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Christian/Jewish Fascism Awareness Week

28-10-2007 12:14

Rightwing U.S. Christians and Jews continue to escalate their anti-Muslim jihad, bent on waging endless war against a billion of the world's people. The most frenzied promulgator of fatwas against all things Islamic is professional propagandist David Horowitz, funded to the tune of $15 million by Hard Right corporations and think tanks "to promote a white supremacist, pro-war agenda." Horowitz has declared October 22nd to 26th "Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week," buttressing the Bush regime's claim that Muslim fundamentalism - as interpreted by the Christian-Jewish Right - is the moral and historical equivalent of Nazism. Senior columnist Margaret Kimberley suggests a counter-event: "Christian/Jewish Fascism Awareness Week."

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Reports From The Brighton Delegation - Life in the Women's Prison

28-10-2007 12:10

This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.

There are currently ten embers of the group in palestiine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...

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Burma: Total HQ and petrol station targeted again in London

28-10-2007 11:14

Protesters picketed Total's London HQ and the Total petrol station near Baker Street this week.

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Bash the Rich: Fight the FIT

28-10-2007 09:15

FIT Watch will be present at Bash the Rich.

Meet 3rd November, 11:30, bar area of Royal Festival Hall (to discuss tactics and actions before the event).

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Custody Death Protest, London (27.10.07).

28-10-2007 08:36

Photo by Marc Vallée/ (c) Marc Vallée, 2007.
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – 27.10.07. Custody death protesters march from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square via Downing Street on Saturday 27th October 2007. Members of United Families and Friends congregated to demand justice for those who have been killed in police custody, prisons and mental health institutions.

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lloyd george statue comes clean

27-10-2007 23:32

lloyd george statue in parliament square
there was a small chalk addition to the new lloyd george statue this afternoon. it attracted half a dozen 'heritage wardens', four community support officers, and several police. there were no arrests, but eventually the statue was cleaned.

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shell wildlife photographer of the year hit by singing protest

27-10-2007 23:01

shell exhibition
today at the natural history museum in london, the shell-sponsored exhibition of wildlife photography was targeted by activists from 'rising tide' and others. they used singing and leafleting to peacefully highlight the greenwash and irony of an oil company sponsoring a wildlife photography exhibition

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Critical Mass - Sheffield

27-10-2007 22:33

Cop Bike
Photos from Sheffield Critical Mass

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UK Deaths in Custody -- Facts, Figures, Suggestions

27-10-2007 01:38

Brixton, April 1978 (Pic: Ian MacKintosh)
As some comments on a recent article indicate [see ], even top-notch activists often know precious little about this exceptionally grave and widespread abuse of state power, and even less about the decadelong struggle against it. So here's a few details, just in the nick of time for the 9th Annual Rally against Custody Deaths today (Assembly: 12:30 Trafalgar Square). Additions welcome!

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FIT on bikes at Critical Mass

26-10-2007 23:22

At least one officer from the FIT (Forwards Intelligence Team) were spotted on the critical mass without their usual blue-shoulder uniforms on and on bikes!

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Photos from the start of the "Dignity Not Detention" march on Lindholme

26-10-2007 21:00

Some photos from the Milton House to Sheffield Town Hall first stage of the "Dignity Not Detention" march on Lindholme Detention centre near Doncaster on 26th October 2007.

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Everyone In Vicenza 14th, 15th and 16th of December, 2007

26-10-2007 20:09

APPEAL for European mobilization – 14th, 15th and 16th of December, 2007
From Vicenza to the rest of Europe.

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Israeli Settlers and Military shoot live ammunition at Brighton delegation

26-10-2007 19:54

Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Press Release


Israeli Settlers and Military shoot live ammunition at Brighton delegation

Three Brighton residents arrested at nonviolent demonstration

For more details contact Tom Hayes on 07846506710 or email

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Making traveller children cry

26-10-2007 18:52

Police sprayed children with gas in dorset car park

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This Week In Palestine – Week 43 2007

26-10-2007 16:46

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for October 20th sec. through October 26th, 2007.

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15 Lonely Fascists Protest in Central London

26-10-2007 13:17

More police vans then people
Today 15 people of the so called SIOE-campaign ("Stop Islamisation Of Europe") demonstrated for what they called "Freedom Of Speech" but in fact is they racist idea of a white (and mainly) christian Europe, which they want to defend against influences of other cultures.

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Palestine Today 102507

25-10-2007 15:19

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday, October 25th, 2007.

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Birmingham students say no to a 'career in killing'

24-10-2007 20:32

A group of concerned students today protested the presence of the largest arms company in Europe, BAE Systems, at one of the University of Birmingham's biggest career events of the year.

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Palestine Today 102407

24-10-2007 14:54

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday, October 24th, 2007.

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