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19-03-2009 11:59

Police are lying bastards (non news)

As if to prove what lying self serving bastards the cops are, the assistant chief constable of Kent Police wrote the following letter which was published in the Guardian. In the face of this kind of blatant spin it is not hard to understand why trust in the police is at such a low ebb. It barely contains a single word of a truth...

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06-03-2009 12:42

EDO Directors Resign

March 2009

Three more EDO directors leave the company

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02-03-2009 14:11

Climate Crimes Delayed

The newspapers are today reporting that the government decision on the whether a new coal fired power station can be built at Kingsnorth has been put off until autumn at the earliest. This follows the (yet to be confirmed) rumors that the Stansted airport expansion is being abandoned for at least two years. With the COP15 climate summit taking place in Copenhagen at the end of the year, 2009 is shaping up to be a very interesting year for struggles against climate change.

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26-02-2009 08:47

More pain in the aviation industry

Anti aviation campaigners may find they are increasingly pushing at an open door over the coming year and more as the recession bites hard into passenger numbers and aviation industry profits. The fall against of the pound against the euro and the dollar have made increasing numbers stay at home where the pound in their pocket still feels like it is worth something. Even with fuel prices under half what they were last summer and ticket prices cut to encourage custom, there are simply far less people seeing a quick overseas break as a viable option right now.

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26-02-2009 07:56

Police spending through the roof but little protection against crime

Police today were getting a proper slagging off in the media this morning after the think tank 'Reform' published a damning report on policing in this country. The report, A New Force, found the current 43 forces operate as inefficient and expensive fiefdoms run by chief constables who are only accountable to weak police authorities. Meanwhile the UK taxpayer cough up more for policing than any other leading country yet the police fail to protect them from either serious or local crime. Sadly no media report I saw makes the connection between the inefficiency of the police on tackling crime and their increasing focus on politic policing.

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20-02-2009 22:42

The London Declaration on Combating Antisemitism

This is the declaration which emerged from the The London Conference on Combatting Antisemitism.

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18-02-2009 19:29

CoML: Animal Rights and odd bedfellows

I hope to write a few articles discussing different aspects of the Convention on Modern Liberty, beginning with the bedfellows we seem to have chosen - some of which rather dislike one another. My recent copy of SchNEWS (no. 666, issued on Friday 13th February!) discusses the Convention in none-too-flattering terms. Henry Porter, co-organiser, remarked that none of the participants wish to get rid of the State, but SchNEWS points out that actually many of the people bearing the brunt of the anti-liberties legislation are anti-statist - from animal liberationists to anti-militarists to no-borders activists.

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15-02-2009 11:43

MPs fiddle while parliamentary democracy burns

At the very least, you might expect Labour MPs to pay attention while they strip this country of its freedoms. But apparently we have gone beyond that stage. Of the eight or nine Labour members on the select committee discussing the Coroners and Justice Bill, three were using the opportunity to go through their correspondence.

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13-02-2009 13:41

The Severn Barrage: It's All About The Money

Do you really think that environmental arguments have a hope in hell's chance of stopping the Severn Barrage becoming reality? This is not about renewable energy, this is about money.

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07-02-2009 16:41

Asylum and the myth of sharing

Have you ever wondered why as children we’re taught the importance and value of sharing? I have and it seems somewhat misplaced; it’s not as if as adults we have any need for such a value.

The much-lauded childhood principle of sharing runs contrary to those principles we practise as grown-ups. As adults we are scared about what the next man has, we envy his lot. We are scared about what sharing might do to our children’s futures. Those very children who think sharing is so important. So while as children we equate goodness with generosity, as adults we try very hard to undo this philosophy. Bizarrely this seems to work.

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07-02-2009 14:03

Obama’s Trilateral Commission Connections,

The pre-election attention is reminiscent of Brzezinski’s tutoring of Jimmy Carter prior to Carter’s landslide election in 1976. For anyone who doubts the Commission’s continuing influence on Obama, consider that he has already appointed no less than eleven members of the Commission to top-level and key positions in his Administration.

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07-02-2009 13:59

New World Order - Told u so!

TIME Mag does an article called, “New World Order.” It Calls for Global Central Bank to be Constructed to “Save” the Global Economy, Backed by G-20. Didn’t We All Call This Out When We Were Telling You They Were Crashing The Economy On Purpose to Bring About the NWO?
February 7th, 2009 by Jonathan

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07-02-2009 13:51

heathrow is go, kingsnorth no?

as aviation minister, I learned two lessons about the aviation industry. First, its demands are insatiable; secondly, successive Governments have always given way to them.

- Chris Mullin MP, House of Commons, 28 November 2002

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07-02-2009 13:24

Ben Goldacre receives legal warning

You may enjoy Ben Goldacre's column in The Guardian. The Press Gazette reports: Medical journalist Ben Goldacre has been hit with a legal warning from London radio station LBC after he published an audio clip of an ‘irresponsible’ MMR phone-in on his website.

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07-02-2009 13:13

Third runway to cure cancer and end world poverty

Is there anything a third runway at Heathrow wouldn't do? Not according to its promoters in the aviation industry. The recent snowfall that crippled most of our airports shut Heathrow after a plane skidded onto the icy grass. Some 18-30s club rep from the Association of British Travel Agents thought they'd whack out a press release claiming that it could all have been avoided with a third runway.

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07-02-2009 13:06

stop emissions but keep flying

It was an extraordinary thing. Greenpeace activists had occupied a coal-fired power station yet the jury acquitted them.

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05-02-2009 20:28

If the Pope Changes His Mind…

Does that mean he's imperfect? Or that God is imperfect? We've all probably addressed the issue of whether an omnipotent being can change its mind about something, but let's get down to Earth for a moment and address the issue of whether Catholics or anyone should give any respect or deference to a religious idol in the flesh who claims to be the spokesperson for God, but who, from generation to generation, and even within the same tenure, changes his mind on issues due to political and public pressure. In other words, the Pope is and should be treated only as the equivalent of a Prime Minister of a tiny little, but very influential, country tucked away in Rome. So, why do people give him so much credit where it's clearly not due?

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05-02-2009 09:26

The Way of Izvestia: BBC as a Metaphor for State Propaganda

By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad'The BBC cannot be neutral in the struggle between truth and untruth, justice and injustice, freedom and slavery, compassion and cruelty, tolerance and intolerance.' Thus read a 1972 internal document called Principles and Practice in News and Current Affairs laying out the guidelines for the BBC's coverage of conflicts. It appears to affirm that in cases of oppression and injustice to be neutral is to be complicit, because neutrality reinforces the status quo. This partiality to truth, justice, freedom, compassion and tolerance it deems 'within the consensus about basic moral values'.

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05-02-2009 08:03

Support for taxes on flights keeps growing

It finally seems like we might just be getting through to people - maybe even the hard-working British families the aviation industry likes to blame for their plans to turn Britain into Airstrip One.

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04-02-2009 23:03

Is economic growth sustainable?

The debate surrounding the extent to which the burning of fossil fuels leads to climate change misses a more fundamental point. That is, fossil fuels are an inherently finite resource. This resource is dwindling at an accelerating rate as economies such as those of China and India expand rapidly. Fossil fuels will run out. Maybe not in the next 10, 20 or 30 years but they will run out.

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