Airport Blockaders
Airport Blockaders
Airport Blockaders
Airport Blockaders
Airport Blockaders
Airport Blockaders
Airport Blockaders
Airport Blockaders
Airport Blockaders
Activists from Manchester Climate Action and Manchester Plane Stupid have
blockaded the security check-in of terminal 3 of Manchester Airport.
Passengers are being denied access to the departure lounge by seven
activists locked together using arm-tube devices. Two banners have been
unfurled reading, “Manchester City Council...supporting climate chaos” and
“Domestic flights cost the Earth”. Other protesters are leafleting
passengers with information about aviation and climate change as well as
handing out train timetables for route destinations.
Hide the following 14 comments
08.10.2007 14:41
Look at the self-righteous looks on their faces - avoiding eye contact with passengers - like little Joan of Arc.
Why not get a banner made up with -
We don't wan't to use domestic flights
And we know what's best for you
So you're not going to use domestic flights either.
You're really fascists - you can't get democratic support for your agenda so you exploit the freedoms of liberal society which you want to curtail.
ps You're lucky I wasn't in that queue because I would have undertaken my own 'direct action'.
terry mcleod
Terry, old son...
08.10.2007 15:13
You're saying you would use physical violence on some-one who had only (when you think about it) inconvenienced you.
Who's the fascist here?
Andy Citizen
pick and choose
08.10.2007 16:43
What would the protesters do - complain to the police?
Planet B
08.10.2007 22:11
Crusty Camper
the point,
08.10.2007 23:20
Popular Support
09.10.2007 08:41
Dave C
Popular Support
09.10.2007 16:52
"if we can save the world....."
11.10.2007 09:06
there's about 6 of us...
& anyway it's not the world that needs to worry, it's humanity.
the world will be fine... eventually.
11.10.2007 18:11
re: "if we can save the world....."
13.10.2007 23:17
> there's about 6 of us...
Go on - you sit on your arse finding fault and we'll go to hell - or get up and DO something to make the world a better place.
> & anyway it's not the world that needs to worry, it's humanity.
Doh - and you just realised?!
dumber and dumber
14.10.2007 17:00
let's get to grips with reality here. flying by jet aircraft is stupid, selfish and inconsiderate. you can't wish the problem of climate change away; step on the gas and it just gets worse. smell the fucking coffee mate.
Direct Action :)
09.11.2007 12:21
during the climate camps around heathrow the policy was not to take any actions that might frustrate passengers, a policy i disagreed with
good to see the protests taken to the front line :)
Walking the walk..
09.11.2007 21:05
The polluters don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves so it's inspiring to see these 6 people putting themselves in danger (airport security must be pretty scary these days) to protect others.
19.11.2007 15:26
as a vegan my `carbon footprint` is tiny enough that i can take a flight now and again(like seeing family in other parts of the world).. if i was held up in this i would have been feeling pissed off !
direct action for actions sake?
going vegan is bay far a more direct way to cut you carbon footprint as the meat and dairy industry creats more greenhouse gasses than anything else. this is FACT not fiction!
vegan power