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Birmingham Free University Talk and Discussion with Norma Bermudez

Birmingham Free University | 27.03.2012 18:07 | Education | Birmingham

Wednesday 28th March 18:30 until 21:30

Function Room, Ropewalk Pub, 15-20 St Paul's Square, Hockley

The Birmingham Free University are holding an event on 28 March from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the Ropewalk pub in Hockley. We are really happy to have Norma Bermudez – a feminist and pacifist popular educator who works with displaced Afro-Colombian and shanty town women community members using popular education as a tool of empowerment and liberation- as a speaker at this event.

We hope that you can join us to hear from Norma about the ways that she and others are using popular education (built on the same principles as critical pedagogy) to support community development.This event is open to the public and we hope that you pass the information on widely so that we can get a good crowd to hear what Norma and her colleagues are doing.

Birmingham Free University
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