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Rochdale doves descend on Aldermaston

25-03-2008 15:01

Rae Street and Mai Chatham fix the doves to Aldermaston's fence
Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group took cards signed by hundreds of supporters showing doves of peace and CND symbols to hang on the Aldermaston nuke factory fence.

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New social centred hatched over easter weekend

24-03-2008 18:17

The long weekend saw both the death of one social centre in London and the birth of another...

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Free Tibet demo in Central London

24-03-2008 18:12

As a response to the Chinese crack down on the Tibetan up-rising in Tibet and the general repression of Tibetans, a demonstration was arranged, marching from outside the Chinese embassy to Trafalgar Square. Hundreds of Tibetans and supporters turned out to a spirited demonstration with shouts for China to leave Tibet.

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Palestine Today 032408

24-03-2008 15:33

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday March 24th, 2008.

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Greece: Report on the 19th's General Strike and demonstration

23-03-2008 09:43

Demonstrations were organized after a call by workers unions and syndicates in Greece's larger cities, against the new law on the pension system. Below are gathered some of the reported direct action.

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Brian Haw on the fifth anniversary of the criminal invasion of Iraq

23-03-2008 03:06

Brian wishes more people recognised the suffering and would turn out to protest against the war.

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Mother`s Day Street Theatre in Birmingham

22-03-2008 21:20

On Saturday 1st March, the day before Mother`s Day, 12 members/supporters of Midlands Vegan Campaigns staged some hilarious, jaw-dropping street theatre and leafletting in Birmingham City Centre. We grabbed the attention of thousands of people, before revealing the shocking cruelty that mother animals in the farming industry are subjected to. The event formed part of the Viva! Day of Action.

Watch our movie about the event

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M3 Motorway destroys Rath Lugh Ancient Monument

22-03-2008 19:12

The battle to save Rath Lugh continues against all odds, the past week as seen SIAC construction company erect huge metal spiked fencing along the route, whilst they continue to bulldose the esker of the Ancient Monument within the so called "protection zone".
Here is a short video that shows some of the activities going on since the NRA drew back on the ten point signed agreement with a tunnel protester.

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Showing solidarity with Tibet in peaceful protest through London

22-03-2008 17:24

An account of the march through central London today, to show solidarity with the Tibetans in the wake of the last weeks crackdown in Lhasa and beyond by the Chinese.

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Reflections on the Groene Voltage, Rotterdam

22-03-2008 09:28

gv october06, just squatted
In this short article, one member of the nonhierarchical collective which ran the centre would like to address some issues raised by the project. As such it can only be read as one person's viewpoint. It is likely that other people from the collective would see things differently. In some ways we achieved a lot, in others we got caught in the traps common to all such DiY projects. I will describe what we did, discuss the collective, mention what we achieved and assess what we did not. Hopefully others can be inspired by our successes and learn from our failures.

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Tibet Hunger Striker Speaks Out

22-03-2008 00:59

Over the past week several Tibet supporters, many of whom were students have held a vigil and series of 24 hour hunger strikes opposite the Chinese Embassy in London. One of the hunger strikers, Terry Bettger, has spoken of the purpose of the action and the importance of a sustained protest against the Chinese crackdown on those protesting inside Tibet.

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RAMpart2 is dead - long live rampART1

22-03-2008 00:01

Following the granting of an Interim Possession Order on Thursday the 20th March, RAMpart2 was left empty by squatters after a final party...

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Asking Wallace Art Collection not to whitewash Totalitarian Oil

21-03-2008 20:35

Wallace Collection
Four activists held a demonstration outside the Wallace Collection art gallery at Hertford House, Manchester Square, London on Wednesday 19th March. The Art Gallery is currently considering a sponsorship deal with Total so the activists were asking them not to accept sponsorship from the largest western sponsor of the brutal Burma junta. A boycott is not yet called for as it is hoped the gallery will do the right thing and not become associated by Total with oppression in Burma.

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Showstoppers! Police Axe Anti-War Film

21-03-2008 20:24

Yet another below the belt blow to civil liberties was struck by the Sussex Plod this Monday. The long-awaited world premier of SchMOVIES ‘On The Verge’- the cinematic debut of the Smash Edo campaign - was cancelled after police intervention. In the days that followed, across the country venues due to show the film on the forthcoming tour have received visits from the police and licensing authorities keen to stop screenings.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 12 2008

21-03-2008 18:03

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 15th through to March 21st, 2008.

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Iraq Cambridge Rail Station Vigil, March 20th.

21-03-2008 16:02

A Timely Reminder...
Yesterday evening from 6:00pm onwards, a small but significant group of local activists turned up at Cambridge Railway Station to remind the public that it was exactly five years to the day that Shock and Awe heralded the start of one of
possibly the bloodiest and longest running Middle Eastern conflict of recent times, so Iraq, aka Gulf War mark 2.

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Autonomous action/Space Invaders Line Up

21-03-2008 10:59

space invader
Timeline of events in the next few weeks as part of the international autonomous days of action on decentralised places...get involved. Reclaim your city....

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Pics from Iraq 5th anniversary protests in London

20-03-2008 23:56

Bliar nicked at last
Small protest opposite Downing Street on Thursday 20 March 2008, marking the fifth anniversary of the US- and UK-led invasion of Iraq, and calling for the immediate withdrawal of UK troops and a full public inquiry into the war. The protest was called by Stop the War, CND and the British Muslim Initiative.

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'Blok R' Mass Action in Copenhagen, April 3rd

20-03-2008 19:11

Blok R - one of the posters
Blok R is intended to increase the pressure on Copenhagen City Council to come up with a new Youth House (one year after the brutal eviction of Ungdomshuset). Various houses have been proposed by the Council but negotiations have become drawn out. Blok R happens on 3rd April, afterwhich all participating groups have agreed to quit negotiations and take the battle to the streets for as long as it takes.

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Houseless on a Hillside

20-03-2008 15:45

House demolitions, near Yatta village south of Hebron in the West bank on the 19th march 2008.

The Christian Peacemaker Teams, a human rights action group based in the area telephoned the office of IMEMC (the International Middle East media Centre) in Beit Sahour near Bethlehem.

“Three houses belonging to Palestinian villagers are being destroyed by the Israeli army with bull dozers”

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