The demo was called for last minute, and so only perhaps 40 or so people turned up at the City's central Monument at 1pm. There was a few speeches and chants etc, but it didnt get interesting til about 25 people decided to march on the pig station. A large banner was unfurled reading 'End Police Brutality' and 'Smash the Police State', and a loud chant of 'No justice, no peace, fuck tha police' was belted out. Leaflets were handed out to people on the way.
At the station the chants continued, and anti-police placards and posters were pasted on the wall. A few pigs stopped by but didn't say a word.
After a while people headed home, leaving the posters pasted on the stations walls.
Pictures to be uploaded soon.
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nice one
16.04.2009 15:28
Fighting Fit