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Carol singing at Sequani

Gemma Astbury | 28.11.2009 18:42 | Stop Sequani Animal Testing | Animal Liberation | Birmingham

Demo on Xmas eve opposite Sequani labs, Hereford.

Demo opposite Sequani torture labs, join us to let Sequani know that even on Xmas Eve we will come out into the cold to let them know that we will not tolerate cruel and outdated research on innocent creatures.

Feel free to bring hot drinks and mince pies, then onto the pub after to warm up!

Bromyard Road, Ledbury, Hereford...2 minute walk from Ledbury train station.

Gemma Astbury


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28.11.2009 20:08

11am to 6pm


Fucks sake

28.11.2009 21:30

Loads of christmas carols to learn here
Enjoy your mince pies and the pub.

Poisoned and dying on a bloodstained, puke covered floor


28.11.2009 21:50

the title was a piss take, and are we not allowed to gather at the pub afterwards, or bring a flask of hot chocolate??


lead on

28.11.2009 23:33

in your own time

Poisoned and dying on a bloodstained, puke covered floor


28.11.2009 23:44

ok, see you there at Sequani, be sure to introduce yourself though!


in the dark

29.11.2009 00:16

I've got better things to do than stand for hours in the cold holding a placard surrounded by filming - address demanding dirty corrupt cops with flashlights. Fuck that. Fuck them. But if you choose to work in their faces that's up to you.

Poisoned and dying on a bloodstained, puke covered floor

bang on

29.11.2009 00:38

it's a pisstake alright

doing nothing
- Homepage: http://food and drink

Doing nothing!!

29.11.2009 10:08

The state has tried its damn hardest to stop protests at Sequani by spending at least 5 million pounds on stopping us, they obviously think that we are doing something.Or would you have it that we stopped protesting there and we do our xmas shopping and putting xmas decorations up like everyone else is doing on xmas eve?

If you don't approve of demo's then dont do them, but I hope you are doing something and not just sitting at home trolling about on the internet because actually it sounds that is what exactly you are doing!

So sit back in your arm chair and chill, and leave law abidding protestors be. This demo is intended to be peacefull and lawful hence the wording in the posting to reflect this.

Have conviction in your posts and put up your real name...Coward!


Other actions

29.11.2009 10:25

You don't want to do demos but you're not doing anything else. Instead of wasting your time posting negative comments on here why aren't you doing your own campaign against Sequani? If we all had your attitudes then nothing would get done. Raising awareness is an important part of any campaign be it animal rights or other wise.

I look forward to hearing on the news that Sequani has been raided & all of the animals have been liberated. You could spray paint "demos are a waste of time" on Sequani's wall once you've got all the animals out.



30.11.2009 00:33

Just seems like meeting facebook friends, singing carols (your pisstake..) eating mince pies (your pisstake) , pub etc (your pisstake) isn't doing much towards the liberation of non humans who are tortured daily at the bloodied hands of Sequani laboratories.

Ok it gets the cops out once more with their surveillance apparatus to film another public demo (and that's as far as it goes D.A wise in Ledbury) .. faces on file one more time .. you're obviously convinced that this ongoing public show is financially, morally or personally crippling Sequani in one way or another. Are you? Is it working??

Ok a few passers by will see the festivities (pisstake of course.. yours) one or two may beep their horns (highly unlikely in Ledbury as you know..) will you feel satisfied? Satisfied with what? .. Hear their cries over the fields? .. Fuck Sequani.

What I do in the campaign to shut Sequani down really is none of your business. Sorry to seem rude but it's like that in 2009.

Btw I'm no troll..

Poisoned and dying on a bloodstained, puke covered floor


30.11.2009 09:19

OK, so demos aren't the be all and end all of animal liberation. We all know that. We do however get a lot of public support from people driving by, hence the police stopping them and giving out fines for doing so. It's also not a case of meeting facebook friends.

You're an activist, so why don't you get on with what you're doing & let us get on with what we're doing. Arguments within the movement isn't productive and doesn't help the animals that are being tortured and murdered in the labs and all other animal abusing industries. We should be encouraging people to stand up and show their outrage at Sequani, the government, the EDL, Heckler & Kock etc etc. Anyone carrying out illegal activities should obviously stay away from the police & their surveillance.

a bored Helen


30.11.2009 09:27

Do I know you, you obviously know about my facebook and facebook friends!

Hope you are doing actions to close down Sequani's hell hole, have you ever been to a demo at Sequani?

Do you disagree with all AR demo's ?

Sorry that me going out on Xmas eve to protest offends you so much.

So yeah lets all stop protesting, lets give up our rights to protest even though I spent 4 and a half months at court defending my right too!! Would ceratinly please Sequani and West Mercia if we did.

Print your name...Coward!


Heard it all before and now its really boring!!

30.11.2009 11:38

I realise that standing outside a lab will not shut it down tomorrow, just as standing outside a weapons company will not stop war tomorrow, so should I just not bother to try anymore and accept it? Or should I troll around and criticise others for actually being bothered to turn up at a demo and do something constructive?

There are many different approaches to ending the vivisection, meat, dairy, weapons, earth destroying companies but being a law abiding citizen, spending the next 12 years behind bars does not appeal to me so I do what I can, I do not criticise the actions of others whatever they are!

Suppose you do actually do any direct action other than trolling about on indymedia criticising others, any true AR activist would not boast about it on a public forum, one which the police can easily obtain you IP address, you may be anonymous to others reading this but not to the state!

You are a Troll and a waste of oxygen

"good will to all"

30.11.2009 22:29

except to your enemy. I'm out of the debate. Nuff said. Peace.

Poisoned and dying on a bloodstained, puke covered floor
