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The Birmingham International Brigade remembered

D | 21.11.2006 13:06 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Birmingham

West Midlands Antifa remember anti-fascists who fought in Spain 60 years ago.

Sunday 12th November
On the 60th anniversary of the Spanish Revolution, members of West Midlands Antifa laid a wreath in remembrance of comrades who fought in Spain. A plaque commemorating the Birmingham International Brigade hangs in the Peace Garden which is located in the centre of Birmingham. It was decided that the location was more fitting, as opposed to the official ceremony which took place at the same time outside the Hall of Memory.

With the worrying rise of local BNP activity, West Midlands Antifa wanted to reclaim Birmingham’s anti-fascist heritage and make a direct historical link between then and now, “Britain has always had a good track record when it comes to fighting fascism. This is something that we are to be proud of and it should never be forgotten. People needed to be reminded of this before they go out vote for the BNP scumbags.”

The BNP did show up for the official remembrance service that day and laid wreaths for the war dead. This is something that sticks in the craw of Antifa members, “I don’t think that they understand thousands of working class conscripts died fighting fascism- fighting against what the BNP are a legacy of. I don’t think they see the hypocrisy of it all, never mind the amount of people from different ethnic backgrounds who gave up their lives”.

The BNP’s motley crew of members who showed up that day did raise a smile with Antifa scouts, “Is this the best they can do! Is this the master race - middle age men in cheap suits, spotty rockers and a couple of wannabe footie casuals. They also make sure they bring the wife and kids as well - for protection!”

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No Pasaran!

21.11.2006 14:30

We will never forget.

Viva La CNT!



21.11.2006 14:50

If the communists had won in Spain, how many of the so called capitalists would have been murdered (you have a cow, you must be a capitalist) and how many people would have ended up dying in work camps. Communism has failed where ever it has been tried and has brought nothing but genocide and misery. How many did Stalin kill? How many did Chairman Mao kill? If you have some romantic fantasy's about a workers paradise, why don't you move to China, the worlds largest and most oppressive slave labour camp. It must be easy when you have freedom of speech and western lifestyle to dream about living under the red flag.

You need to grow up, live in the real world and count yourself lucky you do not live in one of these homocidal communist countires.


We're Anarchists

22.11.2006 11:09

But being a fucking Div you may not be able to discern the difference.

I suggest Murray Bookchin's 'The Spanish Anarchists' for an introduction to the subject.


To Rudeboy

22.11.2006 12:33

So you are telling me the International Brigade were not communists. All revolutions eat their children !!!!!!

Get with the real world DONUT.


Oi Franco!

22.11.2006 16:08

firstly mate i dont personally know any capitalists, a capitalist is soemone who makes money employing the labour of others, i feel you may have your definitions somewhat confused.

Secondly the dictatorships of stalin and mao oversaw the running of a state capitalist economy, the state employed workers, the state took the profits, this is not communism it is state capitalism. In both russia and china the basic social relationship of employer and employee remained capitalist, the only difference being that the state and not the private sector played the role of capitalist.

Thirdly the influence of stalinist russia on the spanish civil is an unfortunate one. They intervened in the interest of their own economical and political aspirations not the spanish working class, they shot anarchists as well as fascists and in general undermined the interests and goals of the spanish wokring class.

Finally if you go to China you'll find a healthy capitalist economy, huge poverty, hunger, millions without healthcare, but lots and lots of money and a booming economy.


Franco - learn to read!

23.11.2006 10:31

Franco I am in complete agreement with your comments on oppressive communist states. Marxist ideology spawned authoritarian states and this was the made reason the Anarchists split from them in the First International. They predicted Marx's authoritarian streak before the Russian Revolution. This is where reading books about history is helpful because the Spanish Revolution was primarily an Anarchist led revolution based around the principle of Anarcho-Syndicalism which is nothing like Leninism or Maoism. It was also a reaction to Franco's oppressive Fascism.

Members of the Birmingham International Brigade went to fight Fascism in Spain. This is something we have to remember and we are still fighting over here now in the form of the BNP, NF and BPP. So re-read the article and your stupid comment. Then realise what an ill informed muppet you really are.

West Midlands Antifa

