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Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign vigil, 17 June 2006

S. Hewitt | 18.06.2006 01:39 | Birmingham

At 1pm on Saturday 17 June 2006, Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign held a vigil on High Street in the city centre following reports of the deaths in
Guantanamo of three prisoners - named on a placard as
Yassar Al Zahrani, Mani Al Utaybi and Ali Abdullah Ahmed.

High Street near Bullring, Birmingham, 17 June 2006
High Street near Bullring, Birmingham, 17 June 2006

Dozens of signatures were collected from passers-by to
petition Birmingham City Council for a Council motion
requesting that the British government acts on behalf of the British Residents
who remain imprisoned. Birmingham City Council had previously passed
a motion in support of the British citizens who were imprisoned.

S. Hewitt
