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Liverpool Indymedia

How to oppress and domesticate a whole community!

Mike Lane | 29.07.2004 11:41 | Liverpool

Just a short update on what is happening in the Kensington New Deal for Communities (NDC) area in Liverpool.

A public meeting was held the other night Tue 27 July 2004 at Saint Cyprian’s church, which is situated on the corner of Edge Lane and Holt Road, Liverpool 7.

Everything connected with this NDC programme is spinning out of control now. Some of the issues discussed and how to address them was like listening to an actor reading from a script of Monty Python Flying Circus. Nearly five years into the projects estimated 10 year life span and nothing of any great relevance has been achieved

As per usual the same forty or fifty tired weary residents turned up (mostly homeowners). A hand full of regeneration administrators, two community board members, a couple of council officers and the Executive Director of Community 7 (C7), the new Registered Social Landlord (also known as housing association) also attended and periodically took the centre stage to answer questions.

The main purpose of C7, which is a subsidiary of the huge RSL, The Riverside Group, coming into the NDC community was to take over the other seven RSL’s properties that exist within the NDC zone (over half of the NDC area is comprised of RSL and private landlord tenants). The Executive Director of Community 7 told the meeting that although it was agreed by the NDC community that all the RSL and council properties would be taken over by them there was now a reluctance by the other RSL’s to swap over their properties to C7. This is now of great concern to the residents because it was felt that if one RSL controlled the area it would be easier for that RSL to monitor and put structures into place to address the issue of antisocial tenants. There are also many other benefits in having one social landlord..

The manager of the 10 community wardens was also in attendance and during the course of the meeting gave a run down on the progress of the wardens. Although the wardens are doing a good job in my opinion the city council, the police, and all the other service providers are not adequately backing them up.

Two senior policemen were at the meeting and one of them told me that there was a hard core of about 25 children, mostly teenagers, in the NDC community who were out of control, and causing much anguish to the residents. Apparently most of these kids, who hang about in different parts of the NDC area, have criminal records and have a large following of other local kids. Much of the talk was about putting Anti Social Orders (ASBO’s) on these kids, but in my opinion they need help, in whatever guise that help may come. Most of these kids suffer from social exclusion and all the negative by products of being excluded. In my opinion these children should be given special attention. Dragging these kids through the courts is defiantly not the way forward. Central government and local government need to address the issue of antisocial kids and provide adequate funding to positively help these children. most of these kids come from poor socially excluded families.

Many of the residents left before the meeting ended leaving a hard core of about twenty stalwarts. These somewhat naive stalwarts are the people who still cling onto the possibility that everything will turn out OK.

The usual slagging match took place between the service providers and the audience. The regeneration administrators and the two community board members had already set the agenda of the public meeting before the meeting took place.

There are ten community board members who represent five areas (two board members to each area) within the NDC zone, which consists of 4,000 properties where 13,000 residents live. These community board members, who were elected on to the board by the residents within the area that they represent (all sorts of undemocratic practice took place during these farce elections and it was quite obvious from the onset who was going to be elected before they were elected) all have hidden agendas and have now become strangers in their own community. One or two of them have even used their position to obtain employment with the council or agencies connected to the council. But this is the obvious outcome when community members show any organisational skills they are immediately singled out by the regeneration administrators and bought off in whatever way possible. These same board members have been indoctrinated by the service providers to work within the oppressive framework that the administrators have set into motion. On close observation all of the structures that have been put into place within the community contain within their centre an oppressive undemocratic order. These buzzwords, empowering the community, the community makes all the decisions, are just buzzwords, in reality there are only a hand full of community members (about 25 including the 10 community board members) along with 36 NDC administrators making all the decisions within this NDC community.

Six or seven issues were discussed at the meeting. The main issue concerned the 200 or so homeowners being CPO’d and offered a pittance for their houses (over 600 houses will be demolished in the Edge Hill area of the NDC zone, which will amount to over half of the Edge Hill community.

It is rather strange how these well meaning homeowners cannot come to terms with the fact that what is happening to them is insidious. I use the word insidious because it is insidious what is going on here. Every oppressive device that is being surreptitiously and stealthily imposed onto the largely unsuspecting community by the dominant culture that exists at local government level is being implemented onto the community using the oppressive philosophy of gradualism. In effect what we are witnessing here in the Kensington NDC area is local government and all its agencies. i.e: NDC administrators, elected members, senior council officers local Government Office civil servants, Registered Social Landlords, builders, such as Lovels, property developers, consultants of all different guises, the list could go on add infinite, using all the means at its disposal to oppress, indoctrinate and domesticate an entire community.

Of course the majority of the subordinate service providers do not know that they are acting in an oppressive manner and that all the structures that they work in and impose onto the community are not conducive with open democratic procedure, neither do they serve to empower or emancipate the community. In effect the subordinate service providers think that what they are doing is the natural coarse of events and there is no other way of doing things.

Quite a few members of the audience brought up the issue of the 24 or so CCTV cameras, which have been installed within the NDC area. Apparently it is now quite obvious to all the NDC residents that most if not all of theses cameras have not been working for over a month now. One guy in the audience called Allan, who lives with NDC community board member Norma W, told the NDC administrators, the community policemen and the Community 7 warden’s manager (there are 19 community wardens in the NDC area. They are paid for by Community 7 and NDC funding) that when the cameras were installed there was no mention of a maintenance contract put into place. Now we have a situation in which most of the cameras are broken and pointing down to the ground. It is rather uncanny to observe, the cameras give the observer the impression that they are dead. It was also pointed out to the administrators that the teenagers within the area have learnt that if they continually shake the post that the camera sits on the camera will malfunction, so the kids just shake the hell out of the CCTV camera post. No body ever comes anyway, especially the police.

It was reported to the meeting that only a couple of days before the meeting a gang of teenagers stole a car and drove it at a tremendous speed around and around Botanic Park. They eventually jammed a stick on to the accelerator and aimed the car at the park wall in the vicinity of the Botanic Road camera. The car hit the wall at high speed and blew up, nearly setting fire to the large trees that line Botanic Road. It was also explained that police knew about this incident ten minutes before the car struck the wall but they never bothered to come. The fire service eventually came and put the fire out, but there was never any police present throughout the whole incident.

Mike Lane
- e-mail: mickjlane@btinternet.com
- Homepage: http://www.whistleblower.nstemp.com


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29.07.2004 13:22

You could read this article and think that all is terrible in the NDC. You could think that those council officers and RSLs and NDC people were "doing over" the people covered by the NDC. And you may be right.

HOWEVER, if someone asked you what the proof was, you could not use this article as a basis for your argument.

You could point to unfair or biased elections to the board, but you would not have any proof of this, except hearsay and rumour.

Perhaps you could point to the claim that only a handful is making the decisions for many. Unfortunately, that is rather missing the point. The NDC was not set up to be a utopian vision for each individual resident. Collective decisions have to be made and the NDC was set up so that a board made these decisions. It is fair to criticise the role that the community have been allowed to play but you must also recognise that the majority of the community couldn't give a flying f*** what was going on. They just want someone to make it better and be involved as little as possible. It is Kensington Regeneration's problem to make sure that this is not the case. However, without actual proof of all these accusations then you cannot level them.
(Elections onto that board mean that local representatives actually outnumber the officers as far as I am aware.) Also, I know that the NDC are having a struggle for people to put themselves forward for elections. That is why the same old faces crop up. Perhaps it would be better to outline problems that may be keeping people from forwarding themselves?

As for people getting jobs after putting themselves up for volunteering, give proof! Name names if you have to, otherwise it just stands as rumour making. AND if they have got jobs from it, then state why they shouldn’t if that is what you feel.

Yes you could point to the CPO'd homeowners being offered a pittance for their houses - but you would not have a figure to call a pittance. You could not state it as a truth. Again, the article doesn’t help the argument.

You can claim that the officers, RSLs, NDC etc are "insidious" but without giving examples what can anyone else do? You need evidence to back it up. I expect Mike does have proof, according to him, but he should show it when he claims something. Exactly what are these officers doing that makes it insidious? And you cannot point just to your own story of a run-in with an officer because otherwise it just sounds like sour-grapes or your own story clouds the issue. Better, more widespread proof is needed before accusations are thrown about.

As for the CCTV cameras, one side says they work, another says they don't. One side says they help deter and the others disagree. Proof, evidence is needed! And, if the evidence cannot be given, state why.

The problem with getting the police to attend is that they have a lot of other things to do as well. Yes they should have responded to the incident in Botanic Park earlier but they did not. It is not the fault of the NDC but the police alone. And what were the wardens doing? I recognise that they cannot be everywhere at once but are they ever there?

One of the real problems with the NDC is the fact that they are starting to deliver services that the council should be anyway. They are considering a free bus for pensioners to go to the supermarket. However, that should be the responsibility of Social Services! The NDC money needs to be targeted at things the council cannot do.

Also, there are many things that are given for youths that they just do not wish to utilise. ASBO’s are not perfect but they can have an effect and can help vulnerable people feel better about the area they live in. Saying that the youths need help, whatever the help is, is too easy. Give your own ideas as to what should be done or ask for some. Don’t just say that help is needed. Everyone knows that. The problem is what help??

So any criticism, however justified, needs proof and not just a rehash of rumour, conjecture and hearsay.

Aside from that I enjoyed reading!!


Good report Mike.

29.07.2004 15:40

I attended the Wednesday 28th July evening meeting at Brae Street school, there were approximately 30-40 people there, from the start there was a major disagreement over whether councillors had been invited to attend the "Neighbourhood Assembly" meeting or not, the new 'outta-townie' chief exec' of private company Kensington New Deal for Community (NDC) Lynn Spencer insisted that councillors had been invited with insistent members of the audience asserting that councillors hadn't been. One man called for the meeting to be postponed and a few others agreed due to the lack of attendence of any councillors. Also in attendence were Jack Blake and Enid Bristow:

Tensions rose and feelings were hard to contain, a small walk out of angry and outspoken residents occured with some discussion occuring outside, one man suggested they return to the meeting in case decisions were made while they weren't in attendance, which could have worked against them and in favour of the KNDC. While outside one woman was overheard calling Frank Doran and she confirmed that he'd not been invited to this meeting.

This meeting was the first of the so called "Neighbourhood Assembly" which either Chief Exec' Lynn Spencer said she would chair or a KNDC manager or perhaps a community member of the board, thus having circumvented any local democratic processes here in Liverpool, ie by-passing the local council and locally elected representatives by setting up and imposing this private development agency (much like the Conservatives did with the Merseyside Development Corporation in the 1980's) and after fives years of talk shops, discussions and grinding down of well intentioned community activists, suddenly KNDC wants to bring a democratic framework into play. However it will be controlled either by KNDC staff or by their community cronies. One interesting line states "Political affiliation: Individual residents my be affiliated to/or be members of a political party but they should not make political points during the debate at Neighbourhood Assemblies". Thus KNDC depoliticise what is a highly political issue. These rules look like they were hastily written by Lynn Spencer herself, we can only wonder what experience she has ever had of being a public representative or standing for election and who is she to tell the community we can't make 'political points'?

We all returned, however the feelings of many of us were that we are being misled and being kept in the dark as is the history of all 'regeneration' projects across Merseyside and Britain, keep the local people uninformed, divided and then manipulate them to either to your 'master plans' or else grind them into the dust as has happened on the Norris Green 'Boot' estate as my friends tell me and I've seen first hand, but unlike what happened in the West end of Newcastle when the "Going for Growth" plan was launched in 2000, where people took to the streets, protested, hung banners out of the windows of their houses and marched through Newcastle city centre, the council chose in the end not to demolish housing only built in the 1990's. At the Brae Street school meeting there was most definitely fighting talk in the air, many residents are now on a war footing and determined not to allow themselves to be forced out of their community to build new yuppie housing for outta-townies in place of their homes. Many were talking about organising protests. At the meeting a few people were calling for refurbishment as Community Seven were due to carry out, ie the programme of fitting central heating and double glazing that has mysteriously ground to a halt.

With reference to Mike Lane's report and the police not being present at any time during the recent Botanic Park joy riding incident a police officer was in attendence at the meeting standing at the back, probably ready to eject any outspoken person who the chair might direct to be ejected if so wished. So the police are available when it is 'politically' necessary to control and contain any potential public anger, but not when an actual incident of crime is occuring that they 'supposedly' employed to attend.

As is the usual game plan, as happened with the European Partnerships here in Liverpool the community is to be divided up, this time the Kensington NDC will be split up into five areas namely: Edge Hill - Fairfield - Holly Road - Holt Road - Kensington Fields.

Kensington just like Iraq is being carved up and handed piecemeal to private development agencies whose priority is profit. There is yet another private company providing feather nested jobs for the middle class invasion of the untalented from darn-sarf, it's called "Liverpool Land Development Company" (LLDC), yes another private sector company is getting it's thieving hands on 'our' public property, namely 'our' public land.

At the meeting local people stated quite clearly that at the Monday night's meeting that the LLDC told them one thing and that KNDC is now telling them something totally different, local residents complained that the planning group's decisions have now been overturned.

Incidently Edseam as a Labour Party member, NDCs are *YOUR* Labour government policy, not much different than Conservative Party policy on 'development companies' for urban communities, not much different than the Merseyside Development Corporation how many of us remember how the local council was denied funds throughout the 1990's for political reasons and money pumped into the MDC to be spent on pointless projects around the waterfront while literally council houses were being left to rot and poverty has deepened evermore.

community socialist


30.07.2004 09:14

My points were about Mike's article and the fact that it contained nothing of substance, rather it was all conjecture and rumour. With the last post we begin to get somewhere as it begins to point to specific problems yet still cannot give real examples of the insidious behaviour of officers that has been alleged. As I said, this may well be the case but without proof and explanation, it cannot stand as an article of fact.

The police are invited to every neighbourhood meeting, mainly so people can ask them questions and so that they get a feeling for what is going on in the community. It is paranoid to assume they are there to eject people. Is there any proof of this? That's all people ask for.

The claim that local councillors were not invited is a bit rich to be fair. Considering Frank Doran sits on the board of Kensington Regeneration, one would assume quite rightly that he should know about these things even without an invite. I find it bizarre that he would not have been told about it. And it comes down to KR's word against his really but, considering he claimed that the planning decision over Merseyside Drugs Council was rejected, when in actual fact it had only been postponed at the time, I have my doubts.

Yes, the NDC is a Labour creation yet the basic concept is right. A community based organisation to tackle poor job prospects; high levels of crime; educational under-achievement; poor health; and problems with housing and the physical environment. This is in addition to what the local authority should be delivering. Who could argue with that?

The problems, as I see them, have come from the fact that the consultation process seems to be extremely flawed and local people feel that they are not being listened to. However, these schemes were set up to be accountable to the local council. As far as I can see, the Council has failed in this duty. As Mike has pointed out previously, when Cllr Makinson first took up the cases of residents complaining about progress and problems, that is the right thing to do, but he then accepted a membership of the board and has been quiet ever since. That is one example. (And there are more examples needed otherwise the arguments flounder).
However, that is not to absolve the Government from criticism. The same problems seem to be encountered by the NDC at Salford and Huyton (to name but two), in that local people feel left out of the process. Additionally, it is Government responsibility to assess what has happened each year. I feel that they have given far too an easy ride to the Regeneration organisations as it may otherwise create bad publicity. It is my feeling that taking these problems into hand will generate better publicity amongst local people than at present!

Comparisons between the situation with regards to the 1980s are flawed because the NDC is accountable to the council and is meant to work in partnership with them and the local community. By all accounts, local people are finding it difficult to hold up their part of ther bargain (through no fault of their own) yet the council are saying nothing because they are forgetting their responsibilities.
However, we must bear in mind that residents who speak up are just that and cannot actually see themselves as being representative of the whole community - that is where they need to get more organised. And, for what it is worth, it seems the people of Kensington, Fairfield and Picton are happy with the situation too. Otherwise how else could you describe the election results? (Bear in mind that Labour has no representative on the KR board - as decided by the Council).

But then, it suits the hard left to make this a political situation doesn't it? It need not be "very political". In fact, it should just come down to what is right for the people of the community - not a slanging match between parties (perhaps I am guilty of that in this post!? but I believe I have been fair). The hard left's approach clouds their judgement of the situation to the detriment of the people. The hard left has no monopoly on community engagement or activism.

And, may I reiterate you have missed the point a bit. My main concern from my last post was that those who are trying to make NDC work (which I hope is everyone), need to show some real examples and proof of these insidious practices Mike claims are taking place. Otherwise they gain little respect.



30.07.2004 09:24

My points were about Mike's article and the fact that it contained nothing of substance, rather it was all conjecture and rumour. With the last post we begin to get somewhere as it begins to point to specific problems yet still cannot give real examples of the insidiousness of officers that has been alleged. As I said, this may well be the case but without proof and explanation, it cannot stand as an article of fact.

The police are invited to every neighbourhood meeting, mainly so people can ask them questions and so that they get a feeling for what is going on in the community. It is paranoid to assume they are there to eject people. Is there any proof of this? That's all people ask for. It is easy to state that they are there for terrible reasons but let's get real eh? They are not the Stasi!

The claim that local councillors were not invited is a bit rich to be fair. Considering Frank Doran sits on the board of Kensington Regeneration, one would assume quite rightly that he should know about these things even without an invite. I find it bizarre that he would not have been told about it. And it comes down to KR's word against his really but, considering he claimed that the planning decision over Merseyside Drugs Council was rejected, when in actual fact it had only been postponed at the time, I have my doubts.

Yes, the NDC is a Labour creation yet the basic concept is right. A community based organisation to tackle poor job prospects; high levels of crime; educational under-achievement; poor health; and problems with housing and the physical environment. This is in addition to what the local authority should be delivering. Who could argue with that?

The problems, as I see them, have come from the fact that the consultation process seems to be extremely flawed and local people feel that they are not being listened to. However, these schemes were set up to be accountable to the local council. As far as I can see, the Council has failed in this duty. As Mike has pointed out previously, when Cllr Makinson first took up the cases of residents complaining about progress and problems, that is the right thing to do, but he then accepted a membership of the board and has been quiet ever since. That is one example. (And there are more examples needed otherwise the arguments flounder).
However, that is not to absolve the Government from criticism. The same problems seem to be encountered by the NDC at Salford and Huyton (to name but two), in that local people feel left out of the process. Additionally, it is Government responsibility to assess what has happened each year. I feel that they have given far too an easy ride to the Regeneration organisations as it may otherwise create bad publicity. It is my feeling that taking these problems into hand will generate better publicity amongst local people than at present!

Comparisons between the situation with regards to the 1980s are flawed because the NDC is accountable to the council and is meant to work in partnership with them and the local community. The Merseyside Development Corporation was imposed by central givernment and was not accountable in any way to the council. It also had a remit to use funds otherwise earmarked for council business, to do as it wished. The NDC has to deliver other things to the community and involve all in partnership.
By all accounts, local people are finding it difficult to hold up their part of their bargain (through no fault of their own) yet the council are saying nothing because they are forgetting their responsibilities.
However, we must bear in mind that residents who speak up are just that and cannot actually see themselves as being representative of the whole community - that is where they need to get more organised. And, for what it is worth, it seems the people of Kensington, Fairfield and Picton are happy with the situation too. Otherwise how else could you describe the election results? Labour beaten in all of them and the Socialist Labour (apparebnetly what the people want!!) getting a small number of protest votes! (Bear in mind that Labour has no representative on the KR board - as decided by the Council).

But then, it suits the hard left to make this a political situation doesn't it? It need not be "very political". In fact, it should just come down to what is right for the people of the community - not a slanging match between parties (perhaps I am guilty of that in this post!? but I believe I have been fair). The hard left's approach clouds their judgement of the situation to the detriment of the people. The hard left have no monopoly on community engagement or activism.

And, may I reiterate, you have missed the point a bit. My main concern from my last post was that those who are trying to make NDC work (which I hope is everyone), need to show some real examples and proof of these insidious practices Mike claims are taking place. Otherwise they gain little respect.



30.07.2004 10:50

>>Individual residents ... should not make political points during the debate at Neighbourhood Assemblies.

ludicrous statement.

the whistleblower reports are good reports but they always make the situation seem really complicated. of course the situation +is+ complicated when you get into the detail, but there's something to be said for putting the case in a nutshell. you say there were something like 6 issues discussed at the meeting and describe only one (CCTV). forgetting for a moment who controls the 'consultation' process, what issues are actually up for discussion? is there anything more substantial than CCTV cameras? has there been consultation on the edge hill CPOs? what are the main issues? maybe you could post them as a list, leaving out most of the argument, so it's easier for people to see. while it's necessary to fight for justice where you are, you can't just see this as a local or even a national issue. it is a global struggle.

- -


30.07.2004 12:06

I suppose you have to examine what was meant by "political statement". Blaming Labour or the Lib Dems for the problems, blaming SLP for inflaming the situation, or even the Tories for their past policies, will not be helpful during a meeting to discuss about what WILL be happening.

However, stating that the government or the council need to do more is not really a political point, it is one of fact.

I think the NDC didn't want it to descend into political bitching as happens in many places.

Ans it is good to see someone else asking for more clarity of Mike's assertions on the issue. Examples and proof are needed.



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