UMSU and MSGI protesters
Riot, Don't Diet
God Loves Fags backpack
Students for Equality Banner
Sarah, Bradford MSGI's Librarian, stated, "It's extremely important for us to stand against the commercialisation of Manchester Pride as MSGI activists. You should not have to pay to be proud of who you are. and I am especially annoyed that the entire Village has been shut off to people unwilling to pay extortionate sums of money to Pride when virtually none of it makes it to charity as they claim anyway. We should remember where our struggle started: Stonewall was a riot, not a brand name." Manchester Pride organisers were unavailable for comment.
Bradford Pride is to be held on the 11th October, 2008. Entry is free.
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26.08.2008 10:09
26.08.2008 21:15
Video of Protests
28.08.2008 08:09
This a a film made by the queer youth network about some of the events mentioned in this article.