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US, Mayday in Olympia Wa.

Date Fri, 5 May 2000 02:09:22 -0400

This is a short and brief account.  Oly. the state capital has a population
of around 70,000.  Our Mayday Action Committee prepared for weeks for the
street party/reclaim the streets.  Around 750 people led by Critical Mass
bicyclists led the way to the secret location.  Police presence was the
heaviest I have ever seen here.  THey had special operation command and
control stations, national guard on standby etc.  Eventually we blocked off
the busiest intersection in town at Black Lake.  There it is surrounded 100%
by corporate strip malls.  Once blocked the police closed off traffic on the
four roads leading to the intersection.  That area always stinks of car
exhaust so it was wonderful to have it cleared.  There were many games,
music and children there.  To me one of the great things was the presence of
so many youth in addition youth of color.  Usually the traditional march and
picket protests in the past are led by professional activists or
intellectuals. On this day the youth were free and the people spontaneously
led themselves.  THe police and riot squadas were watching closely that we
didn't destroy property.  THe young ones did build a barricade of old tv's
after smashing them and tearing apart piece by piece an american flag.  The
property situation didn't present itself in this encounter but there will be
other times ahead....

Tsivya Lubetkin


From:  http://www.ainfos.ca

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