A mix of students and locals stood, sat or drummed across both entrances to the forecourt for an hour and a half. Holding a banner reading "Totalitarian Oil-Fuelling Oppression in Burma" they leafleted and spoke to passers-by and motorists.
A few drivers were not so supportive, including one truck driver who carried on driving into the protesters in the entrance way even as they banged frantically on the windscreen. Even a local cop (who had previously tried to shove protesters off the road) decided to tell the driver to back off. Most drivers however were supportive and chose not to try and cross the blockade. Although many people were aware of the situation on Burma they had not heard of Total's involvement.
Hide the following 4 comments
28.09.2007 11:30
Total oil and other profiteers of repression need to feel the heat
28.09.2007 12:37
Total oil, the Chinese embassy, the Indian embassy, the Russian embassy, travel agents that send tour groups to Burma - we the British public need to ensure that all parties that profit from the illegitimate Burmese regime are held to account. Peaceful protest and non-violent direct action are absolutely valid responses - and for once I think Brown and co might just have an ounce of sympathy for the activists - public opinion is firmly on our side.
End the repression now!
More of this needed now!
28.09.2007 14:10
As well as exerting pressure on governments, this is a great strategic move. UK (pref. world) - wide Total focused actions are needed. Check out your nearest garage now.
more UK Burma potential targets at
28.09.2007 20:50