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Palestine Today

01-06-2006 15:30

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday, June 1st, 2006.

Four residents arrested near Hebron, and ten in Silwad town, near Ramallah,
Jewish settlers attack Palestinians in Tel Rumeida, Hebron, while Resistance injures two soldiers during a predawn invasion to Jenin

These stories and more coming up stay tuned

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Stokefest Cancelled!!

01-06-2006 10:57

Proving that they couldn't organise a piss up in a park the festival Stokefest has been cancelled due to the near legendary incompetence of Hackney Council.

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Meeting Report: Meet Up of North West Anti-ID Groups

31-05-2006 22:38

Sunday 28th May saw a gathering of North-West groups opposed to ID cards meeting at the Basement in Manchester to share ideas and combine efforts in opposing ID cards. Many groups were represented, from Nottingham to Liverpool and beyond, and loads of interesting discussion was generated, as you can tell by the length of this post! The meeting lasted for around five hours, including a lunch break.

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Jericho boatyard evicted (photos)

31-05-2006 20:42

Large numbers of cops and bailiffs
Castlemill boatyard in Jericho, Oxford was evicted today after a long occupation of the site in an attempt to stop the essential facility being converted to yuppy flats.

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The Pirate Bay Has Sunk

31-05-2006 19:22

Many people believed that this major part of Internet file sharing life would never die, due to Sweden's unwavering stance on .torrent trackers, but that has now changed.

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report from the BTC pipeline demo outside BP 26th May

31-05-2006 18:43

listen to the report, 8 mins 20 secs

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How to F*ck the Police

31-05-2006 16:43

(as if you didn't already know, Why F*ck the Police)

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Palestine Today

31-05-2006 14:28

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday, May 31st, 2006

Army arrests three residents from Qabatia village also six arrested and two injured in Balata refugee camp, meanwhile Army continues shelling eastern and northern areas of the Gaza strip

These stories and more coming up stay tuned.

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Don't deport Elizabeth:Support Ugandan lesbian with 3 days until deportation

31-05-2006 10:29

Elizabeth is now booked onto a flight to Uganda on Friday 2nd June - she is unlikely to survive on return.

We have just three days to convince the Immigration Minister to stop her deportation and to convine KLM not to fly her. We CAN do this by making lots of noise and making a general nuisance of ourselves.

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Animal Activists demo lair of Oxford lab builders.

31-05-2006 09:51

Yesterday evening, up to 30 animal rights activists converged on the Fire Service College in Moreton-in-Marsh, having discovered that the people working on the controversial new animal laboratory for Oxford University were staying there.

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Asylum seekers stage successful Glasgow protest

31-05-2006 01:05

Over 100 asylum seekers and their supporters gathered on saturday 27th of May in the city centre of Glasgow to highlight the ongoing racist attacks which are being carried out by the Labour government, demanding the right to work and an immediate end to dawn raids.

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European Coordination Against Precariousness: Strasburg (France), June 9-10-11th

30-05-2006 19:20

We invite you to take part in the European Coordination against precariousness on June 9th, 10th and 11th at Strasburg’s universities, to create a resistance network and european-scale common action projects.

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Audio report Israeli Army repression at nonviolent protests in occupied Bilien

30-05-2006 17:19

Listen to an audio report which offering a soundscape and analysis of the Israeli Armies repression of the weekly non violent protest at the village of Bilien against the illegal Aparthied wall annexing the village from its agricultural lands. Over the weekend settlers from the near by illegal settlement torched the village's outpost designed to protest at the theft of Be'lin's farm lands.

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Palestine Today

30-05-2006 14:37

Palestine Toady, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday, May 30th, 2006

Army invades Qabatia village twice in one day killing one and arresting five, Israeli Army kills one resident and injures another two from Balata refugee camp in Nablus, and assassinates one resident from Anabta village east of Tulkarem, Two residents arrested from Beit Ta'mar and Al Obaiat villages east of Bethlehem, One resident arrested from Jeit village east of Qalqilia, Several prisoners injured after being attacked by their guards, Army attacks shepherds east of Tubas , Army levels two houses in Borqen

These stories and more coming up stay tuned

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brian haw court hearing - he can stay with restrictions for now

30-05-2006 14:04

this morning brian appeared before a bow street magistrate charged under socpa legislation. he was released on unconditional bail until july 15th and continue his albeit severely restricted demonstration until then. the case will challenge the draconian restrictions imposed on him.

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Met Press Release: Placard Amnesty to Free Our Streets from Protest Crime

29-05-2006 18:36

A citywide placard amnesty will be held between 29 May and 5 July, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Ian Blair, announced today. The amnesty will target those who carry placards and critical slogans.
A public campaign supporting the amnesty will urge people to hand in their placards during the five week period. Police stations throughout London will take part in the amnesty.

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support Brian Haw in court tomorrow

29-05-2006 17:57

Brian is in court Tuesday 30 May from 9am at Bow Street Magistrates Court for failing to comply with SOCPA conditions police placed upon him. This is the first case of its kind. It is not known what the outcome is likely to be but the police could be given more authority to remove Brian from Parliament Square. So... come along to the court and the Square to support if you can.

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Palestine Today

29-05-2006 17:36

Palestine Today , a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, May 29th, 2006

Several main checkpoints in West Bank locked down by Israeli forces
Israeli forces invade Nablus, Balata in ongoing siege Four arrested by Israeli forces in Bethlehem Four arrested by Israeli forces in north Tulkarem raid

These stories and more coming up stay tuned.

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Oxford MP demo'ed by SPEAK - doesnt like awkward questions

29-05-2006 15:40

Evan Harris, the Lib-Dem health spokesperson and local MP in favour of the controversial animal lab being built in Oxford recieved a visit from protesters who want to challenge some of his public statements on animal testing. It seems when it came to the crunch, he was left without words. Below is an article from Speak Campaigns.
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