June 12 was an International Day of Action and Solidarity with Jeff ‘Free’ Luers. There was solidarity Bradford, and there is a screening in Leeds to come.
In June 01, 23 year old forest defence activist Jeffrey ‘Free’ Luers was sentenced to 22 years and 8 months in prison for the burning of 3 Sport Utility Vehicles (SUV's) in Eugene, Oregon along with Craig ‘Critter’ Marshal, to make a statement about global warming. Both activists took measures to make sure that no one would be injured as a result of their action and scouted the location for months beforehand. An arson specialist later confirmed that the action did not pose any threat to people, based on its size and distance from any fuel source. Despite the fact that this action hurt no one, caused only $40,000 in damages and the cars were later resold, Jeff was sent to prison for a sentence considerably longer than those convicted of murder, kidnapping and rape in Oregon state.
On June 12th there was a benefit meal at the 1in12 club, Bradford. It included a talk about Jeff’s case and to watch the documentary ‘Green With a Vengance’ which includes an interview with Jeff from prison. All proceeds went towards Jeff’s defence network. [Report]
Then on the following Sunday incitement2 showed the film by Olivia Rousset, an Australian videographer and journalist. It is a video report for Dateline Australia back in 2001, containing some of the only video footage of Free in prison, as well as interviews with professor Bron Taylor, former ELF spokesperson Craig Rosebraugh and anarchist/author John Zerzan. One of the best pieces on the US ecological defence. [Report]
Global Indymedia Feature
Other Links: [Leeds EF!] [Earth Liberation Prisoners]
You can write to Jeff at:
Jeffrey Luers, 13797671, OSP, 2605 State Street, Salem, OR 97310, USA
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Russian action for Jeff Luers
15.06.2004 01:26
photo one
photo two
get away!
Press release--12th of June 2004
Anarchist graffiti in the wall of US embassy in Moscow
Yesterday evening a group of anarchists in Moscow wrote "FREE JEFF LUERS!"
with huge letters on the wall of the US Embassy in Moscow. Protesting this
way against imperial "justice", radical activists gave moral support to
their comrade Jeffrey Luers. All participators of the action successfully
escaped, so security of one of the tightest guarded buildings in Moscow
was put in shame.
June marks the beginning of the fifth year of imprisonment for our friend
Jeff "Free" Luers, held captive by the US state. Sentenced to 22 years
and 8 months for burning three ecologically harmful Sport Utility Vehicles
(SUVs) at Romania Chevrolet in Eugene, USA, Jeff has continued to be
active in prison and fight back with his words and inspiration.
Jeff decided to burn three such machines to fight against global climate
change, made by big oil corporations and their allies who govern states.
Vehicles of SUV category release 43% more pollutants causing global
climate change than normal cars. SUV's are marketed for individuals
seeking luxury, their inflated size has no any practical justification.
Jeffrey's sentence is far greater than that faced by many offenders
convicted of violent acts against individuals. For example, in state of
Oregon Manslaughter 1 carries a 10 year sentence; Attempted Murder, only 7
and a half years; Rape 1,8 years four months. Clearly, Jeffrey's sentence
is vastly disproportionate to the crime of burning three vehicles.
Today, supporters of Free are organizing actions in at least 26 cities of
Australia, Brasilia, Canada, Finland, Ireland, Portugal, Russia, UK and USA.
Anarchist Black Cross 12th of June 2004
reportback from eugene event
15.06.2004 01:31
The Event in Eugene held in solidarity with Jeff "Free" Luers was enjoyable
and the speakers inspiring. Blackfire opened with a ancient healing hoop
ceremony that had everone dazzled by the intricacy of the dance. Jeff's
father came and said how proud he was of his son, making some of us wonder
about where some of our blood relatives are at in their support of our
An edited version of the film "Green With A Vengence" refreshed everone's
memory about the spin that law enforcment and media put on Jeff's case, and
fleshed out the ensuing copycat fire at the Romania car dealership, resulting
in the burning of over 30 SUV's the week before Jeff's trial... supposedly
done "in his name". I believe this is the fire that people are currently
being subpoena'd to Grand Jury about in Eugene.
Kevin Price spoke with authority about the lies surrounding Mumia Abu Jamal's
case, the fact that Mumia is not off death row at all, as the government has
led the public to believe. Kevin proceeded to draw analogies between the
misinformation surrounding Free's case and the injustice surrounding the
severity of Free's sentence, with Mumia's case, where he clearly didn't
wasn't the person who killed the cop (Arnold Beverly, has even confessed to
shooting the cop.) Mumia is on death row for his political beliefs, for his
refusal to stop reporting the truth. Kevin is a MOVE Supporter who started
doing work for Mumia and MOVE political prisoners at the age of 14. Kevin is
now working with International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia
Abu-Jamal. He is publisher of the Friends of MOVE newsletter. For more
information about mumia's case, go to:
Claude Marks from the Freedom Archives Project gave a compelling speech about
the importance of prisoner support and the importance of being an ally,
allowing those you are allies to determine the direction your support will
take. This touched me deeply, as I often see the word "solidarity" used to
mean the activist's own determination of what is right for people s/he
advocates for. Other powerful messages came from this speaker as well. The
website to go to for more information is freedomarchives.org
Ramona Africa reminded us all of the oppression and brutality suffered by all
who speaks out against it, at the hands of this racist classist system. She
wanted people to remember that the people in power need to be removed from
power and the systems changed before we can ever expect anything to change.
She pointed out that to go to the oppressor to ask for oppression of your
people to stop is never going to work. She gave many analogies for this,
encouraging people to understand that the system itself will not ever change
until the people in control are taken out.
Blackfire got us dancing for the rest of the night with their inspirational
rockin' political music, pointing out that whether we are fighting against
injustice caused by homophobia, sexism, racism, or classism, it is all the
same fight, we are all fighting against the same oppressive system and we
need to work together to become a force to be reckoned with. They brought the
message from the hopi and dine people on Black Mesa, that that mountain is
being ravaged by Peabody Coal, and that the same company that owns half of
Peabody Coal is also responsible for many other messed up problems - I didn't
catch the name of that company, if anyone else did, please put a comment on
the end of this... I was unaware of this transnational connection.
Another thing that Blackfire pointed out, among the many, was that walls are
being put up to create a sense of separation between people and mother earth,
and between each other. In Palestine, in Iraq, at Anti-globalization
protests, in Prison, On the Reservation in Flagstaff... these walls are up to
keep people feeling isolated, separated from our family and mother earth. We
need to work hard to get past the physical and psychological barriers that
separate us so that our struggles can become more powerful and the alliances
we make can grow stronger as we face oppression on all fronts.
A great show, kudos to the break the chains folks for putting this event on,
and for standing in true solidarity with the political prisoners they
support. For more information about Break the Chains, go to
breakthechains.net and to join their listserve with important information
about how to support political prisoners internationally, email them at