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Labour's Tony McNulty on the platform of Unite Against Fascism

James Taylor | 27.09.2009 20:49 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles | Birmingham

Labour racist Tony McNulty invited onto the platform of the Unite Against Fascism (UAF) counter-demonstration in Harrow in september 2009.

Corrupt politician and former minister for employment Tony McNulty who resigned from the government in June 2009 after being caught claiming expenses, was invited onto the platform of the Unite Against Fascism (UAF) counter-demonstration in Harrow, London on 11 September 2009.

McNulty, as well as being presumably an anti-fascist, was Labour's Borders and Immigration minister from May 2005 to May 2006, when he was presumably in charge of locking up asylum seekers in cage vans and deporting them, including to countries where they were likely to be raped and tortured and/or killed such as to DRCongo, Nigeria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.

Despite being a member and hence representative of the ruling Labour party and the very man who was in charge of locking up asylum seekers, denying them the right to work, starving them into leaving the country, smashing down their doors in the early hour 'dawn raids' and dragging them away to detention centres, he was invited to speak and given a platform by the UAF, which is a coalition of the social-democratic SWP and sections of the pro-imperialist Labour Party.

Despite Labour deporting at least 63,000 people in 2007, the UAF/SWP opportunists have allowed Labour to appear progressive, to appear as anti-racists yet again. The racism and fascism of the BNP or UKIP or EDL are given credence by the very racism and demonisation of migrants, muslims and blacks by the ruling 'respectable' politicians like McNulty, of the Labour and Tory parties alike, as well as by the 'respectable' mainstream media.

Courting these respectable politicians, allowing them to appear as anti-racist serves to hide the real dangerous racism of the British state. This should not be allowed to happen.

No to Labour! No to BNP! No platform for any racists.

James Taylor

James Taylor


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Couldnt agree more.

27.09.2009 22:26

Fuck fascist, fuck borders and fuck the politicians that serve them.

Alot of F words.

This is suprising indeed

28.09.2009 08:43

For all those who were subjected to dawn raids, destitution, arbitrary and indefinite detention, abused by immigration escorts, forced screaming on to planes, kept waiting for years unable to work, forced to live in substandard housing, tagged, made to report every week at the Home Office, denied legal aid and representation in sham immigration tribunals, denied the right to health care, marriage, education, anyone, in fact, unlucky enough to have claimed asylum during Tony Mcnulty's reign of racist abuse as Immigration Minister will indeed find it surprising he is now speaking on an anti-fascist platform. A number of individuals killed themselves rather than be forcibly returned to countries such as Angola and DR Congo by Mcnulty's boot boys at the Border Agency. Mcnulty and his successors at the Home Office have played directly into the hands of the far right, the UAF have got this seriously wrong. Tony Mcnulty and the UAF may have conveniently forgotten about the lives he destroyed during his term as immigration minister but those subjected to the unusually cruel and racist asylum and immigration system will never forget.


Asylum seekers heckle McNulty in Glasgow 3 years ago

28.09.2009 14:33

McNulty getting in his car
McNulty getting in his car

Surrounded in his car by angry asylum seekers
Surrounded in his car by angry asylum seekers

Bottle thrown and more shouting
Bottle thrown and more shouting

McNulty was heckled by asylum seekers in Glasgow and had bottles thrown at his car.

no borders

Sod all the bureaucrats

08.10.2009 13:17

It's no surprise that the UAF invited someone like McNulty onto their platform, the UAF have always courted to company of all sorts of bureaucrats who do more to turn people towards the BNP than to disuade them. McNulty may well work for a government that persecutes asylum seekers and migrant workers but he also works for a government that pits the domestic workforce against migrant workers to drive down wages, that sells off NHS resources and facilities to private contractors, that oversees a massive shortage of social and affordable housing and that has completely abandonned even the pretence of representing the working class. By doing these things the Labour government has done more to promote the BNP than any of that parties tacky promotional videos or any of their pathetic propaganda. That the UAF openly courts the support of these bureaucrats says a lot about how ineffective and backward the UAF are.

No pasaran!

