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Second attempt to remove Constant Moussavou

John O | 22.01.2009 14:06 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | World

Constant Moussavou, a national of Congo Brazzaville, resident of Leicester a long time activist/member of Leicester Civil Rights Movement (LCRM) was detained by the Border and Immigration Authority on Tuesday 11th November 2008 and currently detained in Oakington Immigration Removal Centre, due to be forcibly removed from the UK tomorrow Friday 23rd January 2009 on Ethiopian Airlines flight ET701 (ET831) from Heathrow at 21:00 hrs.

Some basic facts about Constant's case: Age: 33 years, birthplace: Nguenda, Republic of Congo (Brazaville). Marital Status: Partner and 2 children fled to his in-laws' village in 1998 to escape from the war and he has not seen them since. Date of arrival in UK: 2003

Reasons for seeking asylum: Constant was an active member and organiser of the Union Pan Africaine Pour la Democratie Sociale (UPADS). His brother was imprisoned in 2000 by the RCB government and he has not seen him since. Constant was arrested with 42 other UPADS members in June 2003. With some help from a local official, he managed to escape and arrived in south London where he was attacked by a gang of white racists and suffered a head injury.

Immigration Status: Constant's appeal against his failed asylum application has been refused as have all appeals and reconsiderations.

Community Involvement: Constant has been a regular member of LCRM and he is also an active member of his local Church group (see article from local Leicester news paper) . His work as a Street Pastor in Leicester City Centre, where with others he has this year joined other Street Pastors patrolling the streets of the city centre at night time, working amongst the clubbers, homeless people and others in vulnerable and difficult situations cannot be valued!

Canon Barry Naylor, parish priest of the Abbey and Holy Spirit team ministries in Leicester, says that "several of Constant's political colleagues have gone missing since returning to the country and that it was a most unsuitable place to be sending anyone. Constant has made such a positive contribution, especially in his role as a voluntary street pastor, working late into the night, especially on behalf of the homeless".

What can you do? Please see the following Action Points:

1)      Please fax/phone/email, Mr Girma Wake, Chief Executive Officer, Ethiopian Airlines, and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Constant Moussavou - attached model fax ConstantMoussavouET.doc (you can copy/amend/write your own version, if you do. Please include the following details: Constant Moussavou due to be forcibly removed from the UK this evening Friday 14th November on Ethiopian Airlines flight ET701 to Addis Ababa from Heathrow at 21:00 hrs and then ET841 to Brazzaville.

Fax :   020 8745 7936
- alternatively, you can phone the General Manager on  020 8600 5915

Please do this immediately - the flight is tomorrow evening.

Even if you can't fax - please phone and leave a message or email saying you are concerned about Constant's health and well being.

2)      Please send urgent Emails/faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office. Model letter ConstantMoussavouJS.doc  attached which you can copy/amend/write your own version; if you do so, please remember to include the HO Ref M1200382.

Email addresses:
"CIT - Treat Official">

Fax Number: 020 8760 3132

Please notify LCRM of any messages sent:

Thank you for reading this email and please act now.

Yours sincerely,
Peter Yates
Director of Social Responsibility
Diocese of Leicester
Tel: 0116 248 7424
Church House
St Martin's East
Leicester LE1 5FX

End of Bulletin:

Source for this Message:
Leicester Civil Rights Movement
Friends of Constant Moussavou
Diocese of Leicester

John O
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