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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Reuters photo released today proves Simon's innocence

26-11-2003 12:33

Simon's arrest
Reuters released a new photo, which accompanied by two older ones clearly proves Simon's innocence. The new one is photo number 3

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barcode yourself

26-11-2003 10:20

click on the link-

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They (all five) could die any minute

26-11-2003 01:53

Reuters are reporting that: "Theoretically they (all five) could die any minute, or they have a week to live."

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We interrupt this Greek cultural evening

26-11-2003 01:36

Report of an action in solidarity with the Saloniki 7.

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Pictures From Bush's visit to the UK

26-11-2003 00:24

The Dink
Some pictures from the demonstration against Bush

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Caught in the Crossfire?

25-11-2003 22:49

Inspired by the Robert Fisk Independent Article 2/10/2000. Written this Summer past. My only song to date. Iam a musician (Uilleann Pipes, Low Whistle, Bones, Bodhran etc.) Decided to speak over a 6/8 bodhran beat. Appalled at occupation of Palestine. I am a father too. The photo sequence still shocks. The idea of 'lies' comes from James Joyce's 'Ecce Puer'. Has been received well when I've performed it.

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Thessaloniki Support Actions In Leeds

25-11-2003 20:11

A report on ongoing support activities in Leeds.

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25-11-2003 16:00

Following the examples of the collapse of the old Soviet Bloc, the former-Soviet Republics, and more recent examples from Serbia, Argentina and Bolivia, people power has toppled the corrupt regime in Georgia. Where now democracy?

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In support of Police Accountability

25-11-2003 11:28

A response to an article seen on Indymedia defending police brutality. This is a detailed response to an issue we face all too often. The police need to be accountable to prevent teh arrival of a fascist state.

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What else can we do to help the Saloniki hunger strikers?

25-11-2003 10:19

I want to know what else there is to do to support the Saloniki hunger stikers. I feel really helpless whilst the Greek government continues to murder our friends

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On patrol (by Latuff)

24-11-2003 23:56

Policemen on patrol
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Pictures from Bush 2003

24-11-2003 21:14

Bush mixing the visuals in Trafalgar Square
Images may not be reproduced in any format without prior permission of James BArr. Indymedia may use these images.

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Action Plan for The Hungerstrikers in Greece

24-11-2003 20:59


5 Anti capitalist prisoners, inprisoned on false charges in Greece are on hungerstrike demanding their release on bail.

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Lovely photos from Stop the War Demo London (Bush 2003)

24-11-2003 20:58

These images may not be reproduced in any format without prior permission from the photographer. Indymedia can use these images on its website if it wants.

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Audio: Cyclist reaches Bu$h motorcade - interview

24-11-2003 19:08

MP3 audio file of interview with random cyclist who reached the Bush motorcade by accident. A couple of minutes long.

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Simon mentioned by BBC ....mp3

24-11-2003 18:44

there was a short peice on Simon with an interview with his brother
also link to mp3 of program

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Report from British-Occupied Basra - 1 soldier 'definately killed' by resistance

24-11-2003 17:40

A shattered soldier, Palestinian Basra, schools set to explode, the Occupation Fever and Brit exec gets death-threat...

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Εdinburgh: 740 signatures for the Immediate Release of Salonica 7

24-11-2003 14:53

740 signatures on petition demanding the immediate release of the 7 prisoners was sent today to the Greek ministers of Justice and the Interior, as well as to the Athens daily Eleftherotypia

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Los presos de Tesalónica en situación crítica. Manifestación e

24-11-2003 14:06

Los presos de Tesalónica en situación crítica. Manifestación estatal en Madrid
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