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Update from Mainshill eviction day 3

28-01-2010 01:45

What's been happening today at the Mainshill eviction? Bulldozers, nets, and a whole lotta singing.

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Cambridge Anarchists look back on 2009

27-01-2010 16:38

Anarchy isn’t all about sitting in the pub talking bollox… sometimes anarchists do stuff as well. Here’s a few highlights of 2009:

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London Conference Protest Exposes Nuclear Greenwash

27-01-2010 11:41

A group of nine anti-nuclear campaigners staged a two-hour protest outside the Nuclear New Build Conference in central London this morning in protest at industry attempts to paint nuclear power as a “green” technology and win public support for new nuclear reactors.

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Photos from Mainshill eviction

27-01-2010 11:17

The fort
Photos from Mainshill eviction

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Ravenstruther coal rail terminal shut down

27-01-2010 10:26

This morning a protestor locked on to a digger at Ravenstruther, effectively shutting down operations.

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Update from Mainshill Solidarity Camp eviction

26-01-2010 18:26

The details of the ongoing eviction of the anti opencast site from yesterday and today.

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Crawley Detention Centre Plans Thrown Out

26-01-2010 15:10

Last night members and supporters of No Borders Brighton and London No Borders picketed the Crawley Borough Council planning meeting where an application by Arora International Hotels Ltd. to covert the Mercure Hotel into a detention centre was rejected by the Development Control Committee.

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Sanctuary for the Adda Family

25-01-2010 16:12

Sanctuary for the Adda Family
Selina Adda a national of Ghana and her two children aged five and nine years, residents of Nottingham for the last five years; are currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRC and due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Wednesday 27th January 2010 @ 14:50 on British Airways flight BA0081 to Accra.

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Forced eviction of Mainshill Solidarity Camp under way

25-01-2010 09:17

This morning at 08:30am around 25 private bailiffs, supported by 10 police, began their dawn assault to evict the Mainshill Solidarity Camp in South Lanarkshire.

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Hajo Meyer and Haidar Eid: Never Again - For Anyone

25-01-2010 00:35

Attached is a recording of Hajo Meyer, an Auschwitz survivor, speaking in Sheffield on 25th January 2010 at a meeting organised by the Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign as part of a tour organised by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network,

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Life is too short to be controlled

24-01-2010 16:52

Rally at St Pancras 1
Over 150 people took part in a march, organised by 'London NoBorders', 'Life is too short to be controlled' was a protest in London on Saturday (23/01/2010) against the increasing control over our lives through increased police powers to stop and search, increased surveillance and controls on freedom of movement. Photographs Copyright (C) Peter Marshall, 2009. All rights reserved.

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Photographers Not Terrorists

24-01-2010 16:36

The mini placard
Around 2000 photographers gathered in Trafalgar Square, London today, Saturday 23 Jan, 2010, to protest at the harassment of people taking photographs by police, and in particular their abuse of powers under the Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Pictures (C) Peter Marshall, 2010, all rights reserved.

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EDL Stoke

24-01-2010 00:16

The English Defence League (EDL) clashed with police as anti-Muslim protest turned violent.

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Report & Pics: Life's too short to be controlled! demo

23-01-2010 23:23

Demo marching towards Picadilly Circus
Today's 'Life's Too Short to be controlled' demo that was called by London No Borders attracted over 150 people that gathered at St.Pancras international terminal from 2pm. Whilst people were arriving banners were being unfurled, speeches were given over the mobile sound system, and bandanas specially made for the demo that read 'cctv operating at all times - life's too short to be controlled' and 'Smile you are on cctv - london no borders' were given out to the crowd.

Report and Pics in IMC-London:

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Calais: Pics of Migrant Resistance

23-01-2010 15:29

Here are some pics from the protest by migrants in Calais earlier in the week, and our press release which sheds a bit more light on the events....

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UWU Picket of A4E, Friday 22/01/2010

23-01-2010 02:36

On a grim, rainy afternoon at midday on Thursday (22/01/2010), a new activist group picketed their first target.

The group was UWU (Unemployed Workers Union) and the target was A4E.

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The trial of the Greek Cop who shot a teenager and BBC Lies

22-01-2010 22:46

The trial of the Greek Cop who shot dead a 15-year-old boy in Athens has now started. The BBC has attempted to report on it, but the article is a disgrace, full of lies and inaccuracies. Read the actual facts here, in short, as found on Athens Indymedia (in Greek) and as reported from comrades who are there and are witnessing what is happening.

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Barclays sabotaged in Brighton

22-01-2010 20:27

On Tuesday 19th January we sabotaged two Barclays cashpoints in Brighton and left the message 'Investors in death'

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Where is "Stop The War"?

21-01-2010 21:02

Well, to begin with, they didn't "Stop the War" and there is a lot to be said for the case that in the 6-going-on-7 years since their role has been to "play mother" to the continuing dissent, dissipating the anger until it reduces to a background noise like a chained-up dog outside a kennel at the foot of the garden.

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What would our alternative society look like?

21-01-2010 14:13

Attached is a recording of a meeting held on 19th January 2010 in Sheffield titled, "What would our alternative society look like?"
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