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Bio-metrics for visitors in UK Detention Centre

Sarah Smith | 13.08.2012 16:02 | Bio-technology | Birmingham

On a recent visit to see an Iraqi woman detained in Yarls wood IRC - was advised that my fingerprints and photograph needed to be taken before i could see her. This was apparently to protect the safety of people in the centre - see flyer.

I was surprised and unwilling to give my information, why do people need to be data-ised in this way? It is important to support people facing deportation. It is worrying the government are keeping databases of information on those who visit or support detained refugees.

Sarah Smith


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backup notification

14.08.2012 07:28

You can ask to get your details deleted by one organisation. Be mindful that the data can be "backed up" , saved, or downloaded by partner organisations at any time. "Any time" including "upon new entry".

'Black'lists galore.

answer 2

Photos too

15.08.2012 07:57

I know Brook House are very fussy about taking individual photos of any visitors too. It's probably all part of eroding the support, friendship and information-sharing that helps detainees fight for an appeal.

anon (yeah, right!)
