"Health Care for All" was one of the central demands of this year's May Day march which was organised by the Trades Union Council and campaigners for asylum rights.
A recent decision by Judge Mitting ruled that all refused asylum seekers must be considered 'ordinarily resident' in the UK and that therefore charging them for NHS care is unlawful. However, despite this ruling there are reports that refugee people still face refusal or charges for health care. And the ruling has been appealed by the government so it will go to the House of Lords.
There were over 200 people on the demonstration who marched around the city centre before attending a speaker event in Manchesters Peace Gardens.
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Whose banner
08.05.2008 11:00
Either a very wierd slogan or I haven't read it properly!
Great Pictures
08.05.2008 12:02
Good to see asylum issues at the forefront at Mayday
08.05.2008 14:36
For full report and pics from Nottingham, including the No Borders Nottingham banner, please see:
It's clearer than ever that the anarchist message against the very concept of states and borders must be central to any new workers' movement, in order to counter the rise of nationalist oppositions to globalisation which are so divisive as well as racist.
No Borders, No Nations, Stop Deportations!!
Anarchist in No Borders Nottingham
Good one in Glasgow too...
08.05.2008 19:49