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Sequani 'Biohazard' Demo - Ledbury - 08.07.06

Tox|c H3ll | 23.06.2006 00:49 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Birmingham

BIOHAZARD - Definition:
"Infectious agents that present a risk or potential risk to the health
of humans or other animals, either directly through infection or
indirectly through damage to the environment."


Recently, four firefighters that attended an incident at the animal
testing lab Sequani Limited were exposed to unknown chemicals as they
fought to subdue a leaking refridgerator at the Sequani plant who were
later subjected to a decontamination process.

see >>

Four fire engines and a specialist decontamination unit attended this


This high profile 'Biohazard' demo will take place to alert the
residents of Ledbury to potentially dangerous chemical substances that
are sitting on their doorstep supposedly in 'containement' (?) at
Sequani Limited on the Bromyard rd, Ledbury.

Please do everything in your power to be in Ledbury on the day and to
alert others of this event.

Saturday July 8th 2006.

12noon outside Ledbury train station for a march into the town of
Ledbury then a march back to the Sequani animal testing lab for a demo.

Directions - see:

What you will need for the demo:

*Disposable rubber gloves (can be provided)
*Dust Masks/ gas masks (dust masks can be provided)
*All in one Biohazard (white) bodysuit (with hood)
*Biohazard banners >> 'symbol' link (get painting!) >> (a small
number of banners/ posters can be provided)
*Anything else you may feel relevent to alert the local populace to a
potential Biohazard in the local area

**Local/national tv and press will be contacted well before the demo.

Stop Sequani Animal Testing (SSAT - aka Worcester Animal Rights)
SSAT Email Action Alerts:

Tox|c H3ll


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