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War on Kleptocracy

jon | 05.04.2011 13:59 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | World

Nice youtube footage by Queuepolitely

All about the TUC march 26



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it was all looking so good....

05.04.2011 19:52

until it ended on the bolshevik flag.... shame.....


And when i saw . . .

05.04.2011 20:48

the Bolshevik flag at the end, it brought tears of joy and hope to my eyes. The flag just simply summed the whole day up really. Very symbolic. Well done to the producer of this remarkable footage and to everyone to took part in the events that really made this footage possible. Lets all unite and fight the power. Sectarianism - to the dustbin of history.
Workers power - the future.

Marcher too
