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Gleneagles G8 Protests – Retaining the Initiative

Edward Campbell | 01.06.2005 11:18 | Birmingham | World

Book your trains, coaches planes, and minibuses, oil your bike wheels and polish your walking boots. Seize the Gleneagles G8 days for true justice - seize the initive.

Gleneagles G8 Protests – Retaining the Initiative

G8 leaders and its supporters want to divide opposition to it. This needs countering by tactically seizing the initiative from them, and always retaining. So book your trains, coaches planes, and minibuses, oil your bike wheels and polish your walking boots. Seize the days of the G8 for true justice, and not the lies of its leaders.

A much-used tactic against movements, and one the G8 leaders and supporters and its propaganda are trying again, is to divide opposition to it. This needs countering by always seizing the initiative away from them.

For example, yesterday the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) - supposedly one of the most independent corporate media organisations. It is saying that Anarchists hijacked protests at a previous G8 in Genoa, in their background reporting for the upcoming G8 at Gleneagles, Scotland, from July 1 – 9th.

They could even quote some of the left on this, which is a shame on them too. But they are misinformed. More accurately, Italian Military police attempted to hijack them, and failed. They are now being prosecuted for the crimes they committed with such brutality. This message needs to be got across.

I think some releases say print/video to the BBC and other media outlets - perhaps even the Scottish police, as Sky, who was severely beaten and brutalised by the Italian military police, at Genoa suggested. I agree that may help to put them straight.

This could lower the fear and tension that the corporate media are being forced to create by the state and capital to back up their attempts to repress legitimate protest; that want to suppress the truth of the horrendous crimes and criminal neglect for which they are responsible. We know they do this to preserve they power, positions and wealth.

Additionally, the MPH gatherings could be huge now that they under the banner of Live 'Aid' have taken a very progressive stance: declaring the G8 leaders should not come to Gleneagles to bullshit. They must make real material commitments to solve world poverty.

Also, they must not come unless they declare to stop: the illegal destruction of other nations infrastructure and nascent economies, and the mass murder of their people; the destruction and genocide of indigenous peoples cultures and their economies must be stopped; the destruction of the earth's resources and environment must be stopped; they must return the wealth they have stolen back to the people it belongs to; they must give up their repressive powers; and they must stop lying to the people.

These are only reasonable demands.

Already the police have responded to yesterday’s statement made by Bob Geldof to the international press on behalf of the Make Poverty History Campaign -the largest campaigning group which is part of a network of dissent against the G8 and its policies. He was the driving force behind the “Band Aid” and Live” aid projects begun in 1985.

The police have responded by issuing statements saying they might limit the numbers in Edinburgh, because up to a million might respond to this call. But millions go to the Edinburg International Arts festival without much trouble arising. So too should millions be allowed to a festival of dissent against the facilitator’s evil.'

Again, it is about taking the initiative, which Geldof and Co has done effectively. Similarly, I think, we should all say no to the states ludicrous demands and attempts at repress legitimate protest. I think we should pay no head, and tell them what we want and what we are going to do, if that's appropriate; to do whatever we think reasonable to save millions of lives and the planet from destruction.

We just want to stop the horrendous crimes that the G8 leaders are promoting. They want to silence us by limiting protest, dividing our networks by making up stories about violent protesters including anarchists, and confuse the people by claiming they want to stop death and destruction too. They don’t! They want wealth and power, and are forced to support the rich capitalist corporations and institutions which dominate and control the actions of the G* states. Power and wealth will preserve itself by any means – lying comes easy because words are cheap, although they will spend billions and billions on war too to keep their power and wealth.

It’s not a problem with the police per se. The problem lies with the military and repressive state, run by pathetic puppets and liars, such as Bush and Blair, advised by psychotic sidemen, who are forced by the morally bankrupt, greed soaked, corrupt, lying elite who control and benefit from the institution’s of neo-capitalism. The Blair’s and Bushes do very well out of it too, as well as getting their egos and power lust satisfied. Their supporters and toadies are rewarded handsomely too. No wonder they want to hang on to what they have got.

So the police (or coppers as we affectionately call them here, really) aren't the main problem. We need to cut through the propaganda that they are being fed, and keep them as cool as possible, despite what they are being told. Many of them are being sent up from English constabularies for the G8 from July 1-9th, at Gleneagles to do the dirty work. Their leaders, who act politically in favour of the elite to gain more power and reward - to behave very badly, indeed, have programmed them to act as violent thugs. We can help to cure them of this brain-washing.

I believe that we should not have to take up arms to defend ourselves, hopefully never, thank god. But that's for the future, if state repression, state crimes and states violence forces people to defend their lives. How they behave at the G8 will be a pointer, but the signs are for a very peaceful festival of protest. All groups involved in the protests want peaceful protest and are working for it. The police too are hopefully working for this.

It would be better if the G8 leaders stayed away and not the protesters, as Bob Beldof and Bono said yesterday on behalf of their comrades in MPH. We all need to take the initiate at the G8 to keep the G8 leaders away, or get to them in their fortress so they can see and hear the protests directly, instead hiding away behind camouflaged fences and cosseted in luxurious surroundings.

We need Bush and Blair to see the feelings in the faces of the protesters, but to continually call for peace and no violence. Broken fences do not matter, but broken bones do. So hold the initiative and hold any space that is taken and used for peaceful protest by keeping together in large peaceful groups. Hold out the hand of peace to the police, but others may not be able to do that as effectively, if they block roads or remove fences.

Safety and peace in numbers should be the strategy and a peaceful hand to the police, but I believe, we should not be restricted in our legitimate protests, which are a right under the rules and laws these leaders advocate. And to take the initiative at all times, despite what the police may want. They are being used by the state politically to minimise the impact of political protest. Just let them know peacefully and calmly.

MPH and we should keep the initiative now, and TELL them what we want and what we want to do. Well not tell them everything, of course.

Geldof, Bono and co are confident, its not just bluster because they can help mobilise large number of people by their concerts. We will see Blair and the G8 attempting to come down on their side with their lying rhetoric, but they are being cornered. Lets try and push them further into that corner and trap them, so there's no way out - perhaps except by helicopter to a US aircraft carrier.

We have the upper hand, the hidden hand of god too, with the Christians and Muslims, on board. With bold initiate and strength in numbers, I think we can win the day for justice peace and freedom: that’s to have food and live a decent life. Not the G8 freedom to dominate and exploit, murder, and destro the environment.

The answer to the G8 and their running dogs is a clam, peaceful but firm "no". No one get hurt if a just a few fences get broken, or a few roads get blocked, as long as peace is kept to a maximum, and any injuries are kept to a minimum.

So whatever is effective in keeping peace to a maximum and violence to a minimum should be carried out. I think we need to bear in mind that solidarity and support across the board are paramount. This may start to make the G8 change their policies and disband their aggressive military machines which aspire to dominate and repress other nations.

This must be the maximum demand, and the maximum number at Gleneagles can achieve this. So book your trains, coaches planes, and minibuses, oil your bike wheels and polish your walking boots. See you there.

For freedom, true justice, peace, and a permanent and unrelenting globalised revolution

Edward Campbell

Edward Campbell
- e-mail:
- Homepage: for info and Make Poverty History


Display the following 22 comments

  1. Of course — Richard
  2. Geldof is making a difference? — ch
  3. I agree ch — Dan
  4. changes — Krop
  5. Armchair activism ~ saviour of the world — There's non as blind as those that won't see
  6. to RICHARD first comment — Judy
  7. Earner — Dan
  8. A change — Moon
  9. Hardly ‘put up or shut up’? — Pretending not to be There's non as blind as those that won't see
  10. Dissent isn't making money — A street medic
  11. Moon — bob
  12. Actually doing things — Don
  13. Ground Control — SUN
  14. Calling legal Support. — SUN
  15. Every Cloud eh .. — SUN (where's Fire, Water and Earth? Moon and Sky do you know?)
  16. Dissent or Sir Bob ~ who’s on an earner? — Someone else pretending to be ‘There's non as blind as those that won't see’
  17. Bnenos Dias — Harrold Longpiece Hamlet
  18. An Elevating proposition To Dissent — Harold Longshags (as dear Maria has re-christened me) Hamlet
  19. My One True Love - My Belle-Donna Disappears (again) — Harold
  20. Conspiracy in Harry's Bar — Ed
  21. It's Not Cricket - The story Of Harrold Hamlet — E
  22. The Adventure of Harold Hamlet (Continued) — The Author
