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The largest UK street media project yet...
Don't believe the hype - bypass the corporate media machine - take control
- make up your own mind. On Mayday itself people attending the events will have
the opportunity to contribute to this site - if you choose to stay at home, and
not take part, then don't just passively consume the media spectacle, return here
and get the truth as the events unfold.
and video
in reverse of the order they happened (so, latest first)
The reports are coming straight from the streets.
Monday |
Sunday |
Saturday |
include('monday.php3') ?>
text("Report and links", "story5.htm"," 13.05");
still("Terrorists line up for photo call (1)", "a30allstars.jpg", "");
still("Terrorists line up for photo call (2)", "a30group2.jpg", "");
still("Mark Thomas doesn't seem to like this bill much", "markt.jpg", "");
video("Mark Thomas explains the protest and the bill", "media/street/a30markt.mpg", " 13.05");
video("View from a Genetix Campaigner", "media/street/a30genspeach.mpg", " 13.05");
still("Rob Newman doesn't like it either", "robn.jpg", "");
video("Rob Newman explains terrorism", "media/street/a30robnquote.mpg", " 13.05");
video("Group sing along (we all live in a failed democracy!)", "media/street/a30gpsong.mpg", " 13.05");
video("A30 film short EDIT", "media/t_bill.ram", " 13.05");
still("Terrorists line up for photo call (close up)", "a30groupcloseup.jpg", "");
video("Thanks to all involved", "media/street/a30gpspeach.mpg", "sat 13.05");
video("Yet more police cameras - inside tube station (see for more on this)", "media/street/a30tubecopfilm.mpg", " 13.05");
text("A letter written to the BBC", "30thApril_letter_to_bbc.htm"," 13.05");
video("Why Mayday? EDITED Promo film", "ram/mayday192.ram", " 13.05");
text("Conference - Gardening Workshop", "ggconferen.htm"," 13.05");
still("Conference - Seeds given out for planting", "seedsofresflyer2.jpg", "");
still("Conference - Organic Spinach", "seedsofresflyer1.jpg", "");
text("Conference - Media and Mayday", "story2.htm"," 13.05");
text("Conference - IMF and World Bank protests to come - Prague", "story3.htm"," 13.05");
text("IndyMediaUK on Sunday Times exclusive", "story4.htm"," 13.05");
text("Critical Mass Report (including audio reports)", "critical1.htm"," 13.05");
still("fricritmass1.jpg", "fricritmass1.jpg","");
still("fricritmass2.jpg", "fricritmass2.jpg","");
still("fricritmass3.jpg", "fricritmass3.jpg","");
still("fricritmass4.jpg", "fricritmass4.jpg","");
still("fricritmass5.jpg", "fricritmass5.jpg","");
text("Short Critical Mass Report", "criticalmass_friday.htm"," 13.05");
text("Report from East End Anarchist tour", "28thApril_EastEndTour.htm"," 13.05");
include ('bottom.php3') ?>