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Russia, Moscow mayday

Date Wed, 3 May 2000 15:02:25 -0400

Finally 150 people showed up in the "post-modernist block" of the red-brown
communist mayday march in Moscow. Sadly, opinion to boycott initiative by
some anarchists due to the fact that former (?) national-bolshevik (Russian
"left-wing nazi" movement) Tsvetkov was co-organising the event did not got
much popularity.

Point of the organisers of "post-modernist block" was not to have some
political message but to create a political spectacle in a situationist
spirit with drums, colours and conceptual/ridiculous banners such as "We
know something" and "Get out from the hole!". But there was also a point in
the pointlesness - message was that since  the mainstream politics has
become nothing but a pointless spectacle, demonstrations against it can be
pointless spectacles as well. Another aim was also to discredit mainstream

As usual, the order was by "political correctness" as mainstream commies see
it - first large CPRF, then various other groupings like more radical CWPR,
and "post-modernists" as last ones after traditionally last-in-the-queue
national bolshevist NBP. It was reported that the event was not a complete
disaster in the political sense, since the block of national bolshevists was
marching right before the "post-modernists", slightly more political part of
the participators get a chance to verbally abuse nazibols always when they
got close enough. There was not clashes since cops were in the between.

Originally less postmodernist anarchists planned to have their own large
music festival  and march far from the red-brown, but neither march not
festival got permissions. Minuscule intellectual "New Left" organisation
called a picket to which  some more serious anarchists headed after plans of
own actions had collapsed, the demo by "New Left" won a "shit picket of the
year"-prize when 3 of New Left-posers demonstrated  with 9 anarchists in
some empty place crowded by one sarcastic journalist. So form beat content
1-0 this time.

Several thousand people participated to red-brown march, yellow
state-controlled unions had their own march with few hundred people.



From:  http://www.ainfos.ca

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