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Birmingham Says No to Racist Scumbag Cllr. John Lines' Mayoral Appointment

#racistscumbagjohnlines #G4S @brumlordmayor @BhamCityCouncil @G4S | 28.04.2012 17:51 | Anti-racism | Migration | Birmingham

The Second City Doesn't Deserve a Violent Racist as it's First Citizen

About a dozen members of West Midlands No Borders were met with enthusiasm and interest today, as they staged an info picket outside of the Birmingham City Council house. Their presence confronted the racist violence of soon-to-be-Mayor, Councillor John Lines, and the benefactors of Lines’ privatisation of Asylum Seeker housing, global security company G4S.

Large banners spanning the entrance of the Council House that read: “No To Racist Scumbag Mayor Lines” and “G4S will screw you 2” were the backdrop as passers-by stopped, despite the cold rain, to express their support.

“I wish I had a picture of this” said one passerby, “he really is a racist!”

Demo Against the Mayoral Appointment of Racist Scumbag Cllr. John Lines
Demo Against the Mayoral Appointment of Racist Scumbag Cllr. John Lines

No To Racist Scumbag Mayor John Lines
No To Racist Scumbag Mayor John Lines

G4S Will Screw You Too
G4S Will Screw You Too

No Borders activists handed out 400 fliers over lunchtime as people expressed disgust about everything from Lines' violent, self-serving approach to community and council over the last 30 years, to G4S’s devastating human rights record, including the poor treatment of prisoners at HMP Birmingham Prison in Winson Green, recounted by one supporter. And those who've worked for G4S know that this company (which earns big money from the misery of people who cannot fight back) does not share its huge profits. G4S pays poor wages, and cuts jobs, wherever possible.

As the First Citizen of Birmingham, the Lord Mayor is supposed to represent not only the City but also the people of Birmingham. Yet Lines is entirely unfit to perform such a function. He has repeatedly revealed himself to be a foul-mouthed bullying racist, whose attitudes and behaviour are entirely out of step with the values of a cosmopolitan 21st century city like Birmingham. Lines has been twice convicted for acts of violence. Celebrating in a pub after winning an election he was irate when staff wouldn't serve him after hours and waited for the barman to came out, punching him in the face three times. Prior to that, he was convicted for beating his neighbour's son-in-law with a plank of wood and throttling him.

G4S, who is already involved in most aspects of vulnerable people’s lives, from managing workfare to detaining and deporting migrants, recently took over the contract to house new migrants awaiting decisions on their status. This lucrative contract had been held by Birmingham City Council, until Cllr Lines decided to privatise it, falsely blaming migrants for the housing crisis, and calling asylum seekers “scumbags” who are “not [his] people”.

His scapegoating of migrants shows not only a disregard for the struggles many newcomers to Birmingham face, but also a complete ignorance of policies and strict regulations put on migrants applying for refugee status. The reality is that not all who are seeking asylum have access to any public support. Those who do meet the narrow criteria have no choice about their housing; generally being moved around the country into places in such poor condition that they are otherwise vacant. Though Lines blames them for not working, the Home Office prohibits those seeking asylum from holding jobs. This creates an insecure, desolate life that no one would envy. The luckiest will receive up to £7 a day on a smart-card that only works in major retailers to buy food and clothing (not even bus fares) and is heavily monitored.

G4S is also likely to bid on the privatised policing contract in the West Midlands which, if awarded will mean that the largest global security corporation, one who has been responsible for many deaths in custody and who provides prisons and security for violent corporations and regimes world-wide is in control of housing, policing, prisons and deportations in the West Midlands. Their track record includes many violent assaults in immigration custody, leaving at least two people in wheelchairs, and the death of Jimmy Mubenga who was killed while being deported in the custody of G4S.

"Migrants coming to Birmingham to escape persecution, possibly perpetrated by the actions of firms such as G4S, are not criminals, their homes are not prisons. They are the people of Birmingham. Our people." says Marilyn Ervin, who was part of today's action. "They do not deserve to live under a continued threat of violence and abuse, either from their landlords/jailors, or from the Lord Mayor. G4S have repeatedly proven themselves unfit to take responsibility for people’s welfare, and John Lines has repeatedly proven himself to be a lying, scapegoating racist"

The citizens of Birmingham need to make it plain that we too, are not “his people”; that we have no wish to be represented either nationally or 
internationally by a violent, self-serving ignoramus as mayor, and no wish to be controlled by a violent, profiteering multinational corporation that will screw us all.

For more information or to get inolved please contact: West Midlands No Borders

#racistscumbagjohnlines #G4S @brumlordmayor @BhamCityCouncil @G4S
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Hide the following 9 comments

Talk to John

28.04.2012 18:56

If you'd like to have a civilised chat with Cllr. John Lines about his prejudices and fondness for multi-national corporations like G4S, then you can contact him here:

Councillor John Lines
320 Adams Hill
West Midlands
B32 3PD

(0121) 422 6321, (0121) 303 2130 (Group Office) or (0121) 303 4789 (Office)

Please don't threaten to assault him with a plank though...

He's a scumbag dontcha know


29.04.2012 10:52

How the hell is he a racist? What race did he attack?


Epic Fail

29.04.2012 11:38

You really don't understand democracy, do you? Birmingham will say no (or possibly yes) in the elections on Thursday May 3rd, not via a handful of nutters standing around in the rain handing otu leaflets.

Reality Check


29.04.2012 12:16

Well done. What great banners and what a complete prick John Lines is.



29.04.2012 14:12

Migrants to the UK and Brum are predominantly racialized fact "race" doesnt' exist. there are no races. there is only racism. "race" was invented to make a division between europeans and the rest of the world So when someone talks about migrants being "scumbags" "scallywags" and makes up lies about them, saying "they" are not his people, that's racist.


Fact Check

29.04.2012 14:18

@"reality check" - hahahahaha. Perhaps you should understand how they system you are living in works. John Lines will be "installed as Mayor" in a few weeks. The decision was made by council, though apparently only 12 members were part of the decision. The voters have no say in it. This is not about the referendum to decide whether or not Birmingham should have an elected mayor (which would be a different position than Lord Mayor - if the referendum passes, Birmingham would have 2 different mayors - one figurehead Lord Mayor, appointed for a 1 year term by the coucil, and another elected Mayor that would consolodate some of the powers currently held by the council into one person).

And we handfull of nutters talked to around 100 people over the course of an hour, almost all of whom agreed with us; some of whom had no idea he was about to be appointed mayor.

One of the Nutters

Cllr. John Lines' best bits

29.04.2012 17:19

In an interview to John Lines came out with this:

“We do not afford them [Gurkhas] citizenship. We pay them a pension to go back to Nepal. Yet some scallywag, some scumbag can jump on the back of a lorry, come over under the tunnel and never expect to work a day in his [expletive] life. And if he's been here for a time waiting for a decision, we give him automatic British citizenship. The world's gone [expletive] mad.”

Lines was nominated for Mayor back in 2001 but 'Labour and Liberal Democrat members joined forces and threw out the nomination, claiming that Coun Lines was too divisive and right wing for a multi-cultural city like Birmingham.'

'He has been quoted urging people to vote against local MP Giesela Stewart because she was a “kraut,” and suggested we should “vote British, not for a German”'

'During the 2005 general election he held an england flag and shouted “english english” to Michelle Wui a Labour Activist.'

And then to top it all, he tried to stop funding to an asylum support project called ASIRT

he's a scumbag dontcha know

get a grip

29.04.2012 18:09

>>“We do not afford them [Gurkhas] citizenship. We pay them a pension to go back to Nepal. Yet some scallywag, some scumbag can jump on the back of a lorry, come over under the tunnel and never expect to work a day in his [expletive] life. And if he's been here for a time waiting for a decision, we give him automatic British citizenship. The world's gone [expletive] mad.”

And exactly what is the problem with this?
It is expletive mad... no one in their right mind is going to think that someone smuggled into the country and then living off benefits or illegal work without paying tax is a good thing. It is a terrible thing. Whats the point of having borders if we can't enforce them. The guy sounds like he has the right idea and want pander to the bleeding hearts (a few nutters)

ouch the truth

Thug Councillor

27.04.2015 18:25

This councillor is a bully and a thug, whom has at least two separate assaults to his name. Research Councillor John Lines in pub attack which was caught on CCTV, but through police intervention he was only cautioned for this second proven offence, which west midlands police claimed only to be his first. PURE LIES AND COHERSION

Matt Smith
