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War declared on badgers by DEFRA in Gloucestershire, action points/wish list

messenger | 28.09.2012 15:34 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Birmingham

We are very busy at the moment making plans against the imminent cull. We thought that it might be helpful to activists to make the following points re sustainability and welfare in the field.

Waterproofs, good boots, warm clothes, essential it will be cold and more than likely wet.

Try to layer, have a warm hat, bring a dry pair of socks, we have seen at least one frost and even on a clear night the heavy dew can leave you soaked.

*Flourescent jackets.
*Good water bottle, essential to stop dehydration, essential that each person has his/her own. High energy snacks.
*Basic phone with basic essential numbers and credit (losing an expensive smart phone is not good). Please bear in mind coverage in many parts of Gloucestershire (especially the Forest of Dean) is not good so have a back up plan e.g radios, but of course the enemy can then listen in.
*Sleeping bag for wherever you are staying, spare clothes, toiletries etc
*Torches with spare batteries and bulbs. ABSOLUTELY essential
*Pencil (writes better if damp) and paper
*Camera video/stills charged and sd card
*Whistle international distress signal is 6 blasts
*First aid kit including space blanket/plasters for blisters cuts
*Anything else

If you work in retail for outdoor supplies, electrical goods, whole foods, toiletries etc please consider discounts or donations of supplies to help sustain activists during this physically and mentally challenging period.

If you know an individual or group coming to Gloucestershire to help the badgers please consider helping them be prepared, dig out old torches from the broom cupboard/lend a sleeping bag/ etc etc

Contact details on website.

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