26-02-2007 17:02

We tend to forget, Tesco is now like Wal-Mart a global player. It hurts everywhere. In their last Annual Accounts, Tesco recorded profits in excess of two billion pounds. How do they do it?

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Palestine Today 022607

26-02-2007 16:55

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday February 26th, 2007.

A Palestinian man was killed on Monday by Israeli army gunfire in the West Bank city of Nablus, while a member of the executive force was injured in the southern Gaza Strip, these stories and more coming up stay tuned.

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Update on Lakenheath 8 trial

26-02-2007 16:30

After more messing around by the prosecution, the trial of the
Lakenheath 8 has been adjourned until the 6th of March. The trial
is the result of an action last October, when the activists entered USAF Lakenheath nuclear base and chained themselves to the gates of a munitions storage area to stop the movement of cluster bombs.

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SAVE PRIOY PARK : Mass Rally (photos)

26-02-2007 16:19

Speech to crowd
Hundreds gather to oppose controversial F5 road widening.

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protest NOW at Tinsley house, locked on to gates

26-02-2007 15:58

Activists locked to gates of Tinsley House detention centre, crawley, to try and stop removal of failed asylum seekers to Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Greece: Anarchists riot (photos and video)

26-02-2007 14:42

Anarchists equipped with gas masks wooden poles and Molotovs clashed with police in central Athens.

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Video of Anti-War Demo - Sat 24 Feb 07

26-02-2007 13:10

A compilation of video clips shot on the Anti-War Demonstration from Hyde Park Corner to Trafalgar Square.

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to other sets of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.

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Pix of Anti-War Demo - Sat 24 Feb 07 - Set 3 of 3 (The Choir)

26-02-2007 12:53

Pictures of the Choir singing for the Anti-War Demonstration around Hyde Park Corner.

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other set of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.

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Pix of Anti-War Demo - Sat 24 Feb 07 - Set 2 of 3

26-02-2007 12:44

As Brian Haw was later to remark, "It's the kids, stupid!"
Pictures of the Anti-War Demonstration from Hyde Park Corner to Trafalgar Square.

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other set of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.

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Pix of Anti-War Demo - Sat 24 Feb 07 - Set 1 of 3

26-02-2007 12:28

The people-jam in the Marble Arch subway leading to Hyde Park's Speakers Corner
Pictures of the Anti-War Demonstration from Hyde Park Corner to Trafalgar Square.

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other set of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.

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Dozens of Swampys desperately needed to save Rospuda Valley, Poland

25-02-2007 20:43

One picture of the primeval swamps
People who will defend the valley are needed. Do not leave Polish eco-warriors alone.

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Personal Account of the STW March

25-02-2007 20:34

A personal account of the experience of participation in the STW march against the Iraq war and Trident replacement with a critical view on the event.

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Leeds demo against DR Congo deportations

25-02-2007 17:57

People from across the Yorkshire region came to protest outside the Home Office in Leeds on Friday. Protestors were demanding that all deportations to the DR Congo must be stopped immediately.

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GP ship impounded during anti-Trident action

25-02-2007 11:28

23 March: Greenpeace ship the Arctic Sunrise impounded during floating blockade of Faslane naval base. Snippets below from GP press releases.

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Audio from No Trident / Troops out demo

25-02-2007 03:51

MP3 mono 64kbps

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Save the NHS! Organise for Resistance!

24-02-2007 22:32

Protesters gather outside the Royal
About 200 people marched from the Royal Liverpool Hospital in Prescot Street to the William Brown Street fountain on Thursday 22nd February, showing their anger at government plans for the National Health Service.

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Photos from the 24th February London Anti-War Demo

24-02-2007 21:42

CND and the Stop the War called the demo with the slogans, No Trident, Troops out of Iraq.
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