Please send us details of regional events (South West, Wales
& West Midlands). See sections 9&10 for more regional events.

Bristol STW correspondence can be posted to: BSTW c/o
Greenleaf Books, Box 45, 82 Colston St. Bristol BS1 5BB
Latest Bristol News:


FREE DOWNLOAD: A magazine-style version of the newsletter is available.
Please print out copies & give or sell them to people who don't have email.


* New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
01) *~+ DU Report : Nibby David @The High Court
02) * + Reclaim The Bases Camp : 27-30th Aug
03) *~ Bath Carnival For Peace : 29th Aug
04) * + The Iraq Fat Cat Tour : 4th Sept
05) *~+ Palestine Special Report : P10K
06) *~ Bristol IMC Films: Drug Night : 14th Sept
07) *~ Bristol G8 Dissent! Meeting : 28th Sept
08) * + European Social Forum : 14-17th Oct
09) *~ MORE Bristol & Bath Events : Aug & Sep
10) *~ MORE Regional Events During Aug & Sep
11) ^ News : 'The Uprising In Athens...'
12) ~ Local Peace Vigils & Planning Meetings
13) Bristol & Regional MESSAGE BOARDS
Related Link:

INTRODUCTION: "Hello. As you may know Richard 'Nibby' David has a Depleted Uranium
(DU) personal injury case coming up in the High Court, London, scheduled for 6th-17th Dec. The case will set a precedent for internal exposure to DU, & help confirm if DU is legal or not. (DU is used in US weapon systems, & an estimated 1,000+ tons of DU weaponry have been dropped on Iraq.) At present there's no funding for this very important case so we're doing all we can to raise funds for him.
The organisers of the 2003 Hamburg Conference on Depleted Uranium have kindly donated
some copies of the proceedings 'The Trojan Horses of Nuclear War' to help this fundraising effort. This is a record of the presentations given by the many speakers, is very informative, & covers the broad range of DU issues. These are for sale at the cost price of £14 plus £2.50 postage & packaging."

TO ORDER YOUR COPY: Please make cheques or postal orders payable to: 'The NDDU
Support Fund'. POST TO: Box 98, Greenleaf Books, Colston St, Bristol BS1 5BB. Or email
your orders to

Please state clearly that it is for 'The Trojan Horses of Nuclear War'.
OR TO MAKE A DONATION: Please post cheques or postal orders to the address above.
Alternatively, cash or cheques can be paid over the counter at any UK branch of Lloyds
TSB made payable to: NDDU Support Fund: Sort Code 30-90-37.
RELATED DU NEWS: "A court in Rome has ruled that the Italian Ministry of Defense must
award Euro 500,000 in compensation to the widow of Stefano Melone, a soldier who had
served in the Balkans. During one of his missions in Kosovo, Mr Melone had come into
contact with remnants of war contaminated with DU. In 2001, at the age of 40, he died from a rare form of cancer, which doctors had attributed to radiation exposure. Since then, his widow Paola Melone has sought to hold the Italian government accountable for the death of her husband. To date, 25 italian soldiers have died of lymphoma, cancer or leukemia, & 260 are currenlty ill, after their missions abroad. Many of these missions took place in countries where DU has been used, including Bosnia, Kosovo, & Iraq." Adapted From An Article By Francesco Iannuzzelli, ICBUW, 7th July 2004.
CASE BACKGROUND: "Nibby worked as an engineer from 1985-1995 in the aerospace industry for UK company Normalair Garrett (in Yeovil, UK) now owned by the US company Honeywell. In the course of his work, he was poisoned by DU. A number of his colleagues have died of cancer. Honeywell refuses to admit DU was used in the aerospace department. The most the company concedes is that employees were involved in handling 'tungsten heavy metal alloy'.
Proof of radioactive poisoning was delivered by Dr. W. Hoffman of the Bremen Institute.
Tests demonstrate Nibby has an increased rate of chromosome mutations, which only occur from exposure to ionising radiation. If Nibby wins it will set a precedent for compensation cases world wide. Thousands of UK Gulf War veterans suffer from similar
range health problems. Yet, the British government denies the dangers of DU. If the case is won this may contribute tremendously to banning the use of DU." Adapted From An Article By Carolyn d’Hesse Rogers.

VENUE: Bluebell Wood. (Near Newbury & Reading). MAP:

There is no entrance charge, but you will need to bring your own tent. Vegan food will be
provided for breakfast, lunch & supper for a donation of £3 a day.
HOW TO GET THERE: There are trains to Aldermaston Station (except on Sundays) which is about 5 miles away, & Mortimer which is about 8 miles (phone us if you need a lift from there!). BUSES: From Reading train station: 143 or 148. Get off in Tadley. From Tadley walk towards AWE & turn left towards Aldermaston. Follow the fence, go right at the roundabout. The camp is just beyond the West Gate, Aldermaston entrance. Don't hesitate to phone if you're lost, need a lift.

INTRODUCTION: Following on from last year's successful camp, & the Easter March to Aldermaston (organised by the Aldermaston Action Group), D10 proudly presents the Reclaim The Bases summer camp 2004. The camp will include skill sharing, training, workshops & tips on NVDA, anti-militarism, military bases & legal issues with a focus on practical actions. There's no charge, but please let us know if you're coming so we can plan
for food, time tables, etc. If you would like to come, & would like more info, please visit the websites or contacts provided above.
LATEST BACKGROUND: "AWE Aldermaston is preparing to build the next generation of nuclear weapons. We don't know exactly what. It could be a successor to Trident on the UK's 4 Trident submarines, or a new generation of 'low yield' nuclear weapons. What is certain is that AWE ML (the company managing Aldermaston) have a £5.3 billion contract with the UK government, & are planning new facilities which will enable them to simulate underground nuclear test conditions. Any new nuclear weapons would be immoral & unlawful. They are indiscriminate weapons which leave a deadly legacy for generations.
New weapons would mean the UK would continue to break its international obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) - to make progress, in good faith, towards disarmament. The new facilities at AWE also undermine the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (signed & ratified by the UK but not yet in force), as they enable research on nuclear
weapons without underground testing."

OUTLINE OF WORKSHOPS: News from the Bases (Discussion) - Blockading (Practical) - Fence climbing (Practical) - New Police Powers (Info) - Bases & Monitoring (Discussion) - Police Tactics (Discussion) - Campaign & Action Tactics (Discussion) - Off the streets, into the Bases (Discussion) - Block the Builders Campaign (Info) - Prop making (Practical) - Fence Cutting (Practical) - US Bases (Info) - Affinity Groups (Discussion) - Prison (Info) - What Next? (Discussion)
More Links:

Organisers Link:

DATE: Sun 29th August. MEET: 12:00noon outside the Abbey Courtyard.
DIRECTIONS... Follow the A36 into Bath, & turn onto the A3039. The bus & train stations
are both near to this junction. You will find short & long stay car parking in the vicinity too. From the bus or train station follow Manvers St, which becomes Pierrepont St, and turn onto York St, where you'll find the Abbey. MAP BELOW:

A MESSAGE FROM BATH: "There will be a Carnival For Peace at the end of this month in
Bath, & we'll make our merry way through town, stopping at certain points for little displays - 99 red balloon release, mass street twister, speakers - & will end up early afternoon in Victoria Park for a Bring-Your-Own-Picnic in the park! bring banners, music, cake to hand out, fancy dress, enthusiasm & ideas. We will focus on both an anti-war angle & an environmental one, too. All comers welcome.
A Message From The Peacenik Pirates: "Avast me hearties, we be the Peacenik Pirates of
Pandemonium, & we're a merry flotilla of no good buccanneers, & that be no lie. We're
working our nets & waxing our rigging, but you landlubbers need no fear, we got bigger fish to fry. We're hoisting our Jolly Roger, & hollering our rebel shanties, & we're heading straight for the heart of the military-industrial carcass. Ye all be welcome to join our scurvy fleet. Wear your finest mutinous piratic rags, bring all your sea dog friends, & see if we can't make the real terrorists walk the plank!"
ALSO IN BATH... THE BATH PEACE VIGIL: Outside Bath Abbey from 11.30am to 12.30pm every Saturday. Please come & support this regular, long-established & powerful witness to the futility of war. See directions given above.
BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Hold Regular Meetings. For details Tel: 01225 315480 Email:

'Iraq for Sale - Everything must go! Stop the corporate invasion of Iraq!'
DATE: Sat 4th Sept. TIME: 12:00noon. PLACE: Meet outside the Shell Centre.
York Rd. (SE1 7NA, near Waterloo station). MAP BELOW:

For An Interactive London Tube & Street Map:

Join us on Sat 4 Sept for a colourful, theatrical tour of the corporate war profiteers who have offices in Central London. Free ‘fat cat ears’ will be provided. Audience participation is optional. For more info: Voices UK, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1.
Tel. 0207 8370561 Email:

AIMS OF THE DAY: "To help inform the public about this less well-publicised aspect of the
occupation namely, the role of corporations in stealing the future of the Iraqi people &
profiting from war as well as helping to build a basis for future actions. We also aim to highlight Iraqi workers' resistance to corporate exploitation & support their rights to organise & control the reconstruction of their own country."
Link On The Role Of Corporations:

BACKGROUND: "Since the invasion of Iraq the US has imposed sweeping illegal privatisation laws, slashed corporate taxes & tried to impose wage cuts on Iraqi workers. At the same time billions of dollars of contracts for 'reconstruction', to US & British corporations have been handed out. Whilst huge profits have been made, Iraq's impoverished population has seen few, if any, benefits. Medicine & electricity remain in short supply & children continue to die from drinking dirty water. Now the IMF is seeking to cut a deal with Iraq’s unelected government - robbing Iraqis of their future economic freedom & threatening to impoverish them still further…"
THE WAR ON YOUR DOORSTEP: Did you know that the following companies all have offices in Central London? Please feel free to write to them, or boycott them. "[E]very corporate house that has been awarded with a contract in postwar Iraq … should be named [and] exposed." (Arundhati Roy, May 2003)
PRIVATE 'SECURITY' COMPANIES: (AKA: Mercenary Firms): (a) Aegis Defence Services Ltd, 118 Piccadilly, London W1J 7NW. Awarded $293 million by the US Government (Telegraph, 29/05/04); (b) ArmourGroup, 25 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LD; (c) Control Risks Group, 83 Victoria St, London SW1H OHW; (d) Global Risk Strategies, 6 Stratton St, London W1J 8LD; (e) ICP Group Ltd, 2 Old Brompton Rd, London SW7 3DQ; (f) Genric, Hereford House, East St, Hereford, UK, HR1 2LU; (g) Olive Security, 2 Charles St, Mayfair, London W1J 5DB.
* SHELL, HQ at Shell Centre, SE1 7NA. ‘Intends to establish a material & enduring presence in Iraq in an attempt to rebuild the firms reserves’ (Guardian, 04/05/04).
* HSBC, Head office at HSBC Holdings Plc, 8 Canada Sq, London E14 5HQ. Together with
Standard Chartered (1 Aldermanbury Sq, London). HSBC owns 46.5% of the British Arab
Commercial Bank which is looking to collect $100 million from Iraq in debt repayments (

* AMEC, 65 Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5HF. Amec’s joint venture with the US-based Fluor
(Holborn House, High Holborn, WC1V 6JQ) has been awarded 3 contracts in the sewage, water & electricity sectors - worth up to $1.6bn.
* BECHTEL. The US construction giant has 2 offices in London: 245 Hammersmith Rd, London, W6 8DP; & Pilgrim St Office, 11 Pilgrim St, London EC4V 6RN. Closely linked to the Bush administration, Bechtel has received several billion dollars worth of contracts. Also, MerchantBridge, 6 Eaton Gate, SW1W 9BJ. Appointed lead adviser to the Iraqi Ministry of Industry & Minerals.
Organisers Link:

'P10K is a very imaginative, creative, & courageous initiative. If it receives support it merits it could have a major impact on moves towards reconciliation, peace, & hopes for justice & freedom in this tortured corner of the world.' Noam Chomsky
AIMS & BACKGROUND: "The P10K Force will be comprised of western citizens, (maybe you!) who are fed up with the promise of 'democracy'. Most of us have marched in protest, signed petitions & written to our governments, but they have ignored us. They have committed fraud to further a war agenda that has resulted in literal mass murder & a much
more dangerous world...
10,000 western citizens have the ability to effect a cessation of offensive operations in
Israel, by the Palestinian Resistance, simply by showing up in Palestine for 11th Sept,
2004. We need only one out of every 88,000 people in the west to profoundly impact history. Our greatest obstacle is not history, religion, nor the Israeli Government, or so-called 'terrorists', it is the barrier created in our own minds..."
Related Links:

Regional Contact: Kate :

National Contacts:

TO MAKE A DONATION: Please make cheques or postal orders payable to: P10K. Post To: P10K, 12 Cardozo Rd, London N79RL, UK. Alternatively, cash or cheques can be paid directly into the P10K account. Name: Co-operative Bank; Address: Balloon St, Manchester; Account: 07187735; Sort Code: 089300
A MESSAGE FROM KEN O'KEEFE: Ken O'Keefe - Founder of P10K - was recently jailed while in Israel, & went on hunger strike to secure his release... "Aloha Bristol, I hear great
things about the city, & look forward to coming. What follows is a summary of my journey
to Palestine, & where P10K stands. Thank you to all those who emailed, called & sent
positive energy to me while I was in Israeli jail. As for my situation, I have been officially deported from Israel as a 'security threat'. Even if I am denied entry to Palestine it matters not, it is the 10,000 strong P10K Force arrival in Palestine that matters, & that is my ongoing mission.
My time in Israeli jail was enriching & overall positive for P10K, therefore I am happy for the experience. My beating on the 4th day of incarceration resulted in minor wounds, including a minor concussion. What I experienced was nothing compared to what Palestinian & Iraqi prisoners endure everyday, while almost nobody watches. My only hope once incarcerated was for the imprisonment to further the agenda of P10K; no doubt about this now, P10K did benefit.
I did my best to get the critical initial element of P10K in place; the 'Agreement in Principle' (to affect a ceasefire upon arrival of the P10K Force). The reason this agreement was so critical is that mobilizing 10,000 people to Palestine requires just such a historic pull. I was not able to get agreement from all factions, Hamas & Islamic Jihad had not yet agreed, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade had. Meetings with Hamas & Islamic Jihad leaders were required, & I was apprehended by Israeli Forces in the 'security zone' bordering Palestinian Gaza. But I do know that Hamas & Islamic Jihad will agree to a ceasefire upon the arrival of the P10K Force.
There are reasons why they will not say this publicly. The simple truth is that we in the
west must prove we are serious. Despite my great desire to get the ceasefire agreement
first, I fully understand that we in the west have done a lot of talking, but when it comes to walking, we are largely unwilling to truly walk the walk. But I know there are far more than 10,000 of us out 879 million in the west who are ready to walk the walk. So my priority is to register 10,000 people with P10K, in order to show we are indeed serious. I will live & breathe P10K until it becomes real."

DATE: Tue 14th Sept. TIME: 7:30-10:00pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3 / £2* (*though no one turned away through lack of funds).
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)

INTRO: An ongoing showcase of contemporary filmmakers who are finding new forms of cinema to show resistance to globalisation throughout the world. This months films will be taking a look at the drug wars, something many Bristolians are all too familiar with. PS:
This month is Bristol Indymedia's 3rd Birthday! Stick around after the show for a drink &
knees up with the Bristol Indymedia collective.
MAIN FEATURE: "News from a Personal War" a stunningly honest documentary by Katia Lund that inspired the award winning film 'City of God'. This documentary takes an unflinching look at life & death in the Brazilian favelas from the perspective of the gangs, the
cops & the residents. Witness favelas-rappin', & the only police force in the world to
routinely deploy infantry support machine guns."
For A Deeper Review:

LOCAL FEATURES: Includes a look at the gun amnesty in Bristol by local filmmakers First
Born Creatives, & a number of inspiring Bristol Indymedia shorts.
RELATED INFO: The never ending supply of cheap drugs on Bristol's streets is intricately
connected to the failed 'War on Terror'. Since the fall of the Taliban, for example, opium production has escalated. "Afghanistan boosted production by a further 8% last year to 3,600 tonnes, by far the world's biggest supply, & accounts for three-quarters of the world's heroin in 2003, raking in $2.3-billion, about half the value of Afghanistan's legal economy & growing much faster. The UN is forecasting an even larger harvest this year.", 16 August 2004.
Organisers Link:

DATE: Tue 28th Sept. TIME: 7:00pm (for food) or 7.30pm (for meeting).
VENUE (Free Entry): Kebele, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton. MAP BELOW:

BACKGROUND TO THE G8: "The G8 Summit (group of eight most industrialised nations)
will be held at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire (about 40 miles from Edinburgh) in Scotland from 6-8th of July 2005. A network of groups & individuals is emerging that resists the Summit. The G8 was created in 1975, in order to safe guard the economies of the richest nations, at the clear expense of the world's poorest countries whenever 'necessary'.
The G8 is backed up by institutions such as the IMF, World Bank & WTO, & everywhere they have tried to meet in past years they have been met with a massive response from the world's social movements. Now that the 'war on terror' increasingly resembles an excuse for a new corporate carve up of the world, the G8 attracts resistance from many within the anti-war movement too."
COME TO THE MEETING: "At the first Bristol Dissent! meeting many expressed strong support for the view that we shouldn’t just expend all our energies on a one-off protest a long way away, but that instead we should also use the campaign to promote an understanding of what the G8 does, & how it’s actions filter down through various pillars of capitalism to affect ordinary people on a day to day basis. Additionally, many felt it vital that we put forwards viable alternatives to global capitalism, using both local and international examples. With over 10 months to go there is plenty of time to do all these, so if you're interested please come to the next Bristol Dissent! meeting on 28th September to get involved."
Read More:

ABOUT DISSENT!: "Dissent! consists of a network of autonomous local & working groups committed to building resistance not just to the G8 but to capitalism in general. The Network has no central office, no membership list, no paid staff & no spokesperson. It is
open to everyone who agrees to work within the People’s Global Action (PGA) hallmarks.
(PGA stands for People's Global Action):

(a) A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism & feudalism; all trade agreements,
institutions & governments that promote destructive globalisation. (b) We reject all forms & systems of domination & discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism & religious fundamentalism of all creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human beings. (c) A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased & undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker. (d) A call to direct action & civil disobedience, support for social movements' struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximise respect for life & oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local alternatives to global capitalism. (e) An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy. These are not rules or a fixed definition but rather a philosophy to help bring together those that want to work together in a similar way."
Related Links:

Organisers Link:

INTRODUCTION: "The 3rd European Social Forum will take place from 14th -17th October
in London. The Forum will be launched with a large opening event on Thursday 14th,
followed by 3 days of discussion & debate involving leading activists from around the world, as well as music, drama, film-showings & exhibitions celebrating this global movement. On the afternoon of Sunday 17th there will be an International demonstration through central London. As this will only be 2 weeks before the US election the demonstration on 17th Oct should be a huge display of Europe's opposition to war & the Project for the New American Century."
PLEASE NOTE: There will be Swindon & Bristol mobilising meetings on 1st & 9th Sept,
respectively. Please see Sections 9 & 10 of this newsletter for more info.
OUTLINE AGENDA: For a full list of proposed workshops please visit:

Workshops Will Be Based Broadly Around The Following Topics...
War & peace - Democracy & fundamental rights - Social justice & solidarity: Against
privatisation (deregulation); For workers, social & women's rights - Corporate globalisation & global justice - Against racism, discrimination & the far right; for equality & diversity - Environmental crisis & sustainable society.
BACKGROUND: To Read The World Social Forum 'Charter Of Principles', Visit:

"The ESF emerged from the spectacular success of the World Social Forum, which opened in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2001. Its first 2 gatherings in Florence (2002) & Paris (2003)
attracted over 50,000 people from Europe & beyond. Social movements, trade unions, NGOs, refugees, peace & anti-imperialist groups, anti-racist movements, environmental movements, networks of excluded & community campaigns come together to debate ways of making 'another world possible'.
These international & European gatherings were sparked by the protests against the IMF &
World Bank in Seattle in 1999. They are recognition from the local, national & international level, that the conditions under which we live are shaped by the political economic system which has been labelled ‘globalisation’. The ESF is a giant gathering for everyone opposed to war, racism & corporate power, everyone who wants to see global justice, workers' rights and a sustainable society."
REGISTRATION: Demand for places is expected to be high so you will need to register
early. Registration information is available on the website, but please do get in touch using the contacts below if you have any problems.
PRICES: For the 4 days: £30 waged; £20 concessions for unwaged & students.
(Proof for concessions will be required when you collect your pass at the event.)
ACCOMMODATION: We cannot guarantee to find accommodation for all ESF delegates, but we will endeavour to offer as much cheap & free accommodation as possible. Please get in touch if you either need, or can offer, accomadation.
CONTACT: Tel: 020 7833 8440 Email:

Britannia St, London WC1X 9JN. Website:

a) *~ 28th Aug: Amnesty Letter Writing
b) *~ 3rd Sep: Bath Bristle Benefit Night
c) *~ 9th Sep: ESF Mobilising Meeting
d) *~ 30th Sep: MPs' Palestine Meeting
Organisers Link:

DATE: Sat 28 Aug. TIME: 10.30am to midday. PLACE: La Ruca (A few doors from the Amnesty bookshop). 89 Gloucester Rd, Bristol. MAP BELOW:

"Come & write letters on current human rights cases while you drink your coffee. Everyone
is very welcome to join us, so if you've never met us before, don't worry."
CONTACTS: Tel: Margaret 0117 9756684 Email:

To receive the Bristol Amnesty newsletter, please send a blank email to:

Main Amnesty Site:

Organisers Link:

DATE: Fri 3rd Sept. TIME: 7:30pm to midnight. TAX: £4.50
VENUE: The Porter Butt Pub, London Road, Bath BA1 6AE. MAP BELOW:

FEATURING: Live music from P.A.I.N (punk/ska), with DJ's from Positive Vibration.
"Bristle is a local alternative publication aiming to provide a space for local groups &
activists. We are self-funded, don't belong to any party or group, & committed to creating an alternative media to the local & national brainwashers & manipulators."
NEXT ISSUE: Available late-August for £1.50, & available from: BATH: Appydaze, Harvest,
Porter Butt, Replay Records, Nashers, Groovement Records. BRISTOL: Kebele, Greenleaf
Books, Cube Cinema, Harvest, La Ruca, Circle Books, Subway Records, Here, Replay Records, Tangy Gifts, St Werburghs Farm Cafe, Chelsea Inn & The Plough. ALSO: Harlequin Books (Totnes), Speaking Tree (Glastonbury). If you are outside Bristol send a cheque for £1.50 payable to 'Bristle' to Box 25, Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, Bristol, BS1 5BB, & we'll bung one in the post."
Related Link:

DATE: Thur 9th Sept. TIME: 6:00-7:45pm. Free Entry. PLACE: Centre For The Deaf Centre,
6-18 Kings Square, (off Stokes Croft), Bristol. MAP BELOW

ABOUT ESF: "Please see Section 8 of this newsletter for more about the ESF, to be held in London from 14-17th October 2004. The RMT Bristol Rail Branch has organised the meeting on 9th Sept to publicise & mobilise for the ESF 2004."
SPEAKERS: Ang Langley: President Bristol TUC - George Binette: Campaign to Defend Asylum Seekers - Tam Macfarlane: FBU SW Region - Alex Gordon: RMT SW&W Region - Dave Chapple: CWU & Somerset Anti-Racist Movement
Related Link:

DATE: Thur 30th Sept. TIME: 7:30-9:30pm. Free Entry. PLACE: Redland Friends Meeting
House, 126 Hampton Rd, Bristol (off Elgin Rd). MAP BELOW:

SPEAKERS: "Valerie Davey MP & Jenny Tonge MP will talk about the situation in Israel/Palestine. Jenny Tonge is Liberal Democrat MP for Richmond Park (London). Valerie
Davey is Labour MP for Bristol West. Both voted against the war on Iraq, on the eve of the invasion. This will be an opportunity to press them further for their views on the criminal mess the labour party has helped create in the Middle East."
a) *~ 26th Aug: Cardiff Public Meeting
b) *~ 26th Aug: Birmingham Film Night
c) *~ 30th Aug: Portsmouth Peace Picnic
d) *~ 1st Sep: Swindon ESF Meeting
e) *~ 11th Sep: Cymbru Cuba Conference
f) *~ 13th Sep: Yeovil Arms Demonstration
g) *~ 14th Sep: Birmingham Film Night
Organisers Link:

DATE: Thur 26th Aug. TIME: 7.30-9:15pm. Free Entry. VENUE: South Riverside
Community Centre, Brunel Street (off Ninian Park Rd). MAP BELOW:

MAIN SPEAKER: "Helen Williams. Helen has been in Iraq throughout 2004. She will presents her first-hand accounts of life under US occupation, including video footage & photographs. As well as discussing the issues arising from Helens' talk, there will also be an opportunity to look at future activities of Cardiff Stop the War."
Related Link:

DATE: Thur 26th Aug. TIME: 7:30-9:30pm. Free Entry. VENUE: Carrs Lane Church Centre
(Opposite Moor St Station) Birmingham City Centre. MAP BELOW:

"HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT, directed by John Smihula, & narrated by Martin Sheen. Hidden in Plain Sight is a wonderful, if disturbing, film that documents the horrors of U.S military training through the lens of the notorious School of the Americas (SOA). By unveiling the complicity of the U.S in murder, torture & repression in Latin America, the film simultaneously raises questions about the 'war on terror'."


DATE: Mon 30th Aug. TIME: 11:30am onwards.
MEET: Havant Railway station (Off Park Rd North). MAP BELOW:

MARCH TO: Lockheed Martin factory (about a mile from the station). Please bring music,
mock weapons (tanks, missiles, etc) & something to eat & drink. Please tell everyone who
might be interested. The Havant factory makes electronic equipment for attack helicopters, & Lockheed also makes Trident missiles."
Related Link:

DATE: Wed 1st Sept. TIME: 7:30-9:15pm. Free Entry. VENUE: Broadgreen Centre, Salisbury St (Off Manchester Rd), Swindon. MAP BELOW:

ABOUT ESF: "Please see Section 8 of this newsletter for more about the ESF, to be held in London from 14-17th October 2004. The Swindon TUC has organised the meeting on 1st Sept to publicise & mobilise for the ESF 2004."
SPEAKER: Hilary Wainwright (Editor Red Pepper)

Organisers Link:

DATE: Sat 11th Sept. CONFERENCE: 1:00-6:00pm. SALSA: 8:00-11:00pm
VENUE: Clwyd Theatr Cymru, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1YA. MAP BELOW:
DIRECTIONS: "Clwyd Theatr Cymru is a large red-brick building set on top of a hill overlooking the town of Mold. All approaches have prominent brown & white leisure amenity signposting, making it very easy to find. Go through Mold & take the A494 Queensferry Rd. The theatre is signposted on the left just after you leave the town."
TITLE OF DAY: "9/11 And The New Imperialism - Exploring The Alternatives"
Details of the event are still being finalised, for further info call 01745 813402
Related Link:

DATE: Mon 13th Sept. TIME: 8:00am in the morning onwards. MEET: 8:00am at the main entrance to Westland, off Lysander Rd, Yeovil. MAP BELOW:

AIMS OF THE DAY: "This demonstration outside Westland Helicopters, in Yeovil, is to remind local people of the human & environmental cost of the arms trade, & to call for a
peaceful economy in the town. We will hold a vigil & street theatre performance simulating the aftermath of a helicopter gunship attack on an Iraqi town. This will be peaceful event, with no violence or property damage."
Related Link:

DATE: Tue 14th Sept. TIME: 7:30-9:30pm. Free Entry. VENUE: Carrs Lane Church Centre
(Opposite Moor St Station) Birmingham City Centre. MAP BELOW:

"CHAVEZ: INSIDE THE COUP, directed by K. Bartley & D. Briain. Venezuela is the world's 4th largest oil-producing entity. In 1998 Hugo Chazez was elected democratically & initiated a slate of reforms for the country where 80% of people live in poverty, ncluding wholesale revision of Venezuela's constitution, & plans to redistribute wealth generated by the national oil company. His government has since been subject to a series of U.S backed attempts to topple his government, including a failed coup. Winner of the Global Television Grand Prize Award 2003."
Official Website:

Full Title: 'The Uprising in Athens: Iraq Soccer Team Give Bush the Boot'
Adapted From An Article By Dave Zirin, Counterpunch, 21/22 Aug 2004.
Full Story:

"Sometimes we are reminded the Olympics can serve as an international platform not only
for nationalism & truck commercials, but also resistance. In an incredible piece by Grant
Wahl on, the Iraqi Olympic Soccer team has issued a stinging
rebuke to George W. Bush's attempt to use them as election symbols. Iraq's soccer squad
is perhaps the surprise of the Olympics, advancing to this weekend's quarterfinals. Yet
amidst cheers & triumph, they were infuriated to learn that Bush's brain, Karl Rove, had
launched campaign ads featuring their Olympic glory as a brilliant by-product of the war on terror.
The commercial, subtle as a blowtorch, begins with an image of the Afghani & Iraqi flags
with a voice over saying, 'At this Olympics there will be 2 more free nations - & 2 fewer
terrorist regimes.' Bush has also been exploiting their exploits in stump speeches. Bush
brayed with bravado in Oregon, 'The image of the Iraqi soccer team playing in this
Olympics, it's fantastic, isn't it? It wouldn't have been free if the United States had not acted.' This has compelled the Iraqi soccer team, at great personal risk, to respond.
Mid-fielder & team leader Salih Sadir told Sports Illustrated, 'Iraq as a team does not want Mr. Bush to use us for the presidential campaign. He can find another way to advertise himself.' Sadir has reason to be upset. He was the star player for the professional soccer team in Najaf. Najaf has in recent weeks been swamped by US troops & the new Iraqi army in an attempt to uproot rebel cleric Moqtada Al-Sadr. Thousands have died, each death close to Sadir's heart. 'I want the violence & the war to go away from the city,' said Sadir, 'We don't wish for the presence of Americans in our country. We want them to go away.'
Sadir's teammates were less diplomatic. Midfielder Ahmed Manajid, told Wahl angrily, 'How
will [Bush] meet his god having slaughtered so many men & women? He has committed so
many crimes.' Manajid understands Sadir's pain because he is from another Iraqi city that
has been in a state of siege, Fallujah. Manajid told Wahl that his cousin Omar Jabbar al-
Aziz, who was a resistance fighter, was killed by the US, as were several of his friends.
Manajid even said that if he were not playing soccer he would 'for sure' be fighting as part of the resistance.
Usually when there is political unrest on Olympic teams, the coach tries to be a mitigating force. But not here & not now. Iraqi soccer coach Adnan Hamad also went public saying, 'My problems are not with the American people, They are with what America has done in Iraq: destroy everything. The American army has killed so many people in Iraq.' To be clear, Iraq's team is not pining for former Olympic head Uday Hussein, notorious for torturing athletes that under performed. Yet they don't feel their choice has to be between Uday's way & the bloodbath that has been visited upon their country."
a) THE DAILY BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL: The Independent Bristol Peace Vigil is an open space for discussion, as well a crucial focus to Bristol's campaigns. We've kept vigil every night (except Sundays) since a few days after 11th Sept 2001, & we'll keep Vigil onwards into the future, but we do need your support to keep our flame alive. If you can only
make it for 15 minutes, or a couple of times a month, please still come. Everyone's
welcome at the Bristol Peace Vigil.
TIMES: MON-FRI 5:30-6:30pm & SAT 3:00-4:00pm. PLACE: City Centre.
(Opposite The Hippodrome. St. Augustines Parade). MAP BELOW:

b) EASTON PEACE VIGIL: Every Friday. 5:00pm-6:00pm.
Corner of Robertson Rd & Stapleton Rd. MAP BELOW:

c) BATH PEACE VIGIL: Every Saturday 11.30am-12.30pm. Bath Abbey. (Off York Street. From the Station walk up Manvers St). Please come & support this regular, long-established & powerful witness to the futility of war. MAP BELOW:

d) THE BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR PLANNING GROUP: Everyone's welcome. We hold a Bristol-Stop-The-War meeting every week, as a forum for local groups to inform each other of their intentions, of finding people to work together on projects, & as a venue where large scale Bristol Demos are agreed & planned. We don't vote at these meetings, as we're
not here to force adherence to a consensus view. We do instead discuss issues until we
reach broad consensus.
DATE: Every Thursday. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay
Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:

e) BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Hold Regular Meetings. For details tel: 01225 315480 Email:

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"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Remember this - we be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy.
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