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pdf flier for october 1000 cyclist critical mass - print and distribute!!!!

02-10-2005 22:58

in the wake of police attempt to criminalise the 12 year old critical mass cycle rides, here is a pdf flier (two on an A4 format) to print and distribute widely to try and creat a thousand cyclist critical mass for the 28th october

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October 1st - Neo-Nazi March in Leipzig, Germany Stopped!

02-10-2005 17:49

The Hamburg-based Neo-Nazi leader Christian Worch registered a demonstration for the 1st of October in the city of Leipzig, Germany. His troop of 150 supporters barely managed to make it to the starting point of their demonstration. Due to a successful blockade of the starting intersection by 800-1,000 Antifas (anti-fascists), the police sent the Nazis packing after four hours of waiting in the rain.

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The Nursery Social Centre Birmingham

29-09-2005 19:57

The Nursery at 1 Bournbrook Road, Selly Oak in Birmingham was shutdown by Birmingham City Council and left empty for two years. The council shut the community nursery down and handed it over to its Economic Development Department (E.D.D). E.D.D. are a private company who sell our public property to the private sector. There is no public consultation about this process. Local projects from council nurseries to sports centres are being closed and sold off to the private sector for re-development across the city.

Here's a very short intro to a longer film about the Nursery Social Centre. Sorry I haven't got round to encoding it with an open source codec yet. If you have any problems playing the film in it's Mp4 format download vlc player - an open source player:

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it's september critical mass!!!

29-09-2005 17:19

wow its the last friday of the month tomorrow and i know what i'll be doin..

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"Ode to the cleaners!" - A local perspective after the G8.

29-09-2005 11:42

So, who did tidy up then?
It is now the 20th of July, and the big hype is over. Most of the activists were quick to leave, a few stayed to clear, tidy up and reorganise the spaces and to take on responsibility in fulfilling promises made by other people.

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Bournemouth Critical Mass

25-09-2005 16:47

Critical Mass in Bournemouth -

Wednesday the 28th of September.

Meeting at the Lansdowne roundabout [near the uni] at 9 am, if you miss us and want to find us call this no 07745789258.

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Wa? Did avex commit plagiarism to 2-channnel based character?

25-09-2005 04:39

Sorry for sudden e-mail, but we have a problem with a giant company in Japan and we wish you to make some comment for us. we are frequent user of the biggest BBS site in Japan named 2-channel. (". This website has verious kinds of BBS threads that is used about eight million people from world wide.

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Foreigners in their country ...

24-09-2005 21:32

Read , please read.

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Foreigners in their country ...

24-09-2005 21:11

Read , please read.

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All hands needed -- workday at the Sumac -- Oct 8th

23-09-2005 23:19

Volunteers : Lets keep the enthusiasm for odd-jobbing going!

Building maintenance, yard tidying, gardening, general pottering about etc etc. Ralph'll be here to make sure there's a constant supply of tea for all those offering maintenance-type help.

Meet up at Sumac at 10:00am, or just join in during the afternoon. Wear old clothes and bring gloves....

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Techies top cops' terror profile

23-09-2005 09:25

Allo allo allo - is that an RS-232 cable, sah?

If you think that the police's profiling of terror suspects is something that only happens to other people - think again. Today's panicky Plod doesn't seem to be very discriminating at all. And you could be next.

Techie David Mery has published an account of being arrested, and having his computers confiscated, because he happened to be wearing a rucksack on the London Underground the day after the 27/7 bombings. Or as phone blogger Russell Beattie put it -

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Rita phone your chums.

22-09-2005 17:59

this is what it looks like from your moon base
Rita has just entered the history books, she is a 5.3 hurricane. If her eye hits land everything underneath will be frozen, but before that you are about see Katrina style rain and destruction in Texas.

"apocalypse for the pay check heads". At present there is a 100 mile tailback on the freeway, traffic is moving at 4 mph Rita is moving at 9mph.

So the state and government are making pretty much the same mistakes. We need not. Houston indymedia have found a suitable shelter building.

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56a Infoshop Gentrification Exhibition (Santiago + London)

21-09-2005 19:53

Walworth in South London disappearing fast...
International Dis/Appearance
A Photographic Exhibition held with the South London Social Centre 56a Infoshop. Now up and showing..all welcome...

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Redditch Critical Mass: Thurs Sept 22nd

21-09-2005 11:42

A Critical Mass ride is happening in Redditch as part of 'In Town Without My Car Day', this Thursday September 22nd.

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Anarchy in the UK

20-09-2005 15:37

Seen by many as the most important regular gathering of Anarchists in the world, the Anarchist Boofair reflects the full range of Anarchist groups, publishers and activity. Grab a stall, organise a meeting, or just turn up on the day with around three thousand other people.

Alongside the day length Bookfair, where you can get the latest books, pamphlets, magazines and all the other stuff, there are continual meetings and discussions on all aspects of anarchist activity....

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Queer Dressing Up Party!

20-09-2005 10:50

Queer Mutiny North Invites you to our...


Starts 7pm- LATE Friday 28th October

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Be part of a radio revolution

19-09-2005 17:50

rampART radio is an internet radio station which was orginally set up to provide independent coverage during the London European Social Forum held in October 2004. When the ESF finished rampART struggled on putting out daily news and events listings, along with some of the best revolutionary tunes and parodies you are likely to come across anywhere on the net. Over the last year the station has had it's share of up's and downs, including a month of down time when we lost our ADSL internet connection after the post office decided not to deliver any more post (including our phone bill). During the G8 in July, rampART radio provided 5 days of live up-to-the-minute coverage and enjoyed it's highest ever audiences as the stream was rebroadcast around the world. rampART radio also played a role in covering the protests against DSEi and even the London bombings after the G8.

Now, almost one year since it was created, I propose to kill rampART radio.

Ok, not exactly kill but certainly a rebirth in a very different form.

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more arrests at parliament square under soca law today

18-09-2005 18:29

five people were arrested late this afternoon for defying the ban on 'unauthorised protest' in parliament square under the new serious organised crime act legislation which became effective at the start of august this year

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Video of Parklife DfT action

18-09-2005 00:23

6 minute video of August 16th action by Parklife - the save priory park campaign group...

6.6mb mpeg4

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UNITED Against Police Brutality - Strasbourg Euro Mobilisation (Nov)

17-09-2005 22:11

make the journey...
MOBILISATION - united forces of soundsystems !! 12 - 11 - 05

Various European organizers wish to make an European demonstration at the European Parliament of Strasbourg to ask a total recognition of the Free movement and for a minimal protection in order to prevent abuses as the ones in Czechtek to start again...
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