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Squatted social centre eviction

03-07-2008 09:05

Police and bailiffs battered their way through the barricades to evict the squatted social centre at 88 London Road, Brighton.

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IOM's new Birmingham office

03-07-2008 01:07

IOM's newsletter announcing the new office(s)
After a prestigious conference last week (see, the International Organisation against Migrants, aka the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), has opened a new office in Birmingham (details below). The intergovernmental agency is apparently growing bigger and more 'efficient' as the government is stepping up its deportation plans. In addition to its UK head office in London, IOM has offices Bristol, Glasgow and Liverpool, and has recently open a new office in Leeds. It is further planning to open two new sub-offices, one is known to be in Peterborough.

Let's tell them they are not welcome here, in Birmingham, or anywhere else!

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200th 'don't attack iran' petition delivered at downing street

02-07-2008 23:31

maria from 'peacestrike' and parliament square has been quietly delivering petitions to the door of number ten for a number of months now. today, she delivered her 200th petition

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Palestine Today 070208

02-07-2008 14:47

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday July 2nd, 2008.

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Visit to Kingsnorth.

02-07-2008 07:09

The gate.
Took a look around the power station yesterday. Lots of possible fields to camp in.

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Fighting back against photo 'ban'

01-07-2008 20:25

Under whose authority is a non-existent ban on photography in public places trying to be enforced?

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International Congolese Day Demonstration, London 30 June

01-07-2008 16:26

Kabila must go
A remarkably cheerful group of Congolese celebrated International Congolese Day, the anniversary of independence from Belgium in 1960, with a lunchtime demonstration about the terrible situation in their country.
Pictures (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.

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Palestine Today 070108

01-07-2008 14:55


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday July 1st, 2008.

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Indipendent journalist detained on way to g8 protest

01-07-2008 13:37

Last night (June 27), three Hong Kong citizen journalists who have
been registered with the Citizens' Media Center (Sapporo) were
detained by Immigration, and were on the verge of being deported.
This morning, Susan George (ATTAC France) was stopped and questioned
at the airport. Ms George is 74 years old, and her detention
demonstrates a lack of humanity on the part of authorities.
[japanese edition:]

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The Natalie Bracht story, the plot thickens

01-07-2008 12:19

This story has been running in the mainstream media, both local and national press, since mother of five Natalie Bracht, left her home in Sunderland on 17th May this year and went on the run. With joint British and German nationality, Natalie settled in Sunderland with her five daughters in 2006. She told local papers and social services that she had fled her home city of Dusseldorf to escape a dangerous husband involved in a religious cult. She was provided with housing and benefits etc but whether the authorities believed this story or not is unclear. What we do know is that Childrens Services were involved in the case from the beginning.

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Eco-Towns Scam - Parliment Lobby 30 June

01-07-2008 09:39

Campaigners from BARD, opposing the Middle Quinton development
Demonstrators from eight of the 15 sites shortlisted for eco-towns came to demonstrate and lobby Parliament today, the last day of the government consultation over the sites identified for the 10 developments.
Pictures (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.

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Mindy's mega blockade team block deportation centre

01-07-2008 07:35

Sat June 28th- Merksplas (Belgium)
A team of 20 refugee activist lead by belgian superhero Mega Mindy (known from kids tv in belgium) blocked the entrance to the deportation centre of Merksplas.
With this action they want to protest against the inhumane imprisonment of refugees, even children, who did nothing wrong but fleeing misery.

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URGENT update on imminent deportation of pregnant mother and family

30-06-2008 22:27

Kemi Ayinde, who is due to be forcibly removed TUESDAY 1 JULY, was taken into hospital today from Yarlswood detention centre

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Chagos Islanders Picket House of Lords

30-06-2008 22:13

Banner and placards opposite the Houses of Parliament
Around thirty Chagos islanders and supporters picketed today opposite the Houses of Parliament from 9am to 2 pm, where the appeal by the British government against the court decisions giving them the right to return to their homeland was being heard by the House of Lords.
Pictures (C) Peter Marshall, 2008. All rights reserved.

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Palestine Today 063008

30-06-2008 15:12

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday June 30th, 2008.

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Singing as an Act of Terrorism

30-06-2008 11:05

You should have been there.

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#6 The July Show Now Online ~ Riseup! Radio - check it out

30-06-2008 11:02

Some of our dedicated listeners..

Ahoy! From the heart of our lovely city we bring you another lively show, this time with special guest presenter Hicham Yezza, who was arrested at Nottingham Uni in May on Terrorism Charges but is now free (on bail) to join us, talk about his experiences and play some music. Other than that, lots of news, commentary and local music. Check it out..

Listen: #6 The July Show

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Climate Camp's response to E.ON's request to meet

30-06-2008 00:48

The original letter sent to Climate Camp, and our response (being sent out today).

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Activists Disrupt 'Salute to Israel' Parade (press release)

29-06-2008 23:36

Autonomous actions for Palestine challenge Zionist parade

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'Salute to Israel' march in London and counter-demonstrations

29-06-2008 20:18

UK, London. 'Salute to Israel' march.
Images of the Zionist march through London - the first 'Salute to Israel'.
Also included are images of the Palestinian / Student counter demonstrations.
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