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SOCPA Karaoke LIVE @ Sequani Labs Friday 29th Feb!

Stop Sequani Campaign | 28.01.2008 12:02 | Stop Sequani Animal Testing | SOCPA | Animal Liberation | Repression | Birmingham

Join us for SOCPA Karaoke outside Sequani torture labs in solidarity with the Sequani 6.

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In a rather swarve sarcastic manner we will be cracking out the karaoke classics outside the notorious Sequani Torture labs on Friday 29th Feb in solidarity with the Sequani 6 who are being dragged through Birmingham crown court after being raided, arrested and charged using sections of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act which target specifically animal rights protesters. Section 145 of the SOCPA makes minor section 5 public order offenses into possible 5 year prison sentences for activists just for pointing at a white van, saying "perverts" or "puppy killers".

Please join us for this smart casual event if you can!

Meeting at 2pm at the Ledbury train station finishing at just gone 5ish so we can sing the workers home!

Vegan food will be available and we will be in the pub from 12 if anyone wishes to start the festivities early just ring us on the Mobile : 07504 175251

Please make your own banners if you can.

We will be doing a quick whip round for the Sequani defendants to help them cover transport and costs for the thirteen week trial!


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More information on the Sequani six:

More information about NETCU, SOCPA and Animal Rights Police:

More information on the Sequani protests:

Thanks and see ya soon,


Stop Sequani Campaign
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