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The Black Power Mixtape - IWW May Film Night

West Mids IWW | 10.05.2012 18:02 | Birmingham

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Lamp Tavern,
157 Barford Street, Digbeth B5 6AH

Archival footage shot by a group of Swedish journalists is edited together with recent commentary by Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, and others documenting the Black Power Movement in the United States in the 60's-70's.

This critically acclaimed and award-winning movie is being shown as part of the IWW monthly movie series

West Mids IWW


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10.05.2012 18:08

in case you were wondering

West Mids IWW

black power is the same as white power

10.05.2012 20:45

the black is as equally racist as the white power movement, no decent anti fascist should support it


All power to the people

10.05.2012 21:26

Black Power Mixtape is a really good film. Don't pay any attention to @nugget, the Black Panthers were a progressive, anti-capitalist, anti-militarist revolutionary movement who were brutally snuffed out by white America. They stood for everything the white power movement was against. Get your facts right, learn some history and just watch the film.


Black Power, White Power

10.05.2012 22:05

Some aspects of the Black Power movement WERE positive, but it's a historic fact that this movement SPECIFICALLY led American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell to coin the slogan "White Power" (which he first used in a debate with Stokely Carmichael), so please don't say that critics of black power rhetoric need to "learn some history" unless you're prepared to openly acknowledge that fact. Don't forget that when he was leader of the NF, Nick Griffin supported black power leader Louis Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam" group, and the NOI considered a formal pact with the KKK !!!!!!!!!!

In the current political and cultural climate Black Power rhetoric stands to achieve very little except to increase alienation, xenophobia and resentment among some sections of the underprivileged white working-class and white underclass


Are you making a point 7600?

11.05.2012 04:30

"In the current political and cultural climate Black Power rhetoric stands to achieve very little except to increase alienation, xenophobia and resentment among some sections of the underprivileged white working-class and white underclass"

From the article:

"Archival footage shot by a group of Swedish journalists is edited together with recent commentary by Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, and others documenting the Black Power Movement in the United States in the 60's-70's."


The colour of power

11.05.2012 06:20

@7600, all I can conclude from the examples you give is that right-wing extremists seem keen to capitalise on some of the rhetoric of the Black Power movement because some of the sound bites suit them. I would not call the Nation of Islam a Black Power movement, they have very little, if anything, in common with the Black Panther Party. What the Panthers were able to do is get people to recognise the importance of power and to appropriate it for their own self-defence rather than to rely on the good will of liberals or the state to provide them with what they needed. The Panthers were looking to create a coalition of all colours, and were not racial separatists.

As for White Power, that seems like a tautology to me - isn't almost all power ultimately white power?

Finally, the film is about a specific historical period, i.e. 1967-1975, and therefore has little to say directly about the NOI, Nick Griffin, the Nazi Party, etc, but a lot to say about the direction of civil rights movement, inner city poverty, police repression and the war in Vietnam, which were the major issues the Panthers were addressing at the time.



11.05.2012 21:14

white power is the same as black power?????


