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Benefit Gig for Vegan Prisoners in Birmingham

Vegan Prisoner Support Group | 22.11.2007 21:36 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Birmingham

As many of you are aware the number of people in UK prisons for animal rights has grown considerably in recent months and the VPSG needs YOUR support more than ever so please make the effort and get to this gig...

Wagon & Horses, Adderley St, Digbeth, BIRMINGHAM

For those who claim to be into animal rights this is a benefit for the VPSG- Vegan Prisoners Support Group. As many of you are aware the number of people in UK prisons for animal rights has grown considerably in recent months and the VPSG needs YOUR support more than ever so please make the effort and get to this gig...

Great bands and vegan food for a fiver with a ska party over the road til 6am should be a great night out for any of you in or near Birmingham.


Vegan Prisoner Support Group
- Homepage:


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