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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Britain Names Suspects in Alleged Airline Bomb Plot; British Muslims Skeptical,

12-08-2006 08:43

suspicion of plotting
Britain has named 19 of the 24 people arrested yesterday on suspicion of plotting to blow up passenger jets flying to the United States and has frozen their assets. We go to Britain to look why many British Muslims are skeptical of the plot and fear a backlash on their communities.

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Thousands rally for peace in Lebanon

12-08-2006 07:00

No excuse for its aggression!
"All those hypocrites who don't call for a cease-fire are accomplices.

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Martyrs Square Vigil, Lebanon - Wed 9th Aug - Photo Report

11-08-2006 23:34

Now that the Arab league has left the city, the ban on demonstrations has been lifted. Every night at seven, people gather in the square to remember the dead and discuss the situation.

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Deaths in Custody

11-08-2006 21:02

Deaths in Custody (police and prison custody)
- article published on 11 August 2006,
following the conclusion of the Michael (Mikey) Powell case

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South Beirut After a Night of Bombing - Sat Aug 5th - Photo Report

11-08-2006 16:05

This morning Israel announced that it had hit several Hizbollah strongholds in the south of Beirut. That their targets had been carefully selected and were areas where they were storing arms and ammunition. So we went to the neighbourhood of Dhayiya to take a look for ourselves. The last time I saw devastation on this scale I was covering the aftermath of the South Asia Earthquake. Entire blocks have disappeared into piles of rubble and twisted metal. The first and most obvious thing is that aside from a few small shops and work units this was clearly a densely populated residential area. Locals tell us that the buildings destroyed include a mosque, an orphanage and a neighbourhood health clinic. The death toll is unknown this area has been bombed periodically over the last week. How many bodies lie under the rubble is unclear but human remains have a very distinctive smell and the odour is everywhere.

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Request to President Chavez to publicise a Political-Education policy

11-08-2006 15:49

We need to establish & publicise a POLICY of Public Information Campaigning to educate & politically activate on vital political issues (e.g. oil imperialism) our General Publics, university students in particular.
If President Chavez would publicise this policy, millions of supporters throughout the world could begin to change the minds and hearts of the Silent Majorities who ignorantly support fascism and imperialism, and are usually against us.

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Driving Into Lebanon - Friday August 4th - Photo Report

11-08-2006 15:27

The border with Syria is total chaos. Going into Lebanon is easy, coming out hundreds of cars and lorries are stacked up in a never-ending queue. Some are HGVs desperate to get their goods and vehicles out of the war zone. Others are packed with refugees; the lucky ones with the right documentation and enough money to escape.

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Homeless in Anata

11-08-2006 11:11

Whilst the world's media is now distracted away from Israel-s destruction of another country, the Israeli occupation of Palestine becomes more administratively savage and swift whilst no-one is looking. This article is about Israel's illegal demolition of family homes in Greater Jerusalem and the West Bank. See 'Big Issue in the North out Monday 14th August for the article with pictures.

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Campaigning about 9/11

11-08-2006 10:21

Overwhelming evidence condemns the U.S. Government as the Perpetrator of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in New York. Instead of having more and more conferences. let us conduct vital Public Information Campaigns to educate and politically activate the duped General Public concerning the real terrorists.

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Britain’s airline terror plot: Questions that need to be answered

11-08-2006 05:37

The claim that American and British security forces have thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up commercial flights between Britain and the United States should not be accepted uncritically. It is impossible to determine at this point whether or not such an attack was in the offing, although the mass media have, as usual, reported the assertions of the British and American governments as indisputable fact, without bothering to ask for any specific information that would substantiate the official story.

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Join the civilian convoy to South Lebanon on August 12th

10-08-2006 21:56

On August 12, at 7 am, Lebanese from throughout the country and international supporters who have come to Lebanon to express solidarity will gather in Martyr's Square in Beirut to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon.

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Join the Dots: the 'War on Terror' and the War on Freedom

10-08-2006 17:54

This afternoon, police have announced that are searching homes and businesses across the UK in connection with a plot to blow up planes from the UK to US. This appears to have been timed to coincide with the Home Secretary's demand that we "modify some of our freedoms". Or maybe Reid's speech was timed to coincide with the police announcement. Either way, the intention is the same - to attack the working class.

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Iranain gays say thanks for Intl support -but do not attack Iran

10-08-2006 15:40

Iranian LGBTs thank their supporters, detail the country's human rights situation, and explain how a war against Iran would reverse progress.

ps:twiglet- As for my putting these articles up - "In an atmosphere of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" George Orwell.

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Attack foiled - how long can this go on?

10-08-2006 14:33

I'm not saying I don't believe they found anything or had suspicions because it is an accusation I would not disagree with but I do not have the information to make. These sort of things will become a more regular occurance as the west fights its never-ending 'war on terror'.

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No to hysteria - Yes to real security

10-08-2006 12:35

There can be no justification for terrorist attacks but they cannot be stopped by turning Britain into a police state.

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G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 4

10-08-2006 10:00

I woke late. The sun was up and the head of a large and round-faced Russian policeman was poking through the tent entrance. He said something in Russian.

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Migration bill passes, Howard government adds another dark victory to its tally

10-08-2006 05:31

Another dark victory
"In passing the most deplorable Migration Amendment Bill through the House of Representatives at 11am this morning, The Howard government has added another dark victory to its deplorable tally of "achievements" since the Tampa legislation set Australia on course for serious human rights breaches and the undermining of International Conventions," WA Rights group Project SafeCom said this morning.

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Hackney Critical Mass (Lebanon Action)

10-08-2006 02:47

Sick of constant wars being fought over greed, racism and control for the world's dwindling natural resources? Disgusted that the government in this country sits back while a murderous, oppressive state brutally attacks another country, just because the UK government wants to keep its ally in an area it's helping rip apart to guarantee the supply of the last few drops of oil?

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The BNP's dating agency

09-08-2006 15:25

Let's all go out with Mark Collett. You know it makes sense!

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Read the NUS president's shameful attempt to censor the Black Students'

09-08-2006 15:23

Below is an email sent from Gemma Tumelty to the NUS NEC due to Ruqayyah's correspondence with the RESPECT coalition. Both of these emails are followed by a statement from Ruqayyah Collector, NUS Black Students' Officer on the current situation.
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