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M9 drumming Blockade and Cow Stampede

resist nl | 08.07.2005 04:26 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Birmingham

Morning on the 6th July near Stirling. We see the M9 being blockaded by radical drummers who pile trees and rocks on the road. They move on when 9 Police vans turn up at high speed. But their exit into a field of cows starts a stampede. One protester is injured by. And the farmer turns up at high speed in his 4x4 and starts to threaten the protesters with a hammer. Police then run in to arrest just about everyone including the farmer.

Xvid version Good Quality here :

Morning on the 6th July near Stirling. We see the M9 being blockaded by radical drummers who pile trees and rocks on the road. They move on when 9 Police vans turn up at high speed.

But their exit into a field of cows starts a stampede. One protester is injured by. And the farmer turns up at high speed in his 4x4 and starts to threaten the protesters with a hammer. Police then run in to arrest just about everyone including the farmer.

resist nl
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Display the following 24 comments

  1. Nice one! — Doug.
  2. hahahahaha — a wee calf
  3. No Exit Strategy! — Delia, Stop Ripping Off my Recipes
  4. Even worse — Klompie
  5. ? — a wee calf
  6. Daisy The Cow Strikes Back — Mikey
  7. Great, Stirlingshire farmer shows how its done. — Greyfriars Bobby
  8. Bull shit — Milky bar kid
  9. Herd Instinct — Pete
  10. Kiddies — Julie
  11. That was fun to watch — Nukem Tilleyglow
  12. We love heifers ~ great job guys — Greyfriars B
  13. Battle of the bull field — Dogend
  14. cowtastic — fladgy
  15. Such bright people — Butterfly
  16. Quagmire! — foreign devil
  17. Anarchy works so much better in the city. — Henry
  18. which terrorists? — Greg
  19. Cows: 1 - Whining protestors: 0 — Pippi
  20. Rofl — Jon
  21. blimey — frill
  23. nice one!! — random female
  24. Police POV from Plod's Blog — Gooz
