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freedom of movement | 03.06.2006 20:39 | Migration | Workers' Movements | Birmingham


Friday 16th June 7:30 – 9:30pm
Newhampton Arts Centre,
Dunkley Street
Wolverhampton WV1 4AN

Ken Purchase, MP
The Rahimi Family
Sue Conlon – family solicitor
Fr Eamonn Corduff
Save The Children
Mansoor Sadri – asylum seeker
B’ham Anti-Racist Campaign
Chaired by Wolverhampton, Bilston and District Trades Council

The Rahimi Family, Zorieh, Alireza and their six-year old son Navid, are facing deportation back to Iran where they face imprisonment, torture and possible execution. The family are living in Wolverhampton with Navid attending the local St. Mary’s Roman Catholic School. In Iran, Zorieh and Alireza were both political activists. Alireza had been imprisoned and tortured for his trade union activities. On being conditionally released, Alireza received death threats from his employers. Consequently the family fled Iran, and in August 2004, they claimed asylum in the UK.

We are calling for the Minister of State for Immigration Liam Byrne MP and the Children’s minister Beverley Hughes to grant full refugee status to the family.

Campaign Supporters: Ken Purchase MP, Wolverhampton City Council Leader Roger Lawrence, Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign, National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, ASIRT (Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team), Fr. Eamonn Corduff, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Wolverhampton, Fr. Kelly, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Church, Wolverhampton, FBU (Fire Brigade Union) Region No.7, B'ham TUC, Wolverhampton, Bilston and District Trades Council, AMICUS Region, B'ham Association of NUT (National Union of Teachers) B'ham Association of NASUWT (National Association of School Masters and Union of Women Teachers) and Save the Children.

For further information contact: Arash Shakib tel: 07973 945 873

freedom of movement
